Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Remnant of a Soul Tie

"The Remnant of a Soul Tie."

A Soul tie is created when dark spirits gain access
to you and it happens mostly through sexual intercourse.
They come in when you open yourself up to sex you
give them permission when you sin they don't come by force.
What many don't understand is yes Yah created sex but
He also created it to be enjoyed in marriage only.
Yet shatan gave it to everyone to enjoy but the repercussions
of Yah's anger and a Soul tie of spirits you'll see.
Shatan uses sex to gain entrance and get you to sin at the
same time sinning against Yah is what he makes you do.
You see sex is easy to get it's like candy but when you
have too much you will get tooth decay too.
Well the decay is the rotting away of your emotions
after relationship after relationship takes place.
When you have multiple sexual relationships over time
a spiritual invasion inside you have to face.
Even after you've long stopped getting your Privacy invaded
those spirits are still there they do not just go away.
As long as they can make you suffer from depression and
bitterness they'll make your life miserable so they stay.
When you see mean and miserable people you can bet there's
a spirit that is associated with them having a Soul tie.
When they thought they were having the time of their life
having sex they never knew that emotionally they'd die.
Everything comes at a cost when shatan gives it to you and
you're going to pay in full you just don't know it yet.
There's many who are messed up emotionally filled with spirits
of jealousy, envy, and disgust of relationships they want to forget.
Many still have remnants of a Soul tie within them and
they're not happy because those spirits won't allow them to be.
Now add to the equation children who have those spirits
too and now a real mess of a generational curse you'll see.
Unless Yah awakens them and cleans them of these spirits
they will be bound and held captive hurting emotionally.
The devil will deceive you by giving you something that your
flesh desires, sex and things, yet you'll suffer spiritually.
The remnant of a Soul tie, sex is a serious matter it's not a
game that with your body and spirit you should play.
What you may experience may be pleasing to your flesh
but it will come at a price that you're not ready to pay.

Sex outside Yah's will is serious
shelly david wright, poet

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Storms that Tear Apart Their Lives

"The Storms that Tear Apart Their Lives."

When we speak about storms we think about Katrina
not the sweet thick Sister I met but one that tore us apart.
But there are storms brewing and raging all the time that
come into the lives of females to break and shatter their hearts.
Storms that are sent into their lives for one purpose and that
is to destroy them totally.
Storms sent from a vicious spirit that wants to break them
down emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
I have a greater understanding when I approach a Sister
and she is hesitant because so many have done the same.
They saw what they wanted to conquer but could not Love
so they through smooth words began to run a game.
When a woman gives her heart to you she is opening herself
up for the devastation that could completely destroy her life.
She wants to be more than someone to lay next to or on top
of but she wants to be special and yearns to be a wife.
She is seeking what males can never give them but a man
can and that is genuine unconditional true Love.
Yah created them as emotional creatures and truly some of
the sweetest that He could have thought of.
Yet all it takes is an act of deceit a plan from shatan through
a foolish male to send her into depression and anxiety.
Many nights alone or on the phone will be spent crying because
of the wrong that was done to her she is dying inwardly.
Love doesn't hurt nor is it going to but many who use the
word male and female don't really know what it's all about.
Love is just like the air we breathe once we truly experience
it, it becomes something we can't live without.
I know there are those who will read this who are in a relationship
with someone who is sending them through drama today.
Someone that they really care about and hoping that they change
and many are in situations that they shouldn't stay.
Just like shatan in the beginning attacked Eve he's done the
same through males who are under his control.
Once he has slept with her and formed a Soul tie she begins to
go down as this relationship takes its toll.
The storms begin to take her out her comfort zone and she
can't evacuate there's no place of safety that she can drive to.
Many can't seem to understand that Sisters go through a lot when
they say yes to a male because a storm they may grow through.

shelly david wright, poet

We Really Need to Be About Praying

"We Really Need to Be About Praying."

We really need to be about praying for ourselves and
each other because storms many are growing through.
We need to be about being compassionate and kind even
more because the storms could be coming to you.
Recently my Mother was admitted into the hospital and
a friend's sister needs prayers going up on her behalf too.
I know something is happening in your lives because
shatan is about doing his job and he is attacking you.
Instead of keeping these issues to ourselves let's be a real
family who prays and not prey on each other also.
Because shatan has more than enough help spiritual
and physical and I'm sure as many of you know.
Just as the children of shatan prey on us and exploit our
weaknesses and vulnerabilities for one another we need to pray.
Because we're up against spiritual forces in high places
and in our homes who attack us without ceasing night and day.
This morning the Original Miss Thickness sent me an
email that we should pray without ceasing even more.
Because they are preying on us without ceasing when you
look at what's happening as never before.
We need to be about praying for each other in these
times of trouble where many are staying up at night.
Shatan attacks us on all levels of our lives and with those
he sends to us verbally and physically we fight.
Think about it Domestic violence and spousal abuse are
attacks that happen physically but are spiritually.
Those who are directed by the devil who come into their
lives and pretend to Love but destroy them emotionally.
Today I will be back at the hospital to see my Mother I'm
asking for your prayers as I must pray for you in need.
But no matter what we don't think we're going through
shatan is still alive and well so please take heed.
He is about sending those who are physical demons into
our lives to prey on us but we really need to pray for them.
Because they are in danger of the seeds they've sown
and into the Lake of Fire joining him.
We really need to be about praying for the sick and shut in
even those who are healthy and are feeling well.
Because shatan's own are preying on all who pray to the
Most High and trying to make our lives a living Hell.

shelly david wright, poet

Let Me Hit You Below the Belt

"Let Me Hit You Below the Belt."

I saw you walk into the store this morning with jeans
that covered every inch of what your Momma made.
Girl I want to explode deep inside of you with the
full force of a hand grenade.
Let me hit you below the belt I want to tap that
cause girl in them jeans you look so fine.
I'm going to make you my Baby Momma sperm bank
that ass I'm going to make you mine.
Wait look at this one who is walking up the aisle who
have those shorts on so high that her cheekie cheeks show.
You know that it ain't the weather that's hot I bet she's
triple digits in them shorts in that I gotta go.
I bet she gives it up easy and already have a house
full of children you can see she hot.
I'm going to use two rubbers when I hit that because I
bet a disease this Ho's got.
Advertising your shape in tights amounts to showing
a steak to hungry Pit Bulls they will devour you.
If you don't have the protection of the Most High
you can bet they'll get what they're after too.
Once your Privacy has been invaded and those spirits
take hold of you in a dangerous Soul tie.
You're going to become the whore you slept with and
inwardly and emotionally you'll start to die.
You have no idea of the true spiritual nature of sex
and why the devil uses it so much you haven't a clue.
Your body is a Temple it houses the spirit or spirits and if
you have sex those spirits are free to come through.
Sex is all the permission they need to possess you and
turn you out into something you don't recognize.
If you're possessed by more than one spirit you will really
become like your father the devil full of games and lies.
When someone hits you below the belt you're feeling more
than their penis and receiving just a wet ass.
You 're sleeping with all who he's whored with and
their spirits a true SINsation that will destroy you fast.
You may see physical things around you but this world
we live in is so much more than you know.
There are spirits that roam this world who are in many
of those you talk to who walk to and fro.
Their job is to possess you and to destroy you inwardly
and sex is the best access that they know of.
Because when it's just sex you are in a vulnerable position
to be screwed in more ways than one because it's not Love.

shelly david wright, poet

A Recent Story of Demons

"A Recent Story of Demons."

Recently two females who were found strangled
in motels were in prostitution also.
They said they were met online by this male who
to a motel to sell themselves they would go.
What they didn't know was they were meeting a
demon who was there to retire them to take them out.
He was truly possessed by spirits that like their
master who kills, steals, and destroys it's what he's about.
He was a demon gone wild doing what he was told and
the females weren't innocent because they had spirits too.
They were outside the will of Yah for their lives and in the
will of shatan and they did what they were directed to do.
After the male was being chased to the top of the bridge
he got out of the car and jumped into the river below.
Shatan sent him to his death after using him too hitting
the river at that height felt like cement you got to know.
Shatan destroyed three lives and those around them are
shattered and broken you see it's what he does.
Shatan will invade the lives of those who are outside the
protection of Yah and he does it just because.
What we see in the physical was manifested in the spiritual
where it began as a plan that in their lives took place.
You see when they were directed on that path it was
already seen that their lives he would erase.
Everyday there are males and females alike who he uses
and destroys their lives or takes their freedom away.
When you watch the News you will see the murder rate
in our communities climb higher everyday.
Just like the father who killed his own son in a gruesome
way the spirits of demons possessed him.
You will read or hear about some of the most horrific
crimes and you can bet spirits were in them.
We all have spirits in us who direct our steps but there's
a big difference in those of shatan and of the Most High.
When you're of the spirit of Yah you will be possessed
with Love and those around will see as time passes by.
But when you're possessed by shatan's spirits you will be corrupt
and hate will fill you just like it did that guy.
Who probably had a hate for females who got used up
by the devil and in the end he too had to die.

shelly david wright, poet

Who Takes Love Very Seriously

"Who Takes Love Very Seriously."

