Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When a Woman Loves You

"When a Woman Loves You."

When a woman Loves you there isn't
anything that she won't do.
Because when she knows she is Loved
in return I promise she'll be good to you.
But when she is used and made a fool of she'll
hurt but you will be hurt by her also.
Because the good thing you just messed up
you'll never get again I want you to know.
There are too many hurt and bitter women who
gave their hearts to males who weren't worthy at all.
Males instead of men who lied to get next to her just
to get her to make the booty call.
When you hurt a woman we all pay because there's
trust issues and they look at all of us the same.
We're looked at as Dogs who want them only for one
thing and many males do and that's a shame.
Males will want to kill someone if they mistreated their
Mothers, sisters or daughters but someone else's they'll screw.
When we see a woman who turns her head rather than look
your way you must consider what a male has put them through.
Sure it was a bad choice on their part and many continue to
make those bad choices with satan's help of course.
Until you're called by Yah you'll continue to choose wrong
relationships will fail and marriages end in divorce.
When a woman Loves you she'll give her all not holding
back and she'll lay down her life for you through pregnancy.
When she Loves you all she wants to do is make you happy
because when you make her happy she'll Love you continually.
When a woman Loves you it's a Beautiful thing
and when you Love them it's a Beautiful thing for them.
Because when you Love a woman you have Yah within
and you're a man not a male because your spirit is from Him.
Being in Love is to be in the presence of Yah
because it's His Love that you feel.
A Love that you will always feel from Yah
that is true, deep, and real.
When a woman Loves you and you Love her
you're both special and Yah is in the midst of your Love.
For the woman who Loves and you Love her Yah has joined you in
the beginning to experience a pleasure only a few know of.

shelly david wright, poet

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