Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Whores, Married Whores, and Perverts

"Whores, Married Whores, and Perverts."

These are the types of males that my Sister Kim
has been meeting and this is sad if I must say.
That all these males not men at all want to take
advantage of a person and just play.
It is time to realize that as time nears an end all
the roaches and rats are coming out the woodworks.
It is a blessing when you meet someone who is real
but in this world where satan is god all you find is jerks.
I was in darkness myself but I was never an Atomic
dog as these males are today.
They will tell you what you want to hear and a lot
more because on your back they want you to lay.
Males with wives and who are dating who are so
consumed with Lust that they can't get enough.
For those they're involved with it really must be
about them reaping or things are just that tough.
There's an increase in perverts and they'll sleep
with men, women, children and animals too.
They are so twisted and controlled by those spirits
that whatever comes to their imagination they'll do.
It is sad as a chosen people that we behave in such a
manner still hard headed as we were in the past.
Our disobedience allowed Yah to bring us here
to where we're going nowhere real fast.
Why is it that being a whore to the lost is a sign of
being a man when they're not even that.
They're just boys who play with those who are just
as sad as them playing house chasing cat.
AIDS is epidemic in our community and they seem to
not understand that they're screwing their lives away.
Whores, married whores, and perverts and the females
are just as bad for our people we should pray.
Just as in Noah's and Lot's day Yah's wrath is coming
once again upon the disobedient you whores better stop.
Because there may be a disease coming that just may
make your prized private parts fall off and drop.
Whores, married whores, and perverts where's the quality
and my Brothers and Sisters don't settle for less.
These whores want you in the Lake of Fire with them so
be wise and wait on Yah til then don't undress.

Inspired by Kim aka Caramel Queen
shelly david wright, poet

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