I want Yah to introduce me to someone who takes
Love very seriously.
Someone who is capable of being Loved because
He has healed them from the heartache it used to be.
Someone who is spiritually mature and who I can grow
with and become one in His sight.
Someone who takes being Loved and being in Love seriously
who truly is my Heavenly Father's delight.
A Beautiful woman who hates the games who wants and
desires to be Loved and appreciated too.
Someone who knows that she is a treasure to be cherished
a precious Gem from Yah's crown and a real dream come true.
I want to meet someone who takes Love seriously
who through Yah's spirit can feel it in her heart also.
A Lady who will indeed be more than I could ever pray
for and someone who the Most High she does know.
Someone who may have a child or children who I can
call my own and we can be before Him a real family.
This would be a gift of Love that I can be responsible
for someone special and her own sent to me.
I know I'm not alone here because I can imagine after
feeling true Love in your heart you want the same.
Someone who will know special when they see it and will
want you to have their last name.
Someone who will know how to be honorable and not
disrespect themselves or them by only wanting to play house.
Someone who is trying to win the approval of Yah by doing
His will and in doing so making that person their spouse.
I take Love seriously so with a heart I would not play
because I have been played with emotionally before.
I knew it was an attack of the devil so I've forgiven them
but I still don't want to feel the way I felt anymore.
As you have read and have felt the words I have a Love
that I'm waiting to share with my one and only special mate.
Like many of you who have a heart filled with Love and too
are looking to be Loved and like me can't hardly wait.
Someone who is willing to take a chance with me who takes
Love very seriously who wants to be a pair for life.
If you're ready to end the journey of being alone and ready
to start life anew then I will gladly ask you to become my wife.

Something Sweet with feelings,
shelly david wright, poet

An Old Fashioned Love

"An Old Fashioned Love."

Let's go back to the old fashioned Love where your
trust I had to earn and your heart I had to win.
Where I would have to meet your parents and get
their approval before they would let me in.
An old fashioned Love when what was said came from
the heart and I would write it down because I was so shy.
We need to go back to the way we used to be and if you're
willing why not give it a try.
Let's go back to sitting on the porch and talking because
the biggest problem is people don't communicate.
Someone real and genuine they're too blind to ever see
them for who they are or really appreciate.
A person who has feelings who wish to express them
affectionately is a very Beautiful thing to me.
I'd Love to meet someone who I could fall asleep on the
phone with where we would talk and I'll read her poetry.
An old fashioned Love the way it used to be could happen
again and to be honest it really needs to.
Most of the females you meet have families so it only
means family outings as a family things you do.
The park is the perfect place where you can push the
kids and your sweetheart in a swing.
When you touch her heart and win her Love just think
about the Joy into her life you will bring.
We need to be examples of the true Love that the Most
High has placed in us and through the poetry I hope so.
What is felt when you read these words is from my heart and
that goes without saying because many of you already know.
Although many of you I haven't met you know me through
the words that come flowing from my heart that I share.
I feel I've touched many of you in a special way with a true
genuine Love and you sense that I really care.
I'd Love to have an Old Fashioned Love where the Teddy
Bear you would receive and name and the Turtles too.
You know the chocolate candy that you can open while
sitting together a box you'll share that I got for you.
An Old Fashioned Love with a Beautiful person and let's not
forget the Poppa Smurf Old School music that means so much.
I want to fall in Love and be in an Old Fashioned Love a true
romance where sweet words a heart I'll touch.

This Poem is for you whoever you are.
shelly david wright, poet

It's Your Heart Not Your Height

"It's Your Heart Not Your Height."

Television has played a part in the way we think
in the way we perceive so many issues today.
But we need to start thinking on our own and with
our hearts and truly put the mind control away.
We have been taught that it's tall, dark, and handsome
and that's the way they wanted you to think too.
You need to know that those stereotypes from the
television don't always fit you.
My first wife was taller than I and I see couples who
have taller mates and I'm sure that it doesn't bother them.
You see we can't always look on the outside to find Beauty
when it's of the heart and mind created by Him.
The Most High made us and we became all different shapes
and sizes but it's really about the Love within your heart.
We need to know that it's not about the size of her butt or
her breasts or for me the legs it's not the important part.
It's about the heart and not the height but I know some
of you still would not date someone shorter than you at all.
I know some would rather take the chance looking on the
outside just to have someone who is tall.
It's your heart not your height it's the size of the Love that's
in your heart that matters and nothing else that you see.
Because everyday we go back to the dust no matter how
much you try and take care of your body.
We are temporary creatures who are seeking eternity so
don't get too caught up with the person in the mirror.
We are aging daily and it should be about the inner person
the Beauty of the spirit we should start to see so much clearer.
Just like height the same thing with weight and we are so
superficial that we truly against thick Sisters discriminate.
Some males won't even look their way but it's still about the
heart it's really about the Love that's in it at any rate.
If we all closed our eyes and could feel we would not pick
many of those who think they're fine because of their mindset.
Looks are just an introduction but why would you want a
trophy with shatan's attitude just so you can regret.
It's your heart not the height or the weight that really
matters it's who you are on the inside to the Most High.
The most Beautiful women I have ever met were tall and
thick and I saw them with my heart and them I'd never deny.

Look with Your heart and see what's real.
shelly david wright, poet

Korn Flakes and Katrina

"Korn Flakes and Katrina."

I met Miss Trina while visiting in the hospital she is a
sweet attractive Sister with a Beautiful personality.
Miss Trina just happens to be left handed like a certain poet
I found out when she wrote down her email address for me.
I saw that she had no ring on her left hand and asked her
if she cooked and she said no and I said I don't too.
But I like Korn Flakes and milk with Trina, who needs
to eat when my eyes can get full by looking at you.
Of course I never said the last part, but this is where my
imagination kicks in and I try my best to make her smile also.
I'm sure she is doing that now but quite honestly I saw her
smile and she is one Sister who I would Love to get to know.
She's a sweet caramel color with a thickness that probably
has a softness that you would Love to touch.
Someone who has a heart that hasn't been found or truly
Loved and I'm sure she'd like that very much.
Trina is someone who may just want to be treated right
and wanted for more than her looks for real.
She needs a man who knows how to be gentle and tender
who is not afraid with his heart a true Love to feel.
She needs a man and not a male who will Love her with
his whole heart truly and unconditionally.
Who will show her just how special and wonderful she
is who will be there for her when she needs him to be.
I want to have my Korn flakes with Katrina just to be
in her company and be a friend forever and a day.
Someone who could rub her tired aching feet and massage
her shoulders and have sweet words on the phone to say.
As I know as thick as she is so is her heart and her Love
to the one who will capture her heart in this life.
Miss Trina is a sweet and Beautiful Sister who I feel is a
number one candidate to make someone a very Loving wife.
This morning I'm having Korn flakes with Katrina at the breakfast
table her hair is all over her head and still she looks sweet.
The best thing at the table is not what I have in my bowl
but the blessing of Heaven sitting across from me the one who
makes life complete.

On the Smile level what is this poem for you
going from 1-10
shelly david wright, poet

Monday, August 22, 2011

Close Your Legs and Open Your Eyes

"Close Your Legs and Open Your Eyes."

It is my hope that you would close your legs and open
your eyes so you can truly see.
That you will never be Loved or appreciated as long
as you disrespect yourself and give yourself away for free.
When there's no value except in what you wear but not
in yourself a male and not a man will take advantage of you.
He is going to seize the moment because he can see that for
attention going to bed with him you will do.
Close your legs and open your mind to thinking just how
many Sisters out here who have been hurt this way.
Some are bitter and broken messed up emotionally by
the games their hearts allowed a devil in their lives to play.
Getting nothing more than empty promises and wet behinds
being nothing more than a toilet for him to ejaculate.
What many don't really seem to understand is that males
who have no Love within them are truly full of hate.
Hate is all it is when you abandon and abuse a female
who is giving herself to you intimately.
Sex doesn't make you an adult but when you're not in
something fully committed it's an act or irresponsibility.
Males can't get pregnant but they can pass off disease
and spirits that will result in a troublesome Soul tie.
Where you will be connected to someone who does not
want you who will never tell you the truth but lie.
Close your legs and open your heart to Love yourself
and cherish and treasure the Beautiful person you can be.
Because no matter what you see in the mirror or the
compliments you get you're far more than your body.
Close your legs and open yourself up to the reality that
you are important and you're no one's whore to play House.
Instead of proving your Love to him he needs to prove
his Love to you by making you his spouse.
I hope that this will make you close your legs and open
your heart and mind to read this and it will take hold.
Because it's not what's between your legs is so precious
but the complete person should be more than gold.
Close your legs and open your mouth and learn to always
until the time is right just say No.
Because you don't need to be filled with his sperm and
spirits the dumb stuff in your life truly has to Go.

