Wednesday, December 2, 2009

You've Hurt Me

"You've Hurt Me."

What kind of person would set out to hurt another
this is evil and vindictive and a cost they must pay.
You see those who hurt are of the devil and they
shall surely reap of that foolishness one day.
Because the world is truly void of Love hurt
abounds so that's all those who claim to Love do.
They hurt each other and many don't realize it
because outside of Love they'll truly destroy you.
Love gets a bad rap because many use the word and
think it's Love when they feel something emotionally.
But the fruit of Love will show in their lives they'd
treat you with Love in deed and word as it's suppose to be.
Many upon meeting you will tell you that they'll never
hurt you and betray you but can't make that promise at all.
Because outside of Yah the relationships of the world are
built on Lust and failure and through satan they must fall.
Hurt is what this world is filled with and many are so
miserable they'd rather be alone than to ever be hurt again.
They remember the sleepless night crying the things that
were done the wounds that never healed all of the pain.
You hurt me when I gave you my heart and you only
wanted the things that were offered but not my heart.
When you lied and ran off with my best friend the two
of you tore my world and my heart apart.
This story and more like it are common in a world
without Love no matter how many times it's used.
Because the end results are people who are just
emotionally lifeless from being so abused.
To be in Love is a blessing from Yah not nothing that
naturally occurs everyday I'll say.
Because the mindset of those who've been hurt is to
get you first so a game with your heart they'll play.
Many will die never knowing Love or the splendor of it and
many have died at the hands of someone claiming to Love them.
Those who are hurting need to be healed because they're
dying inside daily and their days are dark, gloomy and dim.
You hurt me but Yah has healed me and now I know His Love
and I share with the spouse that He's given unto me.
We are one because we have His spirit the hurt and
old us has died for we now see things better spiritually.

shelly david wright, poet

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