Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Love

"Winter Love."

It's a cool night and we're taking a ride soft
music is playing while I drive and hold your hand.
We park and get out to get in the back seat with a
blanket we snuggle up and in my heart life is grand.
We are face to face and lips to lips as we warm
ourselves up with kiss after kiss.
To be together on a winter's night with the one I
Love is too greater of a moment that I couldn't resist.
Just as our lips are touching so too are our hearts
just as the cool is in the air Love is there also.
When we look into each other's eyes we see a true
contentment and a soft but sweet glow.
What we have is a Winter Love that will last through
the cold weather well into the Spring.
This truly is a blessing when you've been allowed to
meet someone who means the world to you and everything.
Winter is the season of the dead things die in Winter to
be reborn in the Spring but Love continues on.
A true Love will still be there growing more sweeter
when the leaves turn brown and later from the trees gone.
To be in Love in the Winter or any season is a blessing
and in the back seat Love songs continue to play.
Her eyes are so Beautiful tonight and no moment
in time could be any better as any heart would have to say.
Like teenagers at a drive in from the 70's we are
cuddled up and her smile shows me more than I could see.
I have a wonderful woman who could have been with
anyone else but she has her arms wrapped around me.
What we're doing now has to be a delight in Heaven for
I know we were brought together by our Father above.
We've both been given all our heart's desires most
importantly Yah's desire for us when He gave us a true Love.
On a Winter night I'm with the most Beautiful woman
my heart has ever felt and she is more than I knew.
From the moment we met or should I say heavenly
introduced her heart I set out to pursue.
On a cold Winter's night I'm with the Love of my life
snuggled up together in a blanket in the back seat.
Love anytime of the year or any season is wonderful
especially when you have someone who is pure honey sweet.

sweet inspiration
shelly david wright, poet

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