Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Seize The Moment

"Seize the Moment."

We're at home and the children are headed
out for the evening now it's our time to have fun.
Too often there are busy schedules the kids and
just the day to day activities keep you on the run.
When the time comes seize the moment get in some
WE time for the two of you.
Make time for Love, you got to keep things fresh
when no one's home enjoy that time too.
Just like you feed your body food you need to be
fed emotionally also.
We need to have time for Love and make time
for it, it's the release you need don't you know.
There is nothing more better than Love that
you can give to the person that you Love.
There's nothing that you can buy or anything
of value you can give that I know of.
Could ever take the place of Love there's
nothing that I want more.
Than to have someone who is in Love with me
and someone I truly adore.
Seize the moment and if your house is always
full then the only thing to do is leave.
Get a baby sitter for a few hours go out and
enjoy yourself WE time you need to receive.
Or if you can drop the kids off by a relative
to spend the night this would really be sweet.
Have dinner prepared and water drawn make
your home a cozy hide away where you can meet.
The washroom or the closet the shed out back all you
need is some space.
An air mattress, candlelight, and some music are
just things you need for romantic face to face.
Seize the moment and keep naughtiness on your
mind after all this is your spouse.
You should be able to fully enjoy one another be
like the kids and chase each other around the house.
Seize the moment a kissing marathon in the bathroom
or the closet pull them in the washroom not for laundry.
One of the most important things to go on in the home
is to keep your life Spicy with some intimacy.

shelly david wright, poet

Keep it Spicy

"Keep It Spicy."

Many marriages are suffering from dullness
there's no fire or desire and no romance at all.
Set the mood with soft music and candlelight
RSVP a night of romance not a Coochie call.
Put the kids to bed and take a shower together
bathe each other and lotion each other too.
Massage her feet and caress her gently
kissing her all over would be the thing to do.
Speak to her and let her know how important
she is tonight let her be your Teddy Bear.
Wear nothing to bed but each other and
begin to touch and kiss her everywhere.
I like chocolate so I'd get a bag of kisses
unwrap one and place it in her mouth to eat.
Then I'd kiss her so we can share the flavor
enjoying the kisses and kisses would be sweet.
You got to keep it spicy in your marriage
do the same things you did to capture her heart.
In fact use your imagination, role play with her
take flavored lipstick and make her a work of art.
Too often you both are too busy worried about
the cares of this world and you lose your place.
You need to incorporate mellow music throughout
the day pass by and blow kisses in her face.
Now ladies you do your part touch him in places
be naughty and not nice and play fair.
He needs to know he is desired by you too bow
before your King to show him how much you care.
Romance is important in a marriage and you
don't have to wait at night to display your Love.
You can be at the market and touch her with a cucumber
or do anything to surprise her that you know of.
Picnics can be very romantic lying on a blanket
snuggled up listening to soft music on the radio.
Or you can lay your head on her if you like in romance
and marriage I would think anything should go.
You have to use your imagination to keep it spicy
just lying down together in each other's arms is fine.
Whatever comes to your heart make time to do it
nothing is more important than a healthy marriage
and this is really the bottom line.

shelly david wright, poet

The Beautiful Moments After

"The Beautiful Moments After."

Lovemaking doesn't end after you've climaxed
the moments after lying there is important too.
You embrace and either fall asleep holding each
other or there's a number of things you can do.
Remember this is an act of bonding and
bringing you into the unity of one.
This is no Macho male act as it is in the world
where it's all self getting yours, it's all that's done.
Lovemaking is not SEX they closely resemble
but there is a big difference in the two.
Lovemaking has a different mindset and spirit
associated with it, it's not about me but you.
In Lovemaking like in marriage it's all about pleasing
your spouse and when you do you please Yah also.
We exist to worship Him in everything and that
includes our Lovemaking if you didn't know.
There are spirits in Lovemaking just like sex
in Lovemaking it's the spirit of the Most High.
Three are in the bed your spouse, you, and
the spirit of Yah and that's no lie.
When you're His He never leaves you
He gave us true Lovemaking in the first place.
So when you see your spouse you're not only
looking at her you are looking into His face.
Therefore the moments after are the most
Beautiful that you can spend.
Only the Lustful after they've ejaculated
will bring their time in bed to an end.
Never caring if she's fulfilled or satisfied
many will even turn away.
This is destroying the emotions of females
where they turn to each other everyday.
In the moments after you can go shower together
listen to some music sit and talk and so much more.
You see Lovemaking is just one part of the whole
pie when that person you truly Love and adore.
The moments after sum up your Lovemaking you
see when Yah is there He brings it to another level.
Unlike sex where there's no fulfillment or satisfaction
because you're in bed with death, the devil.

shelly david wright, poet

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Unclean People

"Unclean People."