You're much more than your Body
shelly david wright, poet

You Can Keep That

"You Can Keep That."

I don't have an agenda when it comes down to your
body if it's not about Love you can keep that anyway.
Sex, the spirits, and disease that are associated with
it are easy so a game with my life I do not play.
You can have that if that's all you can give if sex
is all you're about then you I can truly do without.
I want much more than a whore it's not about pleasing
my flesh but my Father and Love is what I'm about.
I want it all not just the delicate part that so many
are after because a woman means so much more to me.
I want someone who is not afraid to give her heart and
to fully Love with it unconditionally.
Someone who after the Lovemaking I can cuddle up
with and have conversation we can bathe together too.
I want the complete life not just overnight I don't want
temporary but a lifetime commitment is what I pursue.
You can have that if that's all you got to offer sex isn't
the incentive that I look for when I meet someone.
I want what my Father has in store a Beautiful Sister
who'll be a Masterpiece on the inside when He's done.
Someone who is extremely romantic yet like PoohPae says
a lady in the streets and a Tigress in the sheets as well.
Someone who has a spirit of Love who is completely
compatible with me so the two us can gel.
I'm not settling for sex as so many have who are now
heartbroken and bitter from the choices shatan sent them.
Those who were sent into your life for a purpose were
only there as a torment for shatan sent him.
Shatan has sons and daughters under his direction who
he will matchmake you up with to later see it fall apart.
Those who are lost now who are blind who know nothing
of true Love but have nothing but lust in their heart.
People who feed their flesh with sex sucking the life out
of those who they really in more than one way screw.
Those who will make a mockery out of marriage when
those who settle for less will say to a devil I Do.
I'm not looking to get between your legs you can keep
that but in the heart of the one that is right.
You see when she gives me her heart I will have everything
her mind, and body too will be a gift of Heavenly delight.

Not into Sex but into true Love.
shelly david wright, poet
time 8:22
Time and date not by coincident
but by design.

Love is Dedication and Commitment

"Love is Dedication and Commitment."

When I say I Love you it means to me that I will be
dedicated to you as my one and only.
I won't need a spare tire or someone on the side
because you're the gift of Yah the one that was meant to be.
Commitment is what this relationship will be all about
I will be committed to you and to making you happy also.
In my heart there will be a gratitude a spirit of thanksgiving
that when I smile at you it will show.
Love is dedication and commitment and add on honesty
and loyalty for they all work together when you Love.
It is a Beautiful thing when you know in your heart
that you have one of the sweetest blessings from above.
Someone with a tender heart who is not afraid to
show you affection and how wonderful you make her feel.
When the lights go out at night the sparks will
ignite a fire and the burning in your hearts will be real.
Love is also passion as I just mentioned but tack on true
understanding and an ear connected to a heart.
One that will listen as well as hear and be motivated
to take action and unselfishly do your part.
Love is truly unconditional when your spirits are linked
and two are joined from the beginning by the Most High.
Two who were introduced by the forces of Heaven who
now have a deep Love that they can never deny.
Until your heart truly understands that Love is an
action word and it's about doing you will never see.
That way before two sets of lips can touch in a kiss you
must submit to each other wholeheartedly.
I know there are those who will feel these words and on
their faces will be a smile and say a man that understands.
Yet all I do is surrender to the will of my Father who places
His true Love in me and I write as He commands.
I know that there are some hearts yearning to be touched
in a very deep sensitive and special way.
Well I can say that Love is not a Fairy Tale with Story
Book endings it's a billion times better I will gladly say.
I know because I feel the excitement in my heart as I write
this and one day when I meet her I will know so much more.
Because when you don't settle for anything that the devil
throws your way you truly have a blessing in store.

Love is real Forever
shelly david wright, poet

I Want You But Not in The Way You Want

"I Want You But Not in the Way You Want."

I want you but not in the way you want me to
for I have a sexual appetite that I want you to feed.
It's not your heart, your mind, or your soul I'm
interested in but it's your body and that's all I need.
Just because I look your way don't get it twisted
you're not all that just someone new I never had before.
You see once I've had you in the way that I want a
few times whenever I want I won't want you anymore.
You really have just one purpose in my life and that's
to be the place where I relieve myself when I need to.
Let's be real no matter how it goes down it's all about
sex anyway it's about my needs and to hell with you.
I've caught your eye and you're looking I see your smile
and I'm going to approach you to see if you're easy prey.
Because I'm going to make you laugh you're going to call
me crazy but truth is with your body I'm going to play.
I'm going to pretend like I care but it's a means to an end
and I will end up having you with your legs spread.
Once I spin all the lies that you want to hear because
you think you got it going on you got the big head.
I want you not in the way you want me to but it's
only about the sweet delicate part below.
That's all I'm after and that's all you're good for to
me and everyone I ever hit I had to let them know.
That you're just a stop along the way a place for me to go
off in one of many that I've had and you're not the last one.
There will be many more that I will have because I have the
power to manipulate your mind to get your behind then I'm done.
You see there's a lot of you females who are looking for
attention and I'm just the one to give it to them.
If you have a vagina I'm going to hit it and quit it even if
you're old or young fat, fine, or slim.
You see there are many of me out here and all we do
is live to screw and ruin many lives of those who give in to us.
I only wanted you for what your body had to offer and you
gave me what I need and I was off after feeding my lust.
As long as you're giving the Milk for free and don't value
yourself you will always be on your stomach or your back.
You see all you receive from me is a wet ass and a Soul tie
because I'm a demon of the devil and through sex I attack.

Close your legs and open your mind.
shelly david wright, poet

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Midnight Call

"Midnight Call."

I was sleeping and the phone rang and I heard
a sweet voice say I'm sorry but I couldn't sleep.
I just needed to talk to you I feel like I need to be
held because I'm going through something deep.
I said I'll be there but we can talk as I drive and when I
get there we can sit on the sofa all night if we have to.
We will listen to some soft music and share what's going
on and can talk about what they're going through.
When someone who Loves you calls you should be there
for them at anytime night or day.
You could be the voice they need to hear with the
right words from the Most High to say.
Yah can speak to others through those He uses to
deliver a word that they may need to hear.
People are going and growing through so much in
these last days and so many are living in fear.
When I reached her she was relieved just to have me
there and I sat on the sofa and she cuddled up next to me.
She put her head on my lap and we talked for awhile
the next thing I know she was knocked out completely.
Sometimes you need someone to talk to someone who
will listen as you vent and as you release.
We need to have an ear that's connected to our hearts
so the right words we can tell them to bring them peace.
A midnight call from someone who could not sleep who
needs to hear the voice of a friend.
Someone who knows the right words to say to touch in
the sweetest way to bring their troubles to an end.
To those I Love we are all family and we must be
available to hear their trouble and give an answer too.
Losing some sleep to come to someone's rescue is an
unselfish act and something we should be ready to do.
Life can be hectic for so many maybe there's drama
going on or maybe they just want to talk to you.
You never know what you losing some sleep may bring
to someone else you can be the one to make them feel new.
I woke up after getting a midnight call and I was able
to be a help to a friend who needed to hear my voice.
When you're of Yah you're on call for those who need you so
when she rang my phone through Yah she made a good choice.

Seriously call if you need to talk.
shelly david wright, poet

Passion Fruit 40

"Passion Fruit 40."

Passion Fruit 40 is a drink that I make and it's as sweet
and as Beautiful as the woman who gave me the recipe.
It's Crystal clear that this is the best drink that I ever tasted
and it's the best thing to ever be poured you'll see.
The creator is a bit of a Passion Fruit herself I met her
on a site and with one look at her picture she had my heart.
When we talked and got to know each other it was obvious
that in each other's life we'd always play a very important part.
Passion Fruit 40 is the drink I make and it contains of course
Passion Fruit and fruit juice with a cherry to dress the glass.
This is the kind of drink you would share with someone special
like the one who taught me a woman with real class.
I can't say enough of the true Passion Fruit 40 year old sweet
heart who has been so Beautiful and special in my life.
This will be the drink at our wedding reception I envision
when I finally get the courage to ask her to become my wife.
I'm sure the night I finally ask her we will drink Passion Fruit
40's all through the night as we celebrate til daylight.
It's a non alcoholic drink but we will have to spice it up just
for the celebration to get it with a bang that's just right.
Passion Fruit 40 is the drink that my sweetheart make it
Crystal clear that I had to try and I would Love too.
I told her I'm sure I will Love the drink but not as much as I
will forever and a day truly Love you.
Tonight the real Passion Fruit 40 of my life is coming over
and we are going to have dinner that I will make.
She is going to make her very special Brownies that
she knows I Love to eat and she Loves to bake.
Passion Fruit 40 a drink that bares her nick name and
it has her passion and is as smooth and sweet as she is also.
The sweet Ms. Burden is one wonderful woman and one
person that I'm Heavenly blessed to know.
Passion Fruit 40 is a drink and a very Beautiful woman
who I will never forget because she will always be sweet.
Even more than the Brownies she makes and if I was to
ever turn into a Cannibal she'd be the one I'd eat.
I would Love to be there when the real Passion Fruit 40
reads this and to be inside her heart and see her eyes and smile.
The drink I'm going to have with my sweetheart is called
Passion Fruit 40 created by a woman of exquisite style.

