Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When We Look into Each Other's Eyes

"When We look into Each other's Eyes."

When she looks into my eyes I see the sparkle
and the glow and the happiness I bring.
When I look into her eyes I see the Love that
she has for me because I'm her everything.
Everything she is to me because when she looks
into my eyes she sees the Love I have for her too.
She sees the hope the prayers answered and the
happiness that I've found my dream come true.
When we look into each other's eyes we smile and what
we feel inside is too Beautiful to describe in words alone.
All the dictionaries and the scholars in the world
couldn't convey what few in this life have ever known.
We see a brilliance, a light, our future we see each other
in a very special way also.
When I look into her eyes when she looks into my eyes
the Sun dims behind our heartfelt glow.
When someone Loves you there is no greater thing
that could happen there's nothing that can compare.
To have someone who thinks about you through
their heart because with all of it they really care.
Satan with all his power can't deny what is meant
to be when Love is in a heart.
There is nothing that he can do or the demons
can do to ever pull two in Love apart.
Love is the ultimate power it is Beauty too deep
to comprehend unless you're in it totally.
When two in Love look at each other the spirit
of everything Beautiful is what they see.
The words I Love You don't have to be spoken
because in each other's eyes it's there emotionally.
Feelings that only a heart can hold with thoughts
that touch Heaven and all that's spiritually.
It's a Beautiful thing to see when a woman looks
into the eyes of someone she truly Loves.
There's nothing greater that I would Love to see
for myself that I could ever imagine or think of.
When I look into her eyes I see the Love of my
Heavenly Father and the blessing He has for me.
When she looks into my eyes she sees her heart's
desires of what she feels for me passionately.

inspired by a couple I saw from the Street car
shelly david wright, poet

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