Just like Leviticus 11 speaks of unclean foods that
make up the dietary laws there are unclean people also.
1st Corinthians 7:14 speaks of unclean children
outside of Yah so there are unclean adults you must know.
Not just what a person puts in their mouths makes
them unclean but the spirit that's in them too.
Just as Yah is in those He is calling out of darkness
everyday demons are in others and it's true.
You either have Yah in you or demons/unclean spirits
make people unclean and believe me you can tell.
There the ones who are in relationships who abuse
you in every way possible raising nothing but hell.
They're the ones who lie, cheat, and kill for no reason
they're the ones you can't trust because they'll turn on you.
They're the ones who have no morals or standards
because there isn't anything that they won't do.
We who see now were at one time in darkness and
satan was our parent we did as he said.
Now through Yah we are dying daily to our flesh
our old selves will one day too be dead.
We must not look down on them but pray for them
although now we are their true enemy.
They're just pawns in the hands of the devil no matter
who they are they're blind and just cannot see.
We see flesh and blood but they are unclean people
with spirits you must learn to discern spiritually.
Everything that happens in the physical had its
origins in the spirit this you can believe in its entirety.
We deal with demons everyday through people and
they know who you are in Yah and you they'll test.
You should not be in fear of no one or nothing because
if Yah chose you He simply chose one of the best.
We aren't like the world but we are a light unto the world
and there are many who are sent to bring you down.
Just know in your weakest moment you are strong
because you're more than a conqueror when Yah is around.
Just like there's unclean food I refuse to eat there are
unclean people with unclean spirits out here.
Just like satan comes off to many as an Angel of light
like your friends and family is how they appear.

another word to uplift a Tulip and others
shelly david wright, poet

Kissing in the Car Wash

"Kissing in the Car wash."

Today as I was washing my Sister Kim's car I
thought about the car wash that we used to drive thru.
Back in the early 80's we'd take a car there
and kiss while we were going through.
Fast forward and romance is something seldom
seen, heard, or talked about today.
But when you're blessed with someone special
take every opportunity to set the mood I'd say.
A trip anywhere driving could be very romantic
keep a picnic basket and a blanket in the car.
Two who are in Love can enjoy precious moments
together no matter where they are.
A walk hand in hand through the park or the mall
wherever you are Love is there with you.
When you have that special someone in your life
take advantage of the moments and seize them too.
Life isn't promised nor is your next breath so let that
person know in word and deed just how you feel.
They need to know that what you are feeling is from
your heart with passion and it is totally real.
Laugh, smile enjoy each other's company let them
know that in this world they're the only one you see.
They need to know that everyday that you wake up
is another day you have to Love them sincerely.
I Love you are words that mean so much and if you're
real they will feel them to their very core.
If they're also in Love with you there's nothing else
in the world that they ever want to hear more.
Whether you're kissing in the car wash in the shower under
a tree wherever your lips meet the moment is always right.
Let your inner feelings express in a kiss that you're
with everything that makes up your heart's delight.
Conversation communication words filled with thought
or a joke to keep them laughing whatever you do.
Show them more than tell them that they're very
special in your life and certainly your dream come true.
Kissing in the car while in the car wash Faith Evans is
singing "Kissing You" as the car is covered with soap.
These are the moments that make life so sweet and this
is a poem that will inspire that special someone I hope.

special thoughts of Tulip
shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Whores, Married Whores, and Perverts

"Whores, Married Whores, and Perverts."

These are the types of males that my Sister Kim
has been meeting and this is sad if I must say.
That all these males not men at all want to take
advantage of a person and just play.
It is time to realize that as time nears an end all
the roaches and rats are coming out the woodworks.
It is a blessing when you meet someone who is real
but in this world where satan is god all you find is jerks.
I was in darkness myself but I was never an Atomic
dog as these males are today.
They will tell you what you want to hear and a lot
more because on your back they want you to lay.
Males with wives and who are dating who are so
consumed with Lust that they can't get enough.
For those they're involved with it really must be
about them reaping or things are just that tough.
There's an increase in perverts and they'll sleep
with men, women, children and animals too.
They are so twisted and controlled by those spirits
that whatever comes to their imagination they'll do.
It is sad as a chosen people that we behave in such a
manner still hard headed as we were in the past.
Our disobedience allowed Yah to bring us here
to where we're going nowhere real fast.
Why is it that being a whore to the lost is a sign of
being a man when they're not even that.
They're just boys who play with those who are just
as sad as them playing house chasing cat.
AIDS is epidemic in our community and they seem to
not understand that they're screwing their lives away.
Whores, married whores, and perverts and the females
are just as bad for our people we should pray.
Just as in Noah's and Lot's day Yah's wrath is coming
once again upon the disobedient you whores better stop.
Because there may be a disease coming that just may
make your prized private parts fall off and drop.
Whores, married whores, and perverts where's the quality
and my Brothers and Sisters don't settle for less.
These whores want you in the Lake of Fire with them so
be wise and wait on Yah til then don't undress.

