Friday, November 20, 2009

They Come with Baggage

"They Come with Baggage."

When you're looking for someone or Yah has
given you someone this one statement you'll find true.
That everyone comes with baggage because this world
is void of Love you don't know what they've been through.
There are many who have the Baby Mama/Daddy drama
going on and there are some who were abandoned by them.
It seems we have more children than committed parents and
just because he's fine doesn't mean you have to have a baby by him.
Same to the Brothers don't create something you aren't prepared
mentally, emotionally and financially to really take care of.
It goes back to the Sisters don't spread your legs after
you've opened your heart just because you hear the word Love.
As a people because of captivity we have trust issues
and we're the first to keep each other down.
We all have some baggage that we bring to the table
so when you meet someone be mature or you won't stick around.
We are our own worst enemies and the Brothers say the Sisters
have issues but you didn't think so before you put her on her back.
Now because she is tied to you emotionally and see your true
side her character through harsh words to the fellas you attack.
My Sisters I know you've been hurt but please don't take
your hurt out or unleash your anger on the next one you meet.
Another thing manhood isn't a Macho man thing just because
he doesn't flow with the false masculinity doesn't mean he's sweet.
Our people have more baggage than all the biggest airports
combined but we all need the healing and Love of Yah too.
I'm sure you're not going to trust when those out here
are filled with foolishness and just want to hurt you.
We create our own baggage when we as a people
don't truly know Love or its intensity.
Love will not allow you to be self centered or selfish
you'll sacrifice and deny self continually.
You'll take low and wrong to keep the peace and
you'll forgive them when your feelings are hurt.
Love will allow you to understand that they have baggage
you must have patience when they've been treated like dirt.
We come with baggage to some degree but there is healing
through Love when Yah calls you out of this insanity.
You're able to Love them for who they are and accept
those children as your own and make a family.

shelly david wright, poet

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