Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Soft Sister

"A Soft Sister."

You hear the Brothers say they're looking for a
strong black woman but do they really want one.
A sister who is opinionated and has her own money
one who is independent will have them on the run.
There's nothing wrong with a strong sister but whose
strength and spirit is in her that's the question I ask.
Because if she's not of Yah she's of the world and she'll
through her father's spirit bring you to task.
I would Love a strong sister with my father's spirit
who knows how to be soft and a lady too.
Someone who is meek and soft spoken who when she
opens her mouth she talks to not down at you.
Someone like Tulip who isn't afraid to let her softer
sweeter side show.
When I proof read her a poem she let the fountains
of her eyes through emotions flow.
Some sisters have to be strong when those males
they've had let them in their needs down.
You see males not man want part of a woman the part
below her waist and when they hit they don't come around.
Where a man wants all of her from head to toe and
the most important part what he doesn't see.
A Beautiful caring heart that has been changed by
hurt and healed by Yah that beats inwardly.
A soft sister with a quiet spirit who isn't afraid
to show you through her affections how she feels.
Someone who is only looking to be given someone
from the Most High someone who is real.
A soft sister who is loving, giving, filled with so
much sensitivity one who is sweeter than honey also.
These are the kind of sisters that the Most High
Yah has blessed me to meet and to get to know.
A sister who would lean and cry on your shoulder one
who will show you her true self with you continually.
Someone who treats you how she wants to be treated
and will be there for you in any way she can be.
A strong sister who shows her softer side is a truly
Beautiful sister when she has her Father's spirit and Love.
A soft sister one who'll read this with her heart as well
as her eyes is one blessing from Yah above.

inspired by Tulip
shelly david wright, poet

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