Saturday, December 26, 2009

Unclean People

"Unclean People."

Just like Leviticus 11 speaks of unclean foods that
make up the dietary laws there are unclean people also.
1st Corinthians 7:14 speaks of unclean children
outside of Yah so there are unclean adults you must know.
Not just what a person puts in their mouths makes
them unclean but the spirit that's in them too.
Just as Yah is in those He is calling out of darkness
everyday demons are in others and it's true.
You either have Yah in you or demons/unclean spirits
make people unclean and believe me you can tell.
There the ones who are in relationships who abuse
you in every way possible raising nothing but hell.
They're the ones who lie, cheat, and kill for no reason
they're the ones you can't trust because they'll turn on you.
They're the ones who have no morals or standards
because there isn't anything that they won't do.
We who see now were at one time in darkness and
satan was our parent we did as he said.
Now through Yah we are dying daily to our flesh
our old selves will one day too be dead.
We must not look down on them but pray for them
although now we are their true enemy.
They're just pawns in the hands of the devil no matter
who they are they're blind and just cannot see.
We see flesh and blood but they are unclean people
with spirits you must learn to discern spiritually.
Everything that happens in the physical had its
origins in the spirit this you can believe in its entirety.
We deal with demons everyday through people and
they know who you are in Yah and you they'll test.
You should not be in fear of no one or nothing because
if Yah chose you He simply chose one of the best.
We aren't like the world but we are a light unto the world
and there are many who are sent to bring you down.
Just know in your weakest moment you are strong
because you're more than a conqueror when Yah is around.
Just like there's unclean food I refuse to eat there are
unclean people with unclean spirits out here.
Just like satan comes off to many as an Angel of light
like your friends and family is how they appear.

another word to uplift a Tulip and others
shelly david wright, poet

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