Monday, December 21, 2009

Plan, Purpose, Design and Direction

"Plan, Purpose, Design, and Direction."

Before the foundation of the world
Yah knew us in spirit we were with Him.
Those whom He would Elect would be sent
to earth to the lost and minister to them.
We're here by Plan, Purpose, Design, and Direction
our steps are prepared from above.
Open your eyes for there's no coincidence
nothing is by chance, it's all by Love.
This was given to me you will see that
our lives go accordingly to Yah's Perfect Plan.
In the beginning He was recreating Himself
and He is doing it all through man.
My first name Shelly was the last name of a poet
Percy Bysshe Shelley who was born in the 18th century.
My middle name David is the King of Israel
he also wrote poetry.
Wright is my last name,Write is what I do
and Right is what He's making me.
Shelly David Wright is who I am
Write is what I do and Right is what I'm to be.
I couldn't make this up and it isn't coincidence
but we are by Design and Direction.
When He spoke us into being He saw the end from
the beginning, He called us into spiritual perfection.
Our lives are His to give Him esteem
we live to serve and keep His commandments too.
The poetry is not for entertainment but for
healing hearts ministry, it has touched many of you.
Plan, Purpose, Design, and Direction it's not by chance we
were called in the perfect season.
Becoming a testimony to those who are going through
things we did when we served satan is the reason.
My calling is to write, say my name, Shelly Wright (write)
you are actually saying what I do.
Shelly Wright (write) is a command from Yah
His words through this vessels comes true.
We know who we are and whose we are by
Plan, Purpose, Direction, and Design.
The name Shelly David Wright
is by deign and a sign.

shelly david wright, poet

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