Passion Fruit 40 I'd Love to hear your response.
504 656-4586
shelly david wright, poet

A True Story of a Fool

"A True Story of a Fool."

I was a happily married man with two kids until
I met this youngster one night.
We talked and one thing led into another and what
I did to her and against my wife and family wasn't right.
We had sex and it was the best ever she made me feel
like I didn't want to ever touch my wife anymore.
So I left and moved in with her I thought I was in Love
but I was whipped as I've never in my life been before.
Soon what I thought was mine desired another and she
said that she needed room and I had to get away.
You see I left my wife and children for this female and now
on me she was cheating she brought another guy in to stay.
I was broken because how could she do such a thing I wouldn't
cheat on her how could she break my heart and cheat on me.
Well the grass was not greener on the other side for her either
because when he found out we were in contact he beat her severely.
She cried out to me and I got her to press charges and she took
me back only to be thrown out later upon his return.
You would think that after all of that I would come to my senses
and from what she did to me I would learn.
Well after trying to kill her for the first time he attacked her
once more and there I go back into harm's way to the rescue.
My friend said this isn't going to turn out good because of what
I did to my wife but her stuff is good what am I to do.
This is a true story as told to me so I had to write about it in
hopes that this will help someone else who reads this.
The grass is never greener on the other side and your flesh is
directed by shatan so die to it daily your flesh you must resist.
What he thought was good stuff/pussy was a Soul tie because
sex is more spiritual than many who engage in it know.
When you're out there sleeping around a Soul tie is created
and some wicked seeds against the Most High you sow.
This is the true story of a fool who isn't the first to abandon
his or her family for someone who they thought was new.
But shatan's spirit is found in many who are living in sin
those who are whores for the devil who really screw you.
This story is going to be an unhappy ending if AIDS or
her other male fool and him meet up and have it out one day.
This story is just an example of the power of shatan in the lives
of many and that's why we should for the foolish pray.

Please spread this like that thing spreads her legs
Adultery can lead to Death, it's still a commandment.
shelly david wright, poet

When You Already Got a Spouse

"When You Already got a Spouse."

How can you get possessive with me when you're
already married and you have a spouse.
You need to be concerned with and about the one
you have at home living in your house.
You must be reading me wrong I was just trying
to be a friend to you that's all nothing more.
You see I'm not trying to be anyone's spare tire
not the one on the side and certainly not your whore.
How can you get jealous and you're married you need
not be concerned about who I'm talking to.
You may have done that in the past with those other
silly and foolish things that you are used to talking to too.
I'm not looking for more than friendship but with your
fresh ass you've ruined that and you're driving me away.
What if someone did that to the one you have at home if
they were cheating on you what would you have to say.
Yes I'm sure you wouldn't find it pleasing if your heart
was broken by the one who you supposedly Love.
But when you're of your mindset Love is just a word you
use but it's not real in your life it's a feeling you don't know of.
Because Love is about being trustworthy and honest it's
about being loyal something you know nothing about.
You need to be dealt with and you will be because the seeds
you're sowing you'll reap before Yah this I have no doubt.
That poor soul that you have at home must have really
done something horrible to deserve you in her life.
She must have really pissed off the Most High anytime
she was sentenced to become your wife.
The slime in standing water is more than you are and
you need to go sit down better yet fall down and pray.
That for your whoring the Most High doesn't strike you
down He takes your miserable cheating ass away.
You want to get out here and rap when you already have
a spouse at home you can't make a whore a husband I see.
Not when you have the spirit of a devil that has taken
control of you completely and totally.
You must be a male and not a real man who is mature
who knows that marriage is taken serious by the Most High.
You must have never read that Adultery is a sin not only
against your wife but Yah and one you obviously can't deny.

The feelings of a Sister as related to me.
shelly david wright, poet

It's All in Your Spiritual Perception

"It's All in Your Spiritual Perception."

When you hear males talk about a female's vagina
you would think they were talking about a delicacy.
You will hear them say that her pussy is good but what
they're feeling is more spiritual than physically.
What is happening is they're being caught up into the
spirit of sex where shatan makes it feel good to him.
You see when Yah created the woman and her vagina one
wasn't designed better than the other when He made them.
There is no Vaginal Control Board that rates vaginas
as best, better, and the Ultimate not bad ones or good.
Yet in their minds what they're experiencing is beyond
all the words ever spoken or could ever be understood.
Yet what they're experiencing is the beginnings of a
stronghold of shatan that will mess them up real bad.
Sex is really more spiritual than they know and those
who put their hearts into it wished they never had.
Sex is more than likely a disadvantage to the female
because she's the one who suffers more times from heartache.
She's the one who has to endure the pregnancy and the
abuse verbally and physically from the decisions she make.
Sex leaves behind broken hearts and homes and single parents
who looked for Love but were sexed and nothing more.
When you're caught up into a spiritual stronghold of sex
you're like a crack Addict one of shatan's whores.
For you females who think you have fire between your
legs you need a brain between your ears if this you think.
No one is that good or that fine because it's a spiritual thing
you better wake up because he'll leave you before you can blink.
Sex is one of the greatest weapons in shatan's arsenal where
it leads to demons and disease AIDS and Hiv is high with us.
We are spreading death in our community because what we
feel isn't Love in our hearts but in our bodies and minds lust.
It's all in your spiritual perception because when you're in
Love it's not just her delicate part but all of her you talk about.
When you're in Love with the person and not lusting after her
body she becomes the one that you don't want to be without.
Yah created the experience that we call sex but with His spirit
the act of Loving them physically is an expression of true Love.
What happens on earth feels like it takes place in Heaven it
is truly one of the sweetest experiences you will ever know of.

It's truly about feeling the spirit of Love
I wanted to write there's no
Grade A,B,C, or D Vagina
shelly david wright, poet

Confined But Not Cut Off

"Confined but Not Cut Off."

To my Sisters who are incarcerated I'm writing
to encourage and inspire and to give you hope.
To share a Love that's in my heart with words that
will give you the strength to cope.
I want you to know that although your bodies may
be confined your spirits are free and soon you shall be too.
Keep your head up toward the Most High and know
that He truly knows what you're going and growing through.
There's always hope and forgiveness there's a
reason for everything and a solution for problems also.
Yah is in charge and still in control and those who
call out to Him in their lives He will show.
To my Sisters who read the poetry I'm thankful
so much that this I had to write.
I hope the words bring smiles to your eyes and in your
hearts these words you hear me recite.
You are confined but you're still special and you're still
Beautiful and wonderful as you will always be.
I appreciate you all for reading what the Most High
has inspired so here is one special piece of poetry.
To my Sisters who are going to always be special who
were created in the image and likeness of the Most High.
Your bodies are confined but never your minds and hearts
you are free to Love and be Beautiful this no one can deny.
We are all in some kind of challenge in one way or another
and shatan is doing his job and trouble we can find ourselves in.
Just know that whatever the devil throws at us may hurt us
for a moment the war he will never ever win.
You're confined but not cut off from the Love of Yah He is
in the hope and forgiving business and your heart He knows.
You need to know and believe that you're very special
to Him that's why these words through me He chose.
To my Sisters it's going to be alright and I know that you are
missing those you Love especially your family.
I know they miss you too but know this there's always hope
so keep your hearts stayed on Yah where they should be.
You may be confined but not cut off from Yah He is there
with You and His Love is never out of your sight.
You are still very Beautiful creations that are Masterpieces
and will always be the Heavenly Father's sweet delights.

Much Love Always,
shelly david wright, poet

A Message to My Sisters and Daughters

"A Message to My Sisters and Daughters."