Inspired by Kim aka Caramel Queen
shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

From the Heart

"From the Heart."

From the heart I speak to you in the voice
of reason and wisdom through this poetry.
For you who receive these words are of the
chosen of Yah who gives this poetic ministry to me.
From the heart I give you these words to uplift and
to inspire you who write to do the same.
Share the words that you are given as we show our
Love for each other in the Most High's name.
From the heart is how we should deal and treat one
another but too many are in darkness to receive this word.
Yet we must pray for those cannot see or hear because
the truth of Yah to those who are being called will be heard.
From the heart we go from heart to heart with your eyes
you see these words but your heart receives all of them.
Our names may rest on the works as those who wrote
them but all we are are instruments used by Him.
Yah uses flesh to reveal His purpose so through the
artists His thoughts for our hearts He can convey.
Words that are coming through us and from us are
words that from our hearts He has to say.
To my Brothers and Sisters these words are from
the heart and inspired through Yah in Love.
Words are powerful and can either hurt or heal
so write well through the spirit from above.
The word has a charge to deceive through the music
industry as Love songs have no Love at all.
They talk about not wanting to be in Love or how it
hurts but they are out there to cause your fall.
Love doesn't fail nor will it ever our emotions fail
when we don't know Love or the power of it too.
Love songs aren't Love songs at all without Yah's
spirit to fill your heart with words that are true.
From the heart I write these words in Love words
that touch your heart that are so real.
Beautiful words that are as Beautiful as the spirit
that inspires them words that through your heart you feel.
From the heart I Love you and when you read the poems
you can believe what I just said from my heart to you.
Yah has given us a gift to esteem Him with and to be help
to our Brothers and Sisters who are going and growing through.

inspired from the heart
shelly david wright, poet

Why Call Me Friend when You mean Fool

"Why call Me Friend when You mean Fool."

Let's be honest why do you call me friend
when you obviously are looking for a fool.
I'm sorry I can't bite my tongue I'm calling out
all those with that mindset to tell you it's not cool.
Don't take anyone's kindness for weakness and because
they're not addressing the issue they're not stupid also.
You see they are intimate with a spirit that lives within
them that you who are the true foolish do not know.
Satan is using you and he's playing you for all you do
Yah is looking and believe me you shall not get away.
Vengeance is mine Yah said we don't have to touch you
or do anything because for us Yah shall repay.
Why do you call me friend when I obviously know the
difference myself a friend above all things is family.
Those whom Yah has called out of the world who are
precious and those who are very dear and Loved by me.
To all those who are wicked and think you're getting over
you're only hurting yourself but for you I'll pray.
The truth is you're just a pawn in satan's plan he's using you
to attack Yah's own but with Yah's you shouldn't even play.
The mindset of those who think they're getting over, cheating,
stealing, those who are wicked are of the devil.
Sure you have your spouse and that person on the side
but satan is only bringing your punishment to another level.
Everything that we do has a cost and at one time
we all were in darkness so it's nothing new that you do.
We all did things when we were in darkness in the service
of satan but Yah called us out and His way we pursue.
Those things that you get consider them gifts because
I'm sorry they will cost you more in the long run.
You'll see that it won't be bad luck but your reaping
when Yah with your life gets done.
Tulip coined the title friend or foe and it fits here but
that's one of the poems she's been inspired to write.
Why call me friend when you mean fool but you're a
foe because me you're not trying to treat right.
Why do you call me friend when you mean fool
but you're the one at a loss for you really can't see.
Because you'd know that precious people are rare friends
are those you Love as yourself and that's very sincerely.

inspired by a conversation with a Poetess
shelly david wright, poet

When it's Time to Let Go

"When it's Time to Let Go."

We as caring sensitive people are always looking
out for someone placing them first.
But for many who are incapable of Love but of a
selfish nature for us this truly spells our worst.
Don't you know that in the beginning satan knew
those who Yah would call and he sent us an adversary.
Someone who would bring it to us full force and being
who we are that load on our lives we'd carry.
But there comes a time when we must stand still and let
Yah fight our battles we simply need to sit back and let go.
You see Yah can see the end from the beginning and He
allows us to go and grow through so His strength will show.
He let go those in Noah's day and those that vexed Him
sorely in the time of Lot too.
Yah let go His wrath on them for you see like people in our
lives some will never change and you know it's true.
It isn't their time to see because they're blind and serving
their father the devil also.
They are our family and friends our husbands and wives
when it's time to surrender you just have to know.
They will place a drain on you trying to help those
who truly only want to bring harm to our lives.
That's why there is so much confusion that is taking
place in the homes of many husbands and wives.
You see Yah doesn't join everyone we join ourselves
with satan's help he'll send us a mate.
Someone who has no understanding who is void of
Love but solidly filled with hate.
I know I don't need the drama in my life so I've
learned to submit and turn the other way.
In fact I'll run if need be for my own peace of mind
because in a hopeless situation I'm not about to stay.
There's nothing more important than peace and we all
need it if we're to stay in harmony with the Most High.
I've learned to truly appreciate the wonderful people
in my life everyday as time and this world passes by.
This was inspired by Tulip but there are many others
who need this spoken into their lives as well.
When is it time to let go? When all they can do for you
is make you miserable and give you a life that's hell.

