Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Yah Has Joined Together

"What Yah has Joined Together."

Mattithyahu (Matthew) 19:6 Therefore, what
Elohim has joined together let man not separate.
The key here is what Elohim Yah has joined not
you, your spouse, or satan let me elaborate.
Outside of Yah calling us we join ourselves with satan's
help and his marriages are based on what you can provide.
Be it sex, material goods or finances the truth is they're
based on Lust and worldly possessions a fact you can't hide.
The relationships are about what can you do for me
and how much do you have to give.
And you wonder why the divorce rates are climbing
outside of Yah you only exist but never live.
Love's a convenient word when you're after something that
someone else has and after you get it you don't feel that way.
This is truly the spirit of satan no matter how big of a
Christian you claim to be you're just a whore who likes to play.
Whom Yah has joined together two who He chose unto
Himself before the foundation of the earth.
Those whom He fore knew in the past of eternity
when man was a thought before Adam's birth.
Two who He would marry Himself before they meet
face to face in a season that only He chose.
Two who would meet fall in Love with His Love
and spirit where one would see his blessing and propose.
Satan has his marriages that are failing miserably
because they are meant to they're just a mockery.
But those whom Yah has joined are bonded with
a glue of Love that is truly formed spiritually.
There are no trust issues they're made one in the
flesh and in the spirit too.
Together they stand as one and Yah is their head tail
center, foundation for whatever satan may test them through.
What Yah has joined together no man or woman can ever
separate because the marriages of Yah are without fail.
There's no infidelity because He is dwelling in them and
with His spirit they shall overcome satan and prevail.
From the beginning when Yah joins you before you
recite vows you've already been made one.
Eve came out of Adam and became two but one again
in flesh and spirit this is what Yah has done.

shelly david wright, poet

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