Saturday, December 5, 2009

On This Day as I Give You My Heart

"On This Day as I Give You My Heart."

On this day as I give you my heart and pledge my
fidelity I promise before the Most High above.
That I will Treasure and Cherish this most precious
of Gifts that I am highly favored to Love.
I promise that I will preserve the Beauty that
you've given me and I will protect her with my life.
Those whom you've given me through her may not be
my seed but I will Love them as mine as I do my wife.
On this day as I give you my heart I give you the assurance
that I will be there for you as a daughter of the Most High.
All your needs will be answered through my Love for you
and I promise to be the Love of your life as time passes by.
You are the one that I prayed for in my loneliness and
you're the answer that Yah sent as a blessing to my heart.
You weren't born like the rest of us but you were created
one of a kind as a splendid masterpiece work of art.
Upon your creation Yah had me in mind and He's surely
given me more than I could conceive or really ever knew.
When Yah sent you into my life at a time I was ready to give
up He sent me a zillion trillion dreams and prayers come true.
Through the ends of this age and into the new beginning I will
Love you and my heart will be filled with Joy when you I see.
I will know gladness in my soul as you are the Virtuous wife
that before the world was created and prepared for me.
On this day as I give you my heart I am in awe and in
deep appreciation of a Love so grand.
A Love that in this flesh I cannot believe I'm worthy to
receive or do I truly understand.
All I know is that the tears that are starting to form as I
write is how I feel and how thankful I am for you my dear.
I'll be your shoulder to lean on and to cry on to depend on
to be your everything as I will always be near.
On this day as I give you my heart I'm holding your hand
and your heart as well.
A diamond that was formed out of the pressure of life you
are and the sweetest aroma and your Love I smell.
As we lay tonight it will end our celibacy and will bring
two bodies into the sheer intimacy and fulfillment of being one.
On this day that I give you my heart and I pledge my life
I pray that as we kiss His will for us will forever be done.

I was feeling this in my heart big time.
shelly david wright, poet

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