Friday, November 20, 2009

Most Treasured

"Most Treasured."

It's time that the conscious Brothers teach
those who have an open mind their rightful place.
As Kings the royalty of Yah that through our
disobedience and captivity a truth we cannot face.
Many of us would rather call each other something
derogatory than something that is real.
We're the chosen of Yah we like Adam were created
in His image but Yah's spirit many can't feel.
As Kevin says two strikes and the two strikes in this
society is being Black and a male too.
In this society where we make up a large portion of
the prison population this simply is true.
Racism is a spiritual thing not just about color but
more of whose we are being a people of the Most High.
We were brought to the land of our enemy sold to them by
Arabs and Africans so we being African American is a lie.
You see those so called two strikes are what makes us
special because Yah's first creation was a Black male also.
He was given authority over the Garden and all that
Yah created as the Scriptures clearly show.
Upon Yah's return those conscious Brothers will be made
Kings and rule with David as the Scriptures speak of.
The New Yerusalem will be here on earth not as
many were taught that we'll be in Heaven above.
Most treasured are those who aren't Black males
but are Hebrews a people who were chosen above all.
A people who are awakening everyday to take their
place even as the world around them starts to fall.
Sure right now our unconscious Brothers are still in
darkness and following satan's lead to their destruction.
They are doing as their father wants them to until
Yah calls some of them out of their corruption.
Most treasured are the people of Yah who He chose
unto Himself through their father Abraham.
We aren't Niggers or whatever ignorance we call
each other but the creation of the great I AM.
The two strikes are two positives for the conscious
who know they are Kings who are more than Black.
People who are in captivity right now but we will
rise to our rightful place when our Father comes back.

thanks to Kevin Roy
shelly david wright, poet

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