Tuesday, December 22, 2009

When it's Time to Let Go

"When it's Time to Let Go."

We as caring sensitive people are always looking
out for someone placing them first.
But for many who are incapable of Love but of a
selfish nature for us this truly spells our worst.
Don't you know that in the beginning satan knew
those who Yah would call and he sent us an adversary.
Someone who would bring it to us full force and being
who we are that load on our lives we'd carry.
But there comes a time when we must stand still and let
Yah fight our battles we simply need to sit back and let go.
You see Yah can see the end from the beginning and He
allows us to go and grow through so His strength will show.
He let go those in Noah's day and those that vexed Him
sorely in the time of Lot too.
Yah let go His wrath on them for you see like people in our
lives some will never change and you know it's true.
It isn't their time to see because they're blind and serving
their father the devil also.
They are our family and friends our husbands and wives
when it's time to surrender you just have to know.
They will place a drain on you trying to help those
who truly only want to bring harm to our lives.
That's why there is so much confusion that is taking
place in the homes of many husbands and wives.
You see Yah doesn't join everyone we join ourselves
with satan's help he'll send us a mate.
Someone who has no understanding who is void of
Love but solidly filled with hate.
I know I don't need the drama in my life so I've
learned to submit and turn the other way.
In fact I'll run if need be for my own peace of mind
because in a hopeless situation I'm not about to stay.
There's nothing more important than peace and we all
need it if we're to stay in harmony with the Most High.
I've learned to truly appreciate the wonderful people
in my life everyday as time and this world passes by.
This was inspired by Tulip but there are many others
who need this spoken into their lives as well.
When is it time to let go? When all they can do for you
is make you miserable and give you a life that's hell.

It's time to let go Sweetie
inspired by a Tulip and a Poetess
shelly david wright, poet

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