Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kissing in the Car Wash

"Kissing in the Car wash."

Today as I was washing my Sister Kim's car I
thought about the car wash that we used to drive thru.
Back in the early 80's we'd take a car there
and kiss while we were going through.
Fast forward and romance is something seldom
seen, heard, or talked about today.
But when you're blessed with someone special
take every opportunity to set the mood I'd say.
A trip anywhere driving could be very romantic
keep a picnic basket and a blanket in the car.
Two who are in Love can enjoy precious moments
together no matter where they are.
A walk hand in hand through the park or the mall
wherever you are Love is there with you.
When you have that special someone in your life
take advantage of the moments and seize them too.
Life isn't promised nor is your next breath so let that
person know in word and deed just how you feel.
They need to know that what you are feeling is from
your heart with passion and it is totally real.
Laugh, smile enjoy each other's company let them
know that in this world they're the only one you see.
They need to know that everyday that you wake up
is another day you have to Love them sincerely.
I Love you are words that mean so much and if you're
real they will feel them to their very core.
If they're also in Love with you there's nothing else
in the world that they ever want to hear more.
Whether you're kissing in the car wash in the shower under
a tree wherever your lips meet the moment is always right.
Let your inner feelings express in a kiss that you're
with everything that makes up your heart's delight.
Conversation communication words filled with thought
or a joke to keep them laughing whatever you do.
Show them more than tell them that they're very
special in your life and certainly your dream come true.
Kissing in the car while in the car wash Faith Evans is
singing "Kissing You" as the car is covered with soap.
These are the moments that make life so sweet and this
is a poem that will inspire that special someone I hope.

special thoughts of Tulip
shelly david wright, poet

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