Don't allow anyone who has an agenda to use your body
touch you if they can't Love you unconditionally.
Until you're blessed with a man leave the male alone
because all they're about is having you sexually.
You hear the drama that is played out and it's sad
when you see females fighting when he's not worth it.
Variety is the spice of his life and he will sleep with so
many because to one he simply won't commit.
The same thing to my Brothers there are females
who have an agenda who will prostitute themselves too.
When your spirit is that of shatan there isn't anything
or anyone that they won't do.
This message is to my Sisters and Daughters those who
are the family that the Most High has given me.
You who receive and read who are inspired and touched
who are encouraged through Love of the poetry.
I know that ever since the first woman Eve the devil has
been attacking the Sisters through males who are close to them.
Sure you may say it was a man when it was a male and
the truth is it was shatan that was working through him.
What I'm trying to get across to you is that we are in
spiritual warfare where the spirit is in control of you.
When people are hurt and abused it's the spirit that's possessing
that person who causes the drama you go and grow through.
Your body is the temple of the Most High or shatan whoever
is directing you within you that's where they'll be.
So when your flesh is joined to that of a demon pretty soon
the effects of sleeping with the devil you'll see.
A Soul tie is created and then all hell will break loose and
a side of him will be there you never saw before.
As things happen if you stay in the madness he will begin
to abuse you more and more.
Remember Love is patience and kind and will think no evil
yet those who claim to Love you will knock you cold.
And there are some females who with the same demonic
spirits walk around like what they have is made of gold.
Bottom line is just because you heard the word Love doesn't
mean it is present and Love will show itself and it you will feel.
Love will place the welfare of the other first it will be
attentive to your needs honest, sensitive, and real.

shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lay Down and Make Babies

"Lay Down and Make Babies."

As I walked into Wal*Mart this title came to mind
from the young females with children that I'd see.
Young females are still children themselves who don't
know much about themselves nor about their body.
They haven't lived and learned what it takes to be a parent
they're still in the female state and not even a woman yet.
Many are dealing with problems that they can't handle
they're simply neck deep with issues they'll never forget.
The Love and attention many of them sought was never
found but they did find one more selfish and immature as them.
She listened to the script that has been used many times
before she layed down and made a baby with him.
Laying down and making babies isn't a thing that the
children should have in their minds to do.
This is an irresponsible act for the immature quite simply
age doesn't make you mature believe me what I'm telling you.
There are older children who are still playing games
who are out here who are seeking attention too.
So they can't help their children who are pregnant because
they have drama in their own lives they're going through.
You even have cases where Momma and Daughter are
pregnant at the same time and you hear worse also.
You have males who will sleep with them both and when
Mama finds out many times the Daughter not the male has to go.
I write what I'm inspired to or what is given and many
times it's sad but it's the truth anyway.
Our Daughters and Sons are out here listening to voices
and what's being heard the sensible did not say.
The problem is one with a solution as all problems are
and it's of a spiritual nature as many can't understand.
The bottom line we are all obedient to a Higher Power
we all follow the orders as these Powers command.
Now the difference is one will steer you to do the right
things filled with virtues, and standards to live by.
The other will lead you into doing whatever makes you
feel good and what opposes the Most High.
Laying down and making babies without a plan for their
welfare is seriously irresponsible it's premeditated not a mistake.
What's sadder still is you have to get child support in order
for the child to be cared for yet another baby many will make.

shelly david wright, poet



I was speaking to a Sister who is afraid to date
because of the demons that shatan introduced her to.
You really need to know that evil people are real
she had a male in her life not a man I'm telling you.
Vicious are the males and females who abuse those they say
or claim to Love but that's impossible because it's not in them.
They are nothing more than Fallen spirits who possess these
people the male that assaulted her had a demon in him.
You will hear males talk about using violence as a way to
control a woman but this is a pitiful excuse if ever I heard one.
Beating on a woman is not a sign of Love but of hate this isn't
about getting respect but placing fear in them is done.
The sad part about that is if you corner an animal they will
attack and many males are dead or maimed for life.
The Caveman mentality of being brutal and violent has to
go not a man but a male will beat on his wife.
There are battered women groups and shelters are filled with
families who had to flee a demon who hurt them all.
When a child sees his mother beaten this can scar them
emotionally when 911 she has to call.
Let me say that females are just as vicious as males for
demons don't discriminate.
Males are beaten and emotionally messed over as well by
the same spirits that are nothing but pure hate.
Love doesn't make a fist but it protects not punches it's
about understanding and enduring and listening very well.
It's not about controlling anyone but complimenting to complete
them Love is about truth and doing right I must tell.
Where there is drama and confusion shatan is in the midst
of it violence is just the way he operates.
You see although he uses them on an ongoing regular basis
all of mankind he hates.
Violence and being vicious is the nature of a demon those who
are short tempered who get angry and curse you out.
These people are more than just being bipolar they have
spirits in them that will hurt or kill you I have no doubt.
Many are alone by choice because of the relationships and
the horrors that many who looked to be Loved went through.
They still yearn to be Loved and appreciated by a man not a
male this time who will cherish and treasure them too.

shelly david wright, poet

Without True Love

"Without True Love."

I just saw this relationship expert who asked the
question how often did someone kiss.
Some couples went at it hot and heavy when they
first met a chance to be intimate they would not miss.
Soon as they got married their so called Love life went
south and they did not have the passion anymore.
You see without true Love I don't want to be in any
relationship unless I want the disappointments in store.
You see Lust is not a good substitute for Love in fact
it's nothing compared to all of what Love will ever be.
Some are satisfied with just being between someone's
legs all they want is the thrill of the intimacy.
Without true Love they can have all the sex in the
world and have nothing but problems in the long run.
You see where the female may want to bond emotionally
the male only wants his flesh fed that's all that's being done.
I don't want nothing less than Love and without true Love
a relationship will suffer massive trauma.
You see without true Love all you will have is Lust/shatan
and a whole life and house filled with drama.
Lust leads to so much heartache and abuse because when
mad day comes violence can be a result of it too.
When you don't have true Love but the spirit of a demon
there isn't much that is not wicked that you won't do.
Without True Love there's not a reason to get involved
because if you don't care for them why should you.
Why would you want to take advantage of someone who has
feelings why a heartbreak you'd want to send them through.
Bottom line I know for many sex is all there is and the sole
purpose of life is to have sex and get high.
This is truly an immature way of seeing things and soon
you will have beaucoup problems and you'll wonder why.
Without true Love from both ends I don't want to be in it
no matter what the eyes see because they can't see in a heart.
Many are now all broken up in more ways than one
because they were deceived by their eyes from the start.
Without true Love it's not real and it's a waste of time
emotionally to get into something that's not going to last.
I want something that's long term not temporary that
at the first sign of problems will dissolve real fast.

shelly david wright, poet

What Does He Think About

"What Does He Think About."

The question you need to ask yourself what does he
think about after he's had you.
You may think you're all that but after he's gone
off in you he may think you're just a whore too.
Think about it he's played you with sweet words
and said all the right things you wanted to hear.
He made you laugh he did the song and dance
he had to do whispering little nothings in your ear.
What does he think about after he's had the one he
always wanted well it's time to move on to the next one.
After he's been through you and gotten what he's
wanted your special time in his life is done.
This is what will happen and worst when a male is
in your life.
And by giving yourself away you don't think much
of yourself or you're good enough to even be a wife.
Until you Love and treasure yourself you won’t get the respect
you deserve and one word you need to learn is No.
You see the hit it and quit it mentality where a female is
used and abused by males certainly has to go.
I have a Mother, Sisters, and a Daughter who I care
about so I wouldn't want this evil done to them.
That's why if they don't think that way or they're not
even considerate of females you need to watch him.
Because the mindset of I gotta get mine is a selfish one
where there's no responsibility if a child they'll conceive.
First they want to jump ship and not be seen because
help other than Child Support many don't receive.
What does he have on his mind when he's ejaculated
and he's laying there tired after the conquest.
You can bet that it won't be how good you are and how
you'd make a good wife this he'll never address.
Like so many females who gave their hearts and their
bodies who were used and left after a belly rose.
You see when you give the Milk for free or think that
sex is a recreational sport they will step on your toes.
What he isn't thinking about is marrying you if he's a
whore but about what he'll do when he gets erect again.
When you give yourself to someone who only cares about
having sex with you his Love for you will be pretend.

shelly david wright, poet

The Words that I Write

"The Words that I Write."

The words that I write are the yearning of my heart
to say them to someone who is very special to me.
The words are my heart speaking out to the one
that through prayer and hope I shall one day see.
The words that I write are filled with emotions
that through my heart I'm waiting to share.
Words that are meaningful backed by sensitivity
and truth of one day before the altar becoming a pair.
The words I write that are filled with Love is the bait
that will bring in the biggest catch of my life.
For I'm fishing with a bait that's called Love and what
I will reel in will be from the sea of Heaven a Beautiful wife.
You see I know as Scriptures say that it's not good for
the man to be alone and I know with a heart I can't play.
What I must be about is representing the one who created
me so out of my mouth what's real I must say.
I know I'm not the only one who feels a desire to be Loved
and appreciated and to be treasured and cherished also.
I know I'm not the only one who believes in happy beginnings
and to have a Love Story life this I know.
The words I write are directed to those who can feel them
not merely read them but to be touched by them too.
Love is more than a four letter word it has meaning and
depth when a real heart says that I Love you.
Having feelings are a wonderful thing and to convey them
to someone special is also sweet.
I get to share them with these words that I write with my
family who reads them the people Yah allows me to meet.
With my words I've touched hearts and provoked thought
but these words are going to do so much more.
They're going to be the words that she will read one day
words that will touch her heart as never before.
The words I write are heartfelt because they come from
a place of yearning and burning of passion and desire.
Where they penetrate the folds of someone's heart where
deep within them they have an unquenchable fire.
The words that I write are from my heart to yours words
that will make you feel good and will stir emotions up within.
It is sad that many hearts have truly never been touched
by a true Love because a vagina is the only thing many have been.

shelly david wright, poet

The Single Mother with Children

"The Single Mother with Children."

