Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Virtues and Standards in a Husband

"The Virtues and Standards in a Husband."

Proverbs 31:10-31 speaks about the Capable or
Virtuous wife but she's just a reflection of her husband.
Yah chose him to be head so he has to first set the
standards before his wife virtues he must understand.
What you read is how the wife is but this doesn't exclude
the husband because Yah holds the husband accountable too.
Yah did not go to the wife of Adam but He went to
the one He chose as head Yah told Adam what to do.
It is our charge to lead our families we are the ones
Yah chose and His own always through His spirit prevail.
The Virtuous wife is of the Virtuous and capable husband
they make up the marriage that through Him cannot fail.
It's just sad that many can't distinguish a male from a man
and that Lucifer also Match makes his own as a mockery.
The marriages that you see fail with infidelity and
domestic violence aren't of Yah it is satan in them you see.
Marriages that aren't based on Love or any attributes of
His spirit but based on Lust and material things that's all.
Many have given their lives up for things for a so-called
better life but emotionally apart their better lives fall.
Divorce in America is over 50% and cheating today by
both spouses has become a regular way of life.
There are wives who are creeping and feel justified and
husbands who feel it's a man's thing to cheat on his wife.
Virtues and standards aren't even enforced in church
because the members see the same corruption in the pulpit.
There are menace-sters who cheat on their wives with
those in their congregations you must admit.
Yah created man in His image and likeness but it doesn't
say with His heart to truly be faithful and to truly Love.
That comes through change when you have a relationship
with your Father who has called you from above.
A capable or virtuous wife as mentioned here is what
the Love and support of her husband allows her to be so.
Because when they are going different directions much
drama no matter how good she is they will know.
Virtues and standards must start with the husband
and if they don't show them before you marry, don't.
Because if virtues and standards aren't part of their lives
don't believe they'll change because often times they won't.

shelly david wright, poet

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