Monday, December 14, 2009

It Must have been a Joy to Create a Sister

"It Must have been a Joy to Create a Sister."

It must have been a Joy for Yah to create a sister
when I look at the Queens that He's given us today.
When I'm at the 2nd lines or Wal*Mart wherever I
go I see the Masterpiece creations of Yah I must say.
They say a Gentile woman is a Black man's kryptonite
but that's a lie they're talking about a black male.
Because a true man Loves the Queen that came from
the Most High and doesn't want anything pale.
Yah created all women but a Black woman was the
first and everyone else came after the best.
She is the true standard of Beauty not the one
satan/the world chose from among the rest.
You hear Black males who say they don't date Sisters
but the truth about our plight they just don't know.
Not just the Sisters but we all have issues and our
disobedience to Yah makes that so.
We are adversaries to Yah so how much more
than to each other when we do not know Love.
You see when you're awakened by Yah you know that
a Queen is one of the most Beautiful creatures you know of.
I look at Sisters who are all shapes, sizes, and shades
but many don't know who they are or whose they are too.
They are the chosen of Yah a royal strong people
who overcame everything they've been sent through.
There's a genuine sweetness to a sister and a strength
that you can't find in anyone.
Especially when a sister is called by Yah and she knows
she's a Queen and the most exquisite under the sun.
Beautiful sisters like Felicia, Tulip, Mika, Kim, Rose
Torri, the Versatile ladies of style I mean all of them.
Sisters like Tonida, Karen, Tiffany, Monique, and
Shirley more than I could name were created by Him.
Sisters who were made Beautiful by their circumstances
who are more Beautiful than eyes can see.
Queens who don't have a crown except their hair who
when they open their mouth flows wisdom Beautifully.
I Love the Queens that Yah has given us although
we're in captivity still a sister was created for me.
No one can compare no matter what choices many males
made I'll take a sister over anyone else totally.

inspired by all the most Beautiful creation of Yah.
shelly david wright, poet

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