When you meet a single Mother with children you
should be considerate of how she feels about them.
You see a real mother will be protective of her own
and she will be careful to listen very attentively to him.
You see there is a reason why she is single and the one
who made her a mother didn't choose to stay.
You just can't assume when you meet someone who is a
single mother that she is out to play.
There are females with children for one male and some
have different baby daddies they've had in their lives.
Just don't assume she is a whore some were given empty
promises of marriage many wanted to be wives.
Then a single mother has to be very careful who she lets
into her life that's why some are single today.
You see some males who have no conscience will see her
physically developed daughter and will want to lay.
There have been some to sodomize the sons as well these
spirits that many have in them are nothing nice.
So you see a single mother must be fully aware of what's
going on or she will pay a horrible price.
Like so many have paid when their children were killed
by someone who wasn't fit to care for them at all.
Who shook or beat them to death for crying who out of a
jealous rage murdered them and 911 she had to call.
Unless you're ready to be responsible and committed you
should just continue to walk because she needs a man not a male.
Why even try to mess over someone who already has had
enough drama in her life you need to help her prevail.
Chances are you will meet a single mother with a child or
children who is looking to be Loved more than anything.
Into her life she is looking for a man to be their father
figure to be a back up and peace into her life he'll bring.
Understanding and Love is the key and having spiritual
maturity is a plus when you meet a single mother.
To someone who will be true in her life and accept hers as
his she will be truly appreciative and treat you like no other.
There are Beautiful single mothers who Yah has out here
who've learned from their experiences and want a chance.
To be a whole family with a husband as the head to be a real
father where he will enjoy the benefits of her romance.

shelly david wright, poet

Set Up and Caught Up

"Set Up and Caught Up."

I'm sure by now you've heard about the missing
female that met this guy online and went off with him.
You see there are mentally challenged individuals who
think they're a sharp tool, there's plenty of them.
She told her boyfriend that she was going to visit a
relative in Florida I believe that's what I heard.
But she was sneaking around on him with a male
she met online now she's disappeared without a word.
You see on the spiritual side she was set up and got caught
up shatan is a matchmaker they had talked for a year.
You see her trust was gained and off to Aruba she went
after she lost her job only from there to disappear.
I've learned whatever is in the dark will come to light
especially if shatan is making a fool out of you.
You see she was cheating and it came to light after
she went into the light shatan used her and she's through.
This story is being played out in so many ways where the
games of the heart are being played as people cheat.
Marriage was designed by Yah to be a heart to heart one
on one but shatan must have thought it was incomplete.
So he introduced the third party and Adultery was born
sneaking around on your spouse was the thing to do.
Only thing shatan never alerted them that they'd have
to answer to the Most High for listening to him too.
Because the flesh is connected to shatan it is never satisfied
so no matter how much sex you have you will always want more.
When you're in darkness you tend to feed the flesh where Yah
has made His own content shatan has made his a whore.
There are females who are creeping with married males and
vice versa as this is shatan's world that we're living in.
You see it is natural for the flesh/shatan to want to be fed
and like a Pig in slop many wallow around in sin.
What she did is happening everyday as with the internet
it's easier to meet someone else when you're unsatisfied online.
She was just opening up Pandora's box and death was in it
this should be a wake up call for many who think it's fine.
To sneak around on someone and meet someone who you
really do not know a thing about.
You see many will continue to do this because they're in
the will of shatan their flesh craves it I have no doubt.

shelly david wright, poet

Make a Difference Not a Dollar

"Make a Difference Not a Dollar."

We need to make a difference and not a dollar in
the lives of people and there are so many.
Whatever gift the Most High gave you was to be used
to help those who are hurting and there are plenty.
We need to be seen as a light and not lead into darkness
but to be the examples of our Father's Love within.
We should be about the work of encouraging those who
are down in these last days lives for Yah we should win.
We should be about the solving of the problem instead of
being a part of the problem that so many grow through.
My gift is the poetry that He's given me and I touch lives
and hearts this is what the message can do.
We are to be about making a difference and not a dollar
when Yah returns He isn't going to look at your bank statement.
He's going to ask you what you did with the gift that He
gave you and to whose edification they went.
You see the flesh still pulls on those who only see dollar signs
well the economy is crashing so money will be worthless.
I know for those who only live to chase the paper this they
will not want to hear because it doesn't bring happiness.
Money or things don't bring true happiness those who are
rich live miserable lives filled with no Love but lust.
They are in the mindset of who their real friends are
and who can they trust.
They live to make money and when it's all over no matter
how successful they were it will be nothing to the Most High.
You see life isn't about achieving great wealth or things
but serving Yah through serving others this is clearly no lie.
When we can make a difference and be instruments for Yah
we are a solution to the problems He works out in them.
When we become His hands, feet, and mouth in this journey
when they look at us they really see Him.
I know money has its place like everything but what's more
important than serving the world and self or others you meet.
They are all sent into your life nothing is by coincident but
by design and that makes life so sweet.
I'm about making a difference through Yah instead of a
dollar because in Him I trust to make a way.
But if all I am is about making money it will be a greater
cost with my life like others who are rich will have to pay.

Don't be dollar driven or money motivated it's all vanity.
shelly david wright, poet

Let's Play Pretend

"Let's Play Pretend."

It's a game we played as children but many so
called adults are still playing this game too.
They will pretend that they're interested in being your
friend but all the while they're just trying to deceive you.
I like the ones who will give you their numbers but are
never home or too busy when you call them.
You see these people I classify them as agents of the devil
because they're taking their marching orders from him.
Shallow is what they really are when games with the
emotions of someone else they have to play.
When you set out for personal gain and don't care who
gets hurt you're just a demon in human form I say.
Let me pretend to be your friend is what many are
saying yet they're convincing enough that you'll believe.
But these are professional liars who live their lives as a
lie because the truth or reality their minds can't conceive.
Real people are a blessing when you meet them because
there is an over abundance of fake azz people out here.
They are Wolves in sheep's clothing as phony as a $3.00
bill but like an Angel of light through shatan they'll appear.
Through discernment many will give themselves away for
the Most High will reveal them to you and you will see.
That they're like their father the devil full of lies and excuses
for everyday of the week but are twisted inwardly.
Games are for children and adults should not be playing
the ones that are of the devil anyway.
Because when you play pretend to deceive someone else
a cost in time you will have to pay.
Life is about sowing and reaping whether good seeds or bad
whatever you plant will be a harvest that you will receive.
Many will reap the blessings of the Most High for enduring
and doing good where others will mourn and grieve.
Let's play pretend is a game best left to the childhood imagination
of children because you'll only hurt yourself in the long run.
You see shatan will get you to commit the act to hang yourself
you'll see the depth of your foolishness when you're done.
Let's not play pretend but be straight forward and real be Loving
and concerned about one another as the Most High wants us to be.
Point blank all the things, money and sex become worthless
when the tables are turned and you are dealt with emotionally.

shelly david wright, poet

Just Want to be Loved and Appreciated

"Just Want to be Loved and Appreciated."

Maybe a female who is looking for attention will accept
a wet ass but a real woman wants a whole lot more.
She wants to be Loved and appreciated she wants to
feel special and be treated like she's never been before.
Women are emotional creatures who need more than
to be physically sexed up she needs her heart touched too.
She wants to know that she will be respected and cared
for along with her children this she wants a man to do.
I said man because she has had enough of males and
where she used to be a female she is someone new.
Her change has come through the hard times and all
the drama that the males in her life sent her through.
She too wasn't perfect she made many mistakes and
many times her mouth was her biggest enemy.
But time and Yah have a way of changing people and
now she has the wisdom to see.
She doesn't want to be labeled and grouped with the rest she
knows all males may be Dogs but she wants a man in her life.
You see her vagina is connected to her heart and you’ve got
to take the complete package and make her your wife.
Just to be Loved and appreciated and not taken for granted
to be cared for as she wants to fully give her heart to someone.
She wants to be a family where there's a man in her life
to be a father figure to her young son.
Just to be Loved, not sexed, appreciated not taken for granted
is all some of the Sisters want and this is what they desire.
Once you gain her heart and trust you won't have to be
concerned about the Loving you won't be able to put out the fire.
When she knows she is Loved and appreciated and has the
spirit of the Most High in her life there's nothing you have need of.
She will have your back because she wants to please her Heavenly
Father and with all of her heart she desires your Love.
Just to be Loved and appreciated even understood when there
are times that emotional issues play a part.
I know confusion is a sign of shatan and he will come but she
wants you to know she has your best in her heart.
We who are past our immaturity desire to be Loved and
appreciated as a man I want this as I'm sure many of you.
Through conversation and prayer having understanding
the Beauty of what Yah meant for us can we pursue.

shelly david wright, poet

Journal of Love

"Journal of Love."

