Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Number 2 in the Nation

"Number 2 in the Nation."

We're the home of Jazz, Red Beans and Rice, the
undefeated Saints, and we're number 2 in the nation too.
This morning on the News it was stated as we're having
a World AIDS conference New Orleans is number two.
We have a high HIV/AIDS rate and it's increasing
because although they Love to no one really gives a screw.
Didn't want to use the other word that really fits but
many are literally screwing their lives away it's true.
We're murdering each other with guns and sex satan will do
whatever he can by any means necessary to take you out.
You see your whoring isn't as casual as you may think it's a sin
against Yah read 1st Corinthians 5 to see what I'm talking about.
I hadn't always been celibate but without Love sex is nothing in fact
when you Love you make Love and are responsible with your mate.
You see it is Yah that's keeping me from destroying myself through
the flesh so in His spirit I have the patience and the strength to wait.
You need to realize although it's a high but like Crack or any
drug satan can make sex very addictive also.
Biology wasn't just taught by your Teachers satan was around
when Yah created man so about your body he knows.
AIDS many believe was laboratory made with the help of
satan remember he hates mankind he wants to destroy you.
So when you place yourself out of the will of Yah you give
satan full access to you and when he has it you're through.
People are dying everyday behind sex it's nice to share but
sleeping from person to person or sharing needles it's cool.
Stop being an instrument in the hands of satan when you're
out here whoring all you're doing is being his fool.
The problem is in a world where satan is god many are
void of Love this emotion in many hearts and lives don't exist.
Love doesn't whip a woman's ass it never cheats or abuses
but the spirit of satan does that many find hard to resist.
We're #2 in the nation and Baton Rouge is #3 go Tigers but
there's a Lion called AIDS that's destroying many.
While you're out there getting yours satan is getting his
and he's taking many lives and I do mean plenty.
New Orleans is # 2 in the nation with HIV/AIDS now
that's a positive of being celibate and waiting for my wife.
I don't gamble of any kind so you know I'm not about to
play Russian Roulette behind sex with my life.

inspired by the Morning News
shelly david wright, poet

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