Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Booty doesn't mean Beauty

"Booty doesn't mean Beauty."

Let me be the first to state that I Love to see the
Beautiful curves that Yah in the woman has created.
To see a Queen who is stacked as we used to say
should be admired for her Beauty and appreciated.
But Booty doesn't mean Beauty when there is an
attitude like it's all about them when it shouldn't be.
Having butt doesn't give no one the right to think they're
all that when it's not your face but your butt many see.
True Beauty is more than what the eyes are capable
of seeing it's in a heart changed from above.
A heart that no longer has a self righteous all about
them attitude but one filled with Love.
Without the Beauty within you're just a body and
that's the way a male will see you another ass to smack.
Sex is a spiritual addiction although it's felt physically
through Lust sex is far worst to many than crack.
Spirits are joined as well as two bodies and ties are
made that can destroy you totally.
Once again you need to know when you're joined to
someone you could become one with demons easily.
I admire the physical attributes of our Queens not
just their bodies but the whole appearance of them.
Especially those with a sweet personality who when they
open their mouths you know they're a treasure from Him.
A smile is more Beautiful than any Butt with pretty
eyes on a sweet face no matter her size.
Beauty is felt within your heart more than seen but I do
Love to see a Queen with nice legs and shapely thighs.
Beauty is more than appearance and when we look with
our eyes only instead of our hearts we are truly blind.
Because looks are very deceiving and shallow they fade
over time where true inner Beauty grows you'll find.
Booty is not Beauty no matter how a male responds to
seeing you and your butt there could be one thing on his mind.
Seeing you and your big ole' butt naked hitting, splitting,
and later believe or not forgetting your big ole behind.
If your beauty isn't felt you're just a body there's nothing
special about you, you're just one of many.
I was at the Sudan/Versatile Ladies of Style 2nd Line
yesterday and I saw booty and I mean plenty.

with help from my Hebrew Brothers Gary & Kevin
shelly david wright, poet

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