Monday, December 14, 2009

Toxic People

"Toxic People."

There are people who are very Toxic for us
and they'll make you sick if you are around them.
You see if you're one of the Most High's chosen satan
will surround you with devils that are instructed by him.
Devils who are flesh and blood who know that
the spirit that dwells within you they hate.
Devils who befriend you only to use you who can't see
what they're doing in their blindness at any rate.
These devils are so-called friends and family who
have satan's agenda to carry out.
They're there to make your life miserable filling it
with drama confusion is what they're all about.
Devils who you're married to who bring you
through so much hell they'll keep you praying.
Toxic people really are of the devil they're his to use
against the children of Yah is what I'm saying.
Devils come in all colors shapes and sizes they're
cousins, in laws, sisters, brothers and parents too.
Anyone who satan can use against those he knows
Yah has called he'll use against you.
They're as Toxic as the waters after Katrina
or the air that we breathe everyday.
They're in your life to disrupt it just like you're doing
the will of Yah they're doing satan's I'll say.
This is spiritual warfare where we are battling more
than flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness.
We must endure to the end with the help of Yah and
He will keep us through all this mess.
Kindness isn't a sign of weakness but the Love of
Yah and we're not stupid if we don't say anything.
You see we're wise with Yah so what you think you're
doing to us on yourself Yah's displeasure you bring.
There's a cost associated with everything you do and
you're going to pay in full just wait and see.
There are many who are reaping everyday who are
suffering now who are living miserably.
Toxic people are everywhere the people of Yah are
and we deal with them everyday one on one.
You see what is going on in the flesh is happening
in the spirit and in the spirit the war is being won.

As much as possible eliminate them
from your life.
inspired by Tulip the Poetess
shelly david wright, poet

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