It's time to let go Sweetie
inspired by a Tulip and a Poetess
shelly david wright, poet

Monday, December 21, 2009

That's Not Love

"That's Not Love."

That's not Love when no respect is given and you're
constantly called out of your name.
And it's not Love when you're made a punching bag
and you're not at fault but you're the one they blame.
It's not Love when you advertise yourself to those who
only want you but don't really want you at all.
It truly isn't Love when you're not good enough to marry
but only good enough to sleep with when they call.
It's not Love when your feelings aren't considered first
and you aren't placed first behind Yah in their life.
It isn't Love when they only want to play house and
will never ever dream of making you their wife.
Love is about respecting your Heavenly Father first
and Loving and respecting yourself as well.
You need to know that you're a Prize a Treasure that
someone should be blessed to have not send through Hell.
That's not Love when you're treated like you're a whore
and it's not Love when you give yourself away.
This may sound old fashion but it's true that sleeping
around is a game that you shouldn't play.
All respect goes out of the window the moment you give
up and let the devil in.
Sex outside of marriage isn't a wise thing and Scripture
tells you that it is sin.
It's Love that makes me tell you the truth and this may be
just what you need even if it's not what you want to hear.
You are all my Brothers and Sisters and you need to have
something good whispered everyday in your ear.
It's not Love when you're being cheated on and they
are quick to tell you they need some space.
It's not Love when all you hear is excuses and even more
lies told straight into your face.
It's not Love when they can't share and it's all about
them this isn't Love believe me.
Remember satan has his own just as Yah uses flesh and
blood satan does the same continually.
It's not Love when you drop all your standards and settle
for someone who doesn't have your best in mind.
It's not Love when the only thing on their agenda is
deceiving you so they could wet your behind.

inspired by a Tulip and a Caramel Queen
shelly david wright, poet

Plan, Purpose, Design and Direction

"Plan, Purpose, Design, and Direction."

Before the foundation of the world
Yah knew us in spirit we were with Him.
Those whom He would Elect would be sent
to earth to the lost and minister to them.
We're here by Plan, Purpose, Design, and Direction
our steps are prepared from above.
Open your eyes for there's no coincidence
nothing is by chance, it's all by Love.
This was given to me you will see that
our lives go accordingly to Yah's Perfect Plan.
In the beginning He was recreating Himself
and He is doing it all through man.
My first name Shelly was the last name of a poet
Percy Bysshe Shelley who was born in the 18th century.
My middle name David is the King of Israel
he also wrote poetry.
Wright is my last name,Write is what I do
and Right is what He's making me.
Shelly David Wright is who I am
Write is what I do and Right is what I'm to be.
I couldn't make this up and it isn't coincidence
but we are by Design and Direction.
When He spoke us into being He saw the end from
the beginning, He called us into spiritual perfection.
Our lives are His to give Him esteem
we live to serve and keep His commandments too.
The poetry is not for entertainment but for
healing hearts ministry, it has touched many of you.
Plan, Purpose, Design, and Direction it's not by chance we
were called in the perfect season.
Becoming a testimony to those who are going through
things we did when we served satan is the reason.
My calling is to write, say my name, Shelly Wright (write)
you are actually saying what I do.
Shelly Wright (write) is a command from Yah
His words through this vessels comes true.
We know who we are and whose we are by
Plan, Purpose, Direction, and Design.
The name Shelly David Wright
is by deign and a sign.

shelly david wright, poet



The one thing males think they do well, sex
has many of them stunned wanting to take a drink.
So when a female without a penis takes away
his girl it makes him in stature shrink.
It's not the size of what you're working
with but the size of your heart that counts here.
A woman isn't looking for a wet ass get a whore
she wants a man who is loving and sincere.
Whores may be concerned with size because
like the levees their walls collapsed too.
It's probably like being a Gnat in a Cave you're
there but she doesn't feel you.
Females know females and they know how
to be affectionate they know how to touch also.
Males who aren't gentle and kind to them
in the way they need just don't know.
They're without a clue on how to be loving
softness doesn't mean gay at all.
It's about pleasing someone other than
yourself it's more than a booty call.
Softness is on another level that many
males have never been or willing to go to.
Like I said it is not about size except
to a whore and many sizes she's been through.
First let me state female on female relationships are
viewed the same as the males in Lot's day.
They too had to deal with Yah and were
consumed it's either Yah's or no way.
Males are always saying they don't understand females
but if they'd listen and ask questions they'd learn.
But that won't happen because the place
below her waist is all they yearn.
A woman wants more than the place below a
man's waist she wants to be comforted emotionally.
The softness of your touch and heart your
commitment to her is a turn on to her endlessly.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Love

"Winter Love."