We met one day at the Supermarket I was passing
out a card to promote my poetry.
You were more than interested in what I had on my
blog and you wanted to talk to me.
One night I received an email that had your number
and I called and we talked from 8:30 until the morning light.
I read some of the sweetest romantic pieces over the phone
it was like we've known each other forever not just one night.
Well on our first date I brought over a Teddy Bear for you
to name and a journal to write our Love Story down in.
It was our Journal of Love and it would chronicle
all the times we spend together so you can begin.
She was excited and said she would name the Bear later
but she began to write our names in it and drew a heart too.
She said this is the beginning of a truly great Love Story
we will write together from our first meeting to I Do.
Every night she would read me a page from our journal
her thoughts that she had written down throughout the day.
I would answer her thoughts with those of my own and
she too would hear the sweetest words I would be inspired to say.
I know this poem is mushy for some but emotions should be
shared and through the poetry I'm blessed to share them.
The Love I feel will one day be shared in a Journal of
Love but Yah gets the praises as I do mention Him.
I pray this will inspire a true Love Story that you will
write and share because it's really all about Love.
When two hearts are blessed to meet the presence of Yah
is there and then the sweetest thoughts you can think of.
Thoughts of them before you go to sleep where you fall
asleep on the phone not wanting to hang up on them first.
Thoughts of how close you are and when she hurts you
feel it and a promise to be there for better or worst.
When you feel don't be afraid to share those emotions a
real man feels and is able to express his sensitivity.
A woman who Loves wants to feel what her heart has
yearned to express to you in more ways than intimacy.
A Journal of Love is a nice idea for the romantic who
want to write down and later share with that special one.
In these times of relationship insanity I just want to meet
someone with a heart and start to have fun.

Also write Love poems to inspire others.
shelly david wright, poet

Inwardly They're Wolves

"Inwardly They're Wolves."

There’s many who pretend to be something that
they're not especially when the two of you first meet.
They will come across like they're really nice and
you'd get a toothache because they're so sweet.
But ask those who have been torn apart by those
who came into their lives the very same way.
They came across meek as sheep but inwardly they
were Wolves who on your emotions would play.
Trust is not easily given because of the hurt from the
games so many have receive.
So many are convincing with their lines that many
who have been torn apart don't want to believe.
What started out as a kiss turned into much more
by a Wolf who could not stand to hear the word no.
These kind who are brutal and forceful are demons
on the inside and their meaner side show.
Domestic violence and spousal abuse and not just women
but men have been fought by She Wolves too.
The spirit of shatan is in both parties and they are equally
dangerous they'll do all manner of violence against you.
Inwardly they are Wolves this is the nature of those who
are in darkness who can't conceive or know what Love is about.
Those who only want their unquenchable appetite for sex
fed and true emotions or commitment they live without.
I thought the North pole was cold but not as cold as the hearts
of these males and females who can't feel Love.
Ice water runs through their veins who are filled with the
worst sort of spirits that only the devil would dream of.
They are Wolves and they are out here in Sheep's clothing
running games and tearing apart hearts and homes also.
But their day is coming because they will indeed reap of their
madness for all the bad seeds that they now sow.
I know many of you have been more than hurt devastated
and many have been beaten as are many today.
What they feel for you isn't Love but control when you have
a Wolf in your life flee, no matter what, don't stay.
Wolves they are inwardly but all Wolves will be dealt with
their end is coming more sooner than they can conceive.
For when they think that they found someone who cares
about them it will be another Wolf and they too shall grieve.

You shall Reap whatever You Sow.
shelly david wright, poet

If its Got a Split I Gotta Hit

"If its Got a Split I Gotta Hit."

This is the mindset of many males who are spreading
legs, disease, and demons like a plague as well.
But they're more than just Nasty Dogs, they're
a pedigree of shatan called Hounds of Hell.
If its gotta split I gotta hit and females who play along
are used, impregnated and left on their own.
You see once the chase is over and the reward has been
taken there is no more value and then they're gone.
This is nothing but self hatred and being self centered
enough not to care what drama they create.
All they're doing is like some addict who gets a high
when a female they penetrate.
Some females are just as hot and they feel wanted
when a male is coming after them.
They truly have it twisted because they're only for
sex and they soon find out when she's abandoned by him.
This morning I saw this girl who appeared to be 12 or 13
walking up the street with her belly showing.
Looking sad and miserable in this heat walking alone
I'm sure the male who did this his seeds are still sowing.
What we are doing is destroying ourselves in a master
plan from a Fallen Angel with diseases that kill.
These babies need to know sex ain't nothing without
Love and commitment for AIDS is real.
If its got a split I gotta hit with no conscious or concern
for the female they screw.
The blame is placed on the female saying she didn't have
to open her legs this I didn't make her do.
What's even worse is how they abandon their own child
and the female who they lied to.
You see sex has spiritual implications and there are
demons present a fact many never knew.
When you sin you're in the presence of demons who cheer
you on to do against the Most High this crime.
Yet what they don't know these nasty Hell Hounds is that
they will reap of all their misdeeds in time.
If its got a split I gotta hit but they're going get a hit of
some stuff that will take them out of here.
You see they're going to meet this fine thing who is just as
nasty with AIDS to her eyeballs and will make him disappear.

shelly david wright, poet

Fighting Over Nothing

"Fighting Over Nothing."

How is it you have two females who are suppose to be
fighting over the same male I know this is nothing new.
You see he sits back and screws them both passing
on his demons and disease to them too.
Where sex is involved there is no consideration because
they have no conscience at all.
It's get it how you live the wilding out generation
the sheer insanity of the booty call.
Bottom line is all you are to them is Pussy a place to
crawl into and really nothing more.
You need to stop glamorizing your importance in
his life because you're just his whore.
In fact you're one of many who have no self esteem
who seek attention from a male by giving your body to him.
These males are filled with demons and you wonder
why AIDS is taking the lives of so many of them.
Alot of the young people are infected with disease and
demons HIV is soaring in the Black community.
The fights are video taped and put on sites for the whole
world to shake their heads and see.
Sad thing is these males don't want neither one of them
in fact he probably thinks they’re both stupid as could be.
What do you expect when their only value is in the clothes
they wear because they're giving the Milk for free.
Fighting over nothing and getting stabbed sent to the
hospital or even worse death can occur also.
They had the chance of not seeing their children grow
up because behind bars or in the ground as many go.
How can you sleep with your girlfriend’s male don't
you realize you're subject to everyone that they've had.
RIP tee shirts are being worn much too often in our community
behind B.S. is really sad.
First of all you're not good enough to marry him but you can
get a wet azz and be his sperm bank.
I hope this will awaken someone to how sad things are in these
last days into your hearts and minds I hope this message sank.
Fighting over nothing Dumb Ho is not a place in China it's
shatan having a field day with young people but it needs to end.
When you have to fight another female because he slept with
her is sad he may be a boy but he's not your friend.

shelly david wright, poet

A Ministry of Love

"A Ministry of Love."

When Yah puts my Queen in my path where I will
be directed to her we will have a true ministry of Love.
Two hearts who are joined in His presence before
the foundation of the earth from above.
But in the marriages and relationships of the world/shatan
they compete instead of compliment and complete.
Yah designed men and women to be different they're
under His direction to add the spice that makes life sweet.
Shatan is a matchmaker and all of his marriages end
in divorce or they stay together in misery.
Where the two he has joined together usually on the
grounds of sex are a disaster completely.
There are no failed marriages or relationships just
learning experiences that are meant to prepare you.
Nothing fails it just wasn't meant to be it makes you
wiser from each and every episode you grow through.
What I write is the yearning of my heart to be a pair
to have someone special and important in my life.
I want to be the husband that Yah is calling to be the head
and at my side not in the back will be my wife.
What we will have through His direction and spirit is a
ministry of Love an example to those who we meet.
That Love is the most powerful 3 letter word and the
marriage not just the Wedding night is Yah's treat.
The foundation of any marriage He places together is
Himself He is your center and the glue that bonds the two.
He makes it possible with His Love and understanding that
when the treasure comes you will know to say I Do.
Until my time comes my heart will yearn to be joined it's
not the flesh but something deeper He's placed inside of me.
What I have is a Love that He's formed and many can tell
and feel the words as they flow from my heart inwardly.
One day a poem is going to be written and the one Yah has
chosen will read it and will respond and things will grow.
We will have all that we will ever need to say in our hearts
already and in our hearts Yah will let us know.
You will then receive some real romantic poetry as my heart
will then be taken to an all time high.
We will then become one in the very sense of the word
as we grow together more and more as each day passes by.

shelly david wright, poet

Horseback Riding with Ms. Lilly

"Horseback Riding with Ms. Lilly."

