Monday, November 16, 2009

We Need to Stop Pointing Fingers

"We Need to Stop Pointing Fingers."

You'll hear from the Brothers it's the Sisters and
you'll hear from the Sisters it's the Brothers too.
We need to stop the finger pointing because it's all of
us when we are truly unconscious to being Hebrew.
My Brothers I know what Yah says about the Daughters
of Zion and what He'll do to them but we're not without fault.
On our Sisters we don't need to be pointing fingers at them
Yah will deal with them so it's wrong for us to throw salt.
To my Sisters I know being a man who was a male I know
the Brothers have spiritual issues as well.
Yah chose them as head and they too will be dealt with
Yah is going to correct the Brothers I'm here to tell.
We need to stop pointing fingers at each other and pray
there's a spiritual and emotional healing from above.
Because right now we are at war with our own and
although we easily use the word we really do not know Love.
The bottom line is it's the Brothers and the Sisters who are
to blame because the knowledge of who they are isn't in them.
They've been told everything but the truth from their own, their
Gentile oppressors, and from satan they've learned a lot from him.
We all have issues and we need to stop the finger pointing and
realize this is the way it is and the way it's meant to be.
Yah saw this in the very beginning because our ancestors
rebelled against Him and we're all experiencing captivity.
Until we are released from our spiritual imprisonment
we'll continue to do the crimes against our own that we do.
Until we learn of our heritage as a royal people of the
Most High Yah a lot of problems we shall go through.
Our families will continue to dissolve before our eyes
and at each other's necks we will stay.
Until the Love of Yah comes into our hearts we will murder
each other with words and with guns blow each other away.
I'm not about to leave my Hebrew Queen for a Gentile peasant
I know that many are still unconscious to who they are.
I'm not about to ever say they are better than a Sister
to do so is an insult to Yah and is going way too far.
We need to stop pointing fingers at each other we're all
in spiritual captivity conscious and unconscious also.
The truth about what's really going on is there in the
pages of Scripture if you really want to know.

inspired by: Tonida
shelly david wright, poet

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