It's a cool night and we're taking a ride soft
music is playing while I drive and hold your hand.
We park and get out to get in the back seat with a
blanket we snuggle up and in my heart life is grand.
We are face to face and lips to lips as we warm
ourselves up with kiss after kiss.
To be together on a winter's night with the one I
Love is too greater of a moment that I couldn't resist.
Just as our lips are touching so too are our hearts
just as the cool is in the air Love is there also.
When we look into each other's eyes we see a true
contentment and a soft but sweet glow.
What we have is a Winter Love that will last through
the cold weather well into the Spring.
This truly is a blessing when you've been allowed to
meet someone who means the world to you and everything.
Winter is the season of the dead things die in Winter to
be reborn in the Spring but Love continues on.
A true Love will still be there growing more sweeter
when the leaves turn brown and later from the trees gone.
To be in Love in the Winter or any season is a blessing
and in the back seat Love songs continue to play.
Her eyes are so Beautiful tonight and no moment
in time could be any better as any heart would have to say.
Like teenagers at a drive in from the 70's we are
cuddled up and her smile shows me more than I could see.
I have a wonderful woman who could have been with
anyone else but she has her arms wrapped around me.
What we're doing now has to be a delight in Heaven for
I know we were brought together by our Father above.
We've both been given all our heart's desires most
importantly Yah's desire for us when He gave us a true Love.
On a Winter night I'm with the most Beautiful woman
my heart has ever felt and she is more than I knew.
From the moment we met or should I say heavenly
introduced her heart I set out to pursue.
On a cold Winter's night I'm with the Love of my life
snuggled up together in a blanket in the back seat.
Love anytime of the year or any season is wonderful
especially when you have someone who is pure honey sweet.

sweet inspiration
shelly david wright, poet

More Salt than Sugar

"More Salt than Sugar."

There are many people who are so bitter that
they are more Salty with no genuine sweetness.
They and more salt than sugar mean evil people
who became so bitter from a life filled with mess.
There are many who have been torn apart by
consequences that turned them like Lot's wife into salt.
They started out caring but the drama and demons
came upon them with a satanic assault.
They once would smile now they frown there's no trust
at all for males because of what they've been through.
There are times I may speak in kindness to those who
don't answer but I understand it's nothing personal too.
They weren't born to be bitter but made that way
through a circumstance that changed them for the worst.
They were filled with salt after the drama when many
were filled with sugar at first.
Not everyone is able to handle the spiritual attacks
that are launched against them.
You see they may attack you by taking their anger
out on you but satan is the one but they can't see him.
There are some who have been attacked and they're
still sweet and it's through Yah that they're that way.
I know someone who's been through so much drama
but she still smiles and always has something sweet to say.
She is an inspiration to those who are going and growing
through that through prayer you can endure anything.
Because when you're a child of Yah you're an enemy
of satan and confusion to your life he'll bring.
There are many circumstances that can bring salt into
your life if the spirit of the Most High is not within.
There are many who are just out of it because of
the spiritual attack that they couldn't win.
There are mean nasty people who have a spirit who
are filled with salt and the sugar is no more.
They are so bitter that they can't stand those who
are sweet as if they weren't sweet themselves before.
They are filled with more salt than sugar this is
the way that many are when Love isn't in you.
More salt than sugar is just the way it is for many in
this world because of the Love of Yah they never knew.

Poem concept and title by Tulip the poetess
shelly david wright, poet

It Must have been a Joy to Create a Sister

"It Must have been a Joy to Create a Sister."

It must have been a Joy for Yah to create a sister
when I look at the Queens that He's given us today.
When I'm at the 2nd lines or Wal*Mart wherever I
go I see the Masterpiece creations of Yah I must say.
They say a Gentile woman is a Black man's kryptonite
but that's a lie they're talking about a black male.
Because a true man Loves the Queen that came from
the Most High and doesn't want anything pale.
Yah created all women but a Black woman was the
first and everyone else came after the best.
She is the true standard of Beauty not the one
satan/the world chose from among the rest.
You hear Black males who say they don't date Sisters
but the truth about our plight they just don't know.
Not just the Sisters but we all have issues and our
disobedience to Yah makes that so.
We are adversaries to Yah so how much more
than to each other when we do not know Love.
You see when you're awakened by Yah you know that
a Queen is one of the most Beautiful creatures you know of.
I look at Sisters who are all shapes, sizes, and shades
but many don't know who they are or whose they are too.
They are the chosen of Yah a royal strong people
who overcame everything they've been sent through.
There's a genuine sweetness to a sister and a strength
that you can't find in anyone.
Especially when a sister is called by Yah and she knows
she's a Queen and the most exquisite under the sun.
Beautiful sisters like Felicia, Tulip, Mika, Kim, Rose
Torri, the Versatile ladies of style I mean all of them.
Sisters like Tonida, Karen, Tiffany, Monique, and
Shirley more than I could name were created by Him.
Sisters who were made Beautiful by their circumstances
who are more Beautiful than eyes can see.
Queens who don't have a crown except their hair who
when they open their mouth flows wisdom Beautifully.
I Love the Queens that Yah has given us although
we're in captivity still a sister was created for me.
No one can compare no matter what choices many males
made I'll take a sister over anyone else totally.

inspired by all the most Beautiful creation of Yah.
shelly david wright, poet

Toxic People

"Toxic People."

There are people who are very Toxic for us
and they'll make you sick if you are around them.
You see if you're one of the Most High's chosen satan
will surround you with devils that are instructed by him.
Devils who are flesh and blood who know that
the spirit that dwells within you they hate.
Devils who befriend you only to use you who can't see
what they're doing in their blindness at any rate.
These devils are so-called friends and family who
have satan's agenda to carry out.
They're there to make your life miserable filling it
with drama confusion is what they're all about.
Devils who you're married to who bring you
through so much hell they'll keep you praying.
Toxic people really are of the devil they're his to use
against the children of Yah is what I'm saying.
Devils come in all colors shapes and sizes they're
cousins, in laws, sisters, brothers and parents too.
Anyone who satan can use against those he knows
Yah has called he'll use against you.
They're as Toxic as the waters after Katrina
or the air that we breathe everyday.
They're in your life to disrupt it just like you're doing
the will of Yah they're doing satan's I'll say.
This is spiritual warfare where we are battling more
than flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness.
We must endure to the end with the help of Yah and
He will keep us through all this mess.
Kindness isn't a sign of weakness but the Love of
Yah and we're not stupid if we don't say anything.
You see we're wise with Yah so what you think you're
doing to us on yourself Yah's displeasure you bring.
There's a cost associated with everything you do and
you're going to pay in full just wait and see.
There are many who are reaping everyday who are
suffering now who are living miserably.
Toxic people are everywhere the people of Yah are
and we deal with them everyday one on one.
You see what is going on in the flesh is happening
in the spirit and in the spirit the war is being won.

As much as possible eliminate them
from your life.
inspired by Tulip the Poetess
shelly david wright, poet

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My First Love

"My First Love."

You hear this but with some it is a lie for it's
impossible when you don't have those emotions in you.
Sure you might have had a first screw and that's all
because without Yah you cannot have Love and it's true.
Forgiveness is more than some can live with never forgetting
what was done to them and making you remember too.
Human nature knows nothing about Love it's not
an emotion that the world will ever pursue.
My first crush, my first kiss, things many can't remember
or really care to do but would rather forget.
When many use the word Love it brings back memories
that many are hurt by thoughts of regret.
Love is accused and lied upon in songs by singers who
never experienced an emotion so grand.
The word Love is used as a Pimp uses Prostitutes
it's used as a weapon if you really understand.
Many will use your emotions against you using the
word Love as a tool to take advantage of the situation.
That word that many can't conceive or comprehend
has led many to years of frustration.
Love don't live here anymore or many other lyrics
that down Love when Love they don't know.
Many will talk about someone in the worst way
prejudging them also.
My first Love was Yah taking me and making me
into the person that sends you this poetry.
What you read and feel is the Beauty and the Love
that Yah has placed through His spirit inside of me.
Love is the words of wisdom the sweet words of romance
the yearning that you feel I'm going through.
To find the one that He created for me and to reunite
with the one in the flesh my spirit has always knew.
My first Love is unforgettable and so will be the one
that He will bring into my life.
Someone who will share the tremendous Love that
He's placed in me she'll have it too as my wife.
Many never have a first Love unless it was Yah
because there's no Love it does not exist outside of Him.
No matter what you say how you felt because Love
is just a word not a real feeling for many of them.

inspired by Fe fee
shelly david wright, poet



The things that many of you treasure and cherish
above other human beings is just stuff, things that's all.
They can't make you but when you put stuff first in your
life those things will cause you to fall.
Are you one of those that satan took up on the high
mountain and showed all the things the stuff he can give.
Are you one of the ones who have sold their lives to
him so the comfort of heaven on earth you can live.
Katrina destroyed many lives emotionally because
many couldn't get pass the things the stuff that they lost.
Many are suffering emotionally still today because
their lust for those things made them pay a cost.
Like Antoine said those things the stuff will be here when
they put you in the ground they're not going to follow you.
I've never seen the funeral home bury things with the
deceased the living take your stuff you know it's true.
Stuff is just stuff they're things that should not puff you up
because those things that you Lust over can be taken away.
There's coming a time as stated in Scripture that those things
will be lost again to you as the Word of Yah clearly say.
Everyone likes things and they make life comfortable
but they should not make you look down on someone.
Those who are caught up and think they're all of that
because of stuff this mindset in their life is the one.
Hebrews are living like Gentiles who think their Poo don't
stink but they'll soon find out.
It's not the things you've acquired but the Love in your heart
is what true living is really all about.
Stuff doesn't mean you're blessed if the heathen have the
same things where's the blessing what's the difference you see.
Things aren't a sign of Yah's favor on your life especially
when things are temporal but Love is eternally.
Scripture states that having Yah and being content is
great gain not the things of this world not stuff.
But just hold on you'll be looking for food over stuff
because things are really going to get rough.
Stuff is just stuff they're things you should enjoy while
you're able to they're not meant to give you the Big head.
Stuff got destroyed during the storm people lost things they
were separated from the stuff they cherished like I said.