It's early Sunday morning and I get a phone call
C.W. was asking me what were my plans for today.
She said we could go horseback riding through the country
it's such a Beautiful day to get out and play.
I've never been riding before so it would be an experience
to share with someone who is special too.
C.W. is always planning different outdoor events
and we always come up with something special to do.
Today it's a picnic in the country on horseback
getting into nature and seeing the Beauty of it all.
I'm just hoping the horse doesn't take off because I
know I won't bounce back up if I fall.
I'm going horseback riding with C.W. and Ms. Lilly
that's the name of her horse but I'll be riding Blaque.
C.W. shows up in jeans that fit every inch in all the right
places and on her lips I give her a smack.
We're off to the wild outdoors for an adventure
one that will be photographed by me.
I know we are going to have big fun and one I will
forever hold in my memory.
Well we get to our location and I'm a little afraid to get
close as I never went horseback riding before.
I'm just imagining that by the time I get home from our
outing my butt will be saddle sore.
Well we ride off into the country and I'm having the time
of my life with this Beautiful woman I'm riding next to.
We stop and pull out the blanket and the basket and
I look at my watch and it's after two.
It's a Beautiful afternoon on a Sunday and I'm in the
country on a picnic with a true Sweetheart.
C.W. is a very sweet person with a Beautiful spirit who
in my life plays a very important part.
Whatever you do let it be with someone special for each
day should be lived to the fullest with that someone.
I'm going to enjoy the one who is very special to me
because when we're together we're going to have some fun.
I went horseback riding with C.W. and Ms. Lilly it was a
fun day filled with adventure galore.
I can't wait until we get together again because I know
C.W. has something special in store.

I bet I get a response from a real horseback riding Lady
who just happens to have the same initials
shelly david wright, poet

Testing 1, 2, 3

"Testing 1, 2, 3."

Whenever anything is made it is tested from ships
to airplanes to the automobiles that we ride in.
The clothes you wear and your accessories are
tested because your confidence they're trying to win.
Upon our creation the first couple was tested and they
failed miserably when it came to obedience to the Most High.
They broke many of the laws He set before them
so from the Garden they had to say good bye.
Shatan wasn't just cast here he was sent here for a purpose
as was his creation and ours too.
You see we are more than conquerors by overcoming
self and shatan through Yah is what we're to do.
We are always being tested and overwhelmed by the
spiritual attacks that come up against us everyday.
In our homes on the jobs we are surrounded by the spirits
of the Fallen Ones so continually we must pray.
Depression is a result of these attacks in many who can't
seem to focus on the light that's just ahead.
You see this is why we need each other in these times of
crisis we all need to be prayed for and spiritually fed.
In these last days of shatan's reign he is going to and fro
devouring and using as many as he and his own will possess.
You wonder why we have all the drama that we see the wickedness
from murder to mayhem it's all a mess.
Bottom line if you're not being tested something is wrong because
we all are going and growing through something out here.
Testing is for our own good as it prepares us for what's to come
and we will have confidence in Yah where we don't fear.
I know many are worried now about what's next in their trials
but just as Job was tested and the Messiah we will be also.
Yah will test those whom He sends into the midst of Wolves
when you are tested in fiery trials it is Yah that you know.
Along with that when you're attacked you're a threat and
important enough where shatan bum rushes you.
Just know when these attacks or testings are being played
out you're not alone because Yah will see you through.
Testing 1, 2, 3 doubts and fears are of the devil but know this
Yah is not a liar He will be there you will pass this test.
Hold your head up and praise Him through it all I know it's
hard but up against the devil Yah will only send His best.

shelly david wright, poet

It's Never a Mistake

"It's Never a Mistake."

It's never a mistake when someone gives their heart
and brings forth life and creates a family.
What happened no matter how it occurred was
something that was meant to be.
It may be seen as an irresponsible act but the deed
is done let's make a positive out of it.
But to say it was a mistake when they purposely
had unprotected sex this mindset we need to quit.
Being a single mother/parent isn't the end of the world
or the end of someone's life she can still achieve.
She will need the support of her family and in herself and
the Most High she will need to believe.
We all go and grow through something these are learning
experiences that help us when we listen to what's going on.
Because the female who had the baby still has to take
care of it even when the male is out of her life and gone.
The flesh is weak and answers to shatan things
will happen when your spirit is not of the Most High.
Shatan's job is to get you to sin repeatedly make it a
lifestyle so before Yah your report you can't deny.
Sex is just one weapon and a powerful one that shatan
will use because it feels good but has consequences too.
When you have sex it's more than physical it's a spiritual
union of spirits a soul tie that will vastly affect you.
There's never a mistake made when you're of a belief that
someone cares about you because they told you so.
Who said they wanted to have a son or daughter with
you and your emotions said yes when you could have said No.
At a time when AIDS and HIV is destroying the lives of
many they went ahead and gave in anyway.
Only to find out later that adult decisions were made by
children and one in particular who only wanted to play.
There is always consequences to our actions and because
of these actions many circumstances they must grow through.
But just know that it's never a mistake to bring forth life but
it is to terminate because playing god you shouldn't do.
It's never a mistake when life is created because what
was done through sex happened through consent.
The baby you had even if you are without the father
was another lesson learned that was always meant.

Compassion and Understanding helps
shelly david wright, poet

A Friend for My Convenience

"A Friend for My Convenience."

I want you to be my friend but for my convenience
and I will call when I only want something from you.
But when you need me I will either be too busy or
I will not answer because I have something else to do.
Look on the bright side you won't hear from me until
I need you saying I'm using you is not cool.
But when you're a friend for my convenience what it
boils down to is for me you're being a fool.
Friendship is a two way street but at least it's suppose
to be where those who you call a friend is there.
Scriptures say you must be friendly to be a friend
because when you're a friend it shows you care.
Too many have these so called friends who only use
them who are sowing seeds into their lives that they reap.
You see the biggest fools are the ones the devil uses
who when it's time for payback they cannot sleep.
No one ever gets over on anyone because everything
you do is seen by the Most High.
He is keeping a record of everything you do and say
and when it comes reaping punishment you won't deny.
Many are quick to use another not knowing they're
being used themselves by the Fallen Ones in them.
You see when someone is out here playing games and
practicing deceit they're of shatan they're possessed by him.
Tonight I'm going to call you because I want you to do me
a favor and I need you to do it because you're my friend.
People this kind of thinking from shatan is very dangerous
and it certainly has to end.
Friendship is a Beautiful thing when the main ingredient
is Love and you have a caring spirit also.
Many use the word friend like they use people because the
true emotion of Love they do not know.
I'm going to be your friend because that is what the Most
High has made me and I will do my best for you too.
On those nights when you can't sleep call and wake me up
because as your friend together this thing we'll go through.
When you need me I will be a call away and we can pray
through anything because we're friends forever more.
True friends are family that Yah has joined and there's
nothing on earth that can sever the ties or the Love in store.

shelly david wright, poet

Don't Get Excited I Only Want the Cat

"Don't Get Excited I Only Want the Cat."

Hey Baby don't get excited don't get it twisted
just because you got my attention I got to let you know.
I'm interested in one thing only you may be fine and
have a pretty face but it's the cat I want the spot below.
Some of you walk around like you're all that your heads
are bigger than the Superdome filled with pride.
Like you're the only one with a body and a Coochie
so I'll play your game so I can get inside.
Because once I get in you're going to know first hand
that you ain't nothing just someone else I've had.
If my aim is correct and I bust it open in 9 months
you can call me your Baby's Dad.
You don't need to think too highly of yourself because
when I'm through I'm going to lower your self esteem.
You see I'm going to tell you what you want to hear you're
going to tell your girls about me like I'm out of a dream.
I'm going to tell you how fine you are and how pretty I'll
make you laugh and slowly bait you in then smack that azz.
After a few times of doing you you're going to be old news
even around your house unless I want some I won't pass.
The reality is that the Sisters are under attack by males
who are possessed with the spirit of Lust.
They're Wolves in Sheep's clothing who only want the
cat not you so those kind you'd be a fool to trust.
Fine is not going to buy Pampers or Milk it doesn't get
you committed but it attracts like poo poo does flies.
You're made to think you're all that because of the
attention but you're only going to get from them lies.
It is really not about you but is so much more because
shatan is still attacking females like he jumped on Eve.
I hope this opens your eyes to know this is just a spiritual
attack against women and this message you will receive.
The whorish spirit is real and males and females have it
it destroys and tears so many lives apart.
Not only do you have a hole between your legs but you
will be left with one giant one in your heart.
Don't get excited I only want the cat don't walk around
with your head in the air like you got it going on.
Because once I get between your legs and get all that I
want I'm moving to the next whore believe me I'm gone.

Open Your Eyes Not Your Legs
shelly david wright, poet