Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Not Our Will but Yours

"Not Our will but Yours."

To my Brothers and Sisters who are in prayer
asking for a healing and their breakthrough.
Know that there is nothing good that Yah will
withhold when He has set His Love on you.
This is a testimony from someone very special
to me that she shared with me just the other night.
She tried to hold on to things that she wanted for her life
but by losing them all she realized for her they weren't right.
Where she lost her problematic vehicle she was given a
better one and where her job ended Yah gave her a ministry.
She's a writer and she's using the gifts that Yah has given
her to minister to others in word to help financially.
Yah has our best in mind and there's no failure and
there's not a good thing from our lives that He shall deny.
Don't place your trust in jobs, money or in man but
in these times nearing the end only in the Most High.
Sometimes we step out and will go after something
be it a position that we saw or heard about.
Know that if we don't get it it's not a sign of rejection
Yah knows our needs and He'll never let us go without.
Not our will but yours Yah He knows better than us
what we truly need.
You look at the birds as stated in Scripture they do
not go hungry so you know His own He shall feed.
Mystery Babylon is falling everyday don't let the
illusion of prosperity fool you it's going down.
Poverty and hunger is now and growing more
each day because of the greedy I've found.
Yah will take care of His own the righteous have
never been forsaken or his seed begging bread.
Just remember that Yah keeps all His promises
and never fails His own in hard times we shall be fed.
Not our will but yours I recently submitted an online
application it came back but mine was one that wasn't chose.
There are many times we hear no in the flesh but Yah has
something better for us and what's best only He knows.
Not our will but yours Yah there are times coming where our
only hope will be to lean on Yah when things completely fall apart.
We need to realize now that these things are temporary
and this age is ending we need to have the Love of Yah in our hearts.

Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart plans his way,
but Yah directs his steps
inspired by the Belly dancer
shelly david wright, poet

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