title by Tulip the Poetess and Antione T.
shelly david wright, poet

The Game Room

"The Game Room."

When we were kids we'd go to Penny Land
it was an arcade game place on Royal Street.
As we grew up the game room became the Clubs
where adult game were played on those they'd meet.
Games that played with the emotions at the cost of
a drink with a sweet prize if they played along.
Many did take the bait of a drink and went home drunk
with someone regardless of whether it was right or wrong.
The Game room are the clubs where wedding rings
come off male and female and the games begin.
The Players are out here to score with sex and they
will do anything and everything to win.
There is much misery and loneliness in the club where
you'll hear the problems that many can't resolve.
So they'll get loose with drink after drink and into
their marriage they'll get someone else involved.
There is much drama in the Game room many females
are sharing the same male and those he had too.
Sex isn't as casual or innocent as many think all those
they've slept with are in the bed with you.
Remember a kiss isn't just a kiss when your tongue is
in the mouth where someone's wee wee has been.
There are many head hunters out there oral is the
thing for many so before you kiss you better think again.
Let's be real morality is a thing many don't practice
if I didn't write what's real many still wouldn't know.
Many can't distinguish from right and wrong because
society has blurred the lines so anything will go.
There is a cost to everything that we do and there's a
list that is being kept by the Most High.
He knows every time we creep out on our spouses and
there's a record of every time that we lie.
In the Game room that's all you hear are lies and stories
they make up to deceive those they want to take advantage of.
In a world where kindness is taken for weakness you'll
easily find that with each other there is no Love.
The Game room is a place where I would not go to meet
someone unless I wanted the drama and the games in my life.
Not everyone there is about foolishness but I still wouldn't go
there you may find someone else's but not your future wife.

inspired by Tulip the Poetess
shelly david wright, poet

Saturday, December 5, 2009

On This Day as I Give You My Heart

"On This Day as I Give You My Heart."

On this day as I give you my heart and pledge my
fidelity I promise before the Most High above.
That I will Treasure and Cherish this most precious
of Gifts that I am highly favored to Love.
I promise that I will preserve the Beauty that
you've given me and I will protect her with my life.
Those whom you've given me through her may not be
my seed but I will Love them as mine as I do my wife.
On this day as I give you my heart I give you the assurance
that I will be there for you as a daughter of the Most High.
All your needs will be answered through my Love for you
and I promise to be the Love of your life as time passes by.
You are the one that I prayed for in my loneliness and
you're the answer that Yah sent as a blessing to my heart.
You weren't born like the rest of us but you were created
one of a kind as a splendid masterpiece work of art.
Upon your creation Yah had me in mind and He's surely
given me more than I could conceive or really ever knew.
When Yah sent you into my life at a time I was ready to give
up He sent me a zillion trillion dreams and prayers come true.
Through the ends of this age and into the new beginning I will
Love you and my heart will be filled with Joy when you I see.
I will know gladness in my soul as you are the Virtuous wife
that before the world was created and prepared for me.
On this day as I give you my heart I am in awe and in
deep appreciation of a Love so grand.
A Love that in this flesh I cannot believe I'm worthy to
receive or do I truly understand.
All I know is that the tears that are starting to form as I
write is how I feel and how thankful I am for you my dear.
I'll be your shoulder to lean on and to cry on to depend on
to be your everything as I will always be near.
On this day as I give you my heart I'm holding your hand
and your heart as well.
A diamond that was formed out of the pressure of life you
are and the sweetest aroma and your Love I smell.
As we lay tonight it will end our celibacy and will bring
two bodies into the sheer intimacy and fulfillment of being one.
On this day that I give you my heart and I pledge my life
I pray that as we kiss His will for us will forever be done.

I was feeling this in my heart big time.
shelly david wright, poet

A Love Like Edward's & Bella's

"A Love Like Edward's and Bella's."

I saw New Moon the latest of the Twilight series a Love
Story about Vampires but this time Werewolves too.
Edward and Bella are the main characters and they
displayed a Love that for me I wished would come true.
They had a Love Story that was heartfelt I felt the
passion and the look she gave him was so sweet.
Someone so warm and Beautiful and a daughter
of Yah she'd be the kind of woman I'd Love to meet.
Edward broke his own heart when he left her
and Bella was devastated by the break up also.
A feeling that many who are broken hearted
all too well know.
She was out of it for months in a state of
depression and in Brazil so was he.
I know it hurts when someone you Love
leaves and it causes you so much misery.
She tried to get with Jake the Werewolf just
to fill up the giant hole she had in her heart.
But the one you Love is a hard act to follow
when the two of you part.
She kept seeing Edward every time she did something
dangerous so she risked her life several times to see him.
Her friends or Charlie didn't understand how she felt
and how broken she was I mean none of them.
Edward was told about the vision that Alice had
when Bella dove off the cliff he wanted to die.
Now that's a Love where you wouldn't want to live
without the other person I wish I was there I cannot lie.
When Bella heard what he was about to do she raced
to stop him a half of a world away.
And when those ruling class Vampires wanted to kill
Edward her own life for him she was ready to lay.
This was a script but a Love so grand does exist and
those feelings through Yah's Love is so true and real.
I want someone to Love me like Bella and I'll Love them
like Edward because Yah's Love is what I feel.
A Love like Edward's and Bella's is a true Love Story yet the
greatest Love Story will be the one Yah writes into my life.
A Story that will end like New Moon when I'll ask my
chosen will she marry me and become my wife.

I Love, Love Stories
shelly david wright, poet

Why Settle for Sex When You Want Love

"Why Settle for Sex when You want Love."

My Sisters and Brothers why do you settle for sex
when you want and require Love from them.
It's sad that many are void of outside of Yah
so you'll take what you can get just to have him.
What's sadder is how some can't stand to be alone
and will take a male's foolishness are you desperate too.
When you spread your legs and open your heart you're
really opening yourself to their spirits and they will enter you.
I know many are drawn to what they draw and being
unconscious you'll receive what satan has out there.
He wants to destroy you emotionally so he'll send one of
his sons or daughters who are lost and they don't care.
Where is the Love when they tell you that the baby
isn't mine and they'll talk to you any kind of way.
Where is the Love when they want you to abort their
baby because they're irresponsible and just want to play.
It's time to close your legs and open your mind and give
thanks if you haven't caught anything serious yet.
There are many who opened themselves up trying to
get theirs who everyday as they die are filled with regret.
AIDS is no joke and many will give it to you knowing
they have it being vindictive not wanting to die alone.
Yet they say they Love you but where is that Love when
they use you for a Punching bag and every night they're gone.
Why do you settle for sex when it's Love you want maybe
you wouldn't know Love because it has to be in you first.
Not those emotions you feel that flip flop that already
have many living not for better but worse.
Love is understanding and patience it won't pressure
you to do anything that within yourself doesn't feel right.
Love is about treasuring that person as a gift from Yah
as a prayer answered and your heart's delight.
I'm glad that I'm celibate and Yah is keeping me for when
my time comes it will be Love and it will feel brand new.
Not only will I penetrate her vagina her heart also with
the Love and spirit of Yah where He'll make one out of two.
I'm not settling for sex when I know I want to be in and fall
in Love it's not a fantasy but through Yah it's so real.
I want the Love Story that was written by Him for my life
and I'm not settling for anything less this is just how I feel.

shelly david wright, poet

Hiding In Vaginas is An Intended Death Sentence

"Hiding In Vaginas is An Intended Death Sentence."

This came this morning HIV/AIDS and what
it stood for in words and a warning for me.
HIV is Hiding or Hidden In Vaginas is An Intended
Death Sentence (AIDS) that's coming you cannot see.
AIDS could also be Anal Is Deadly Sex and anal
isn't only Gay sex but some females have it that way too.
They have it orally, anally, and vaginally wherever
there is a place to enter they'll stick their penis in you.
Sex isn't a sin except when it's outside of Yah's will
when you're whoring around there's a cost.
In fact there are consequences for everything we
do and for unrepented sins many lives will be lost.
What rubber or spermicide protects you from the wrath
of Yah when you've been warned in Scripture not to whore.
I know many never saw 1st Corinthians
chapter 5 where they speak of whoring before.
Fornication is a Greek translation but the right
word is whoring in its original form Hebrew.
So knowing what Hebrews 10:26 says I'd be a fool to
purposely whore around because Yah's warning is true.
Hiding In Vaginas is An Intended Death Sentence but some
Brothers are spreading this plague from their whoring.
The truth about what they're actually doing to the
Queens they're blind to or simply ignoring.
Sex is an addiction that is spiritual in nature when
satan has you he will use you in every way to sin.
So some Brothers have a need to find not one hole
but many different ones to stick it in.
This is not about manhood because they're males but
about Sexual Genocide remember satan knows also.
That the Hebrew people are the chosen of Yah so he
is destroying his enemy a truth many don't know.
Spiritual attacks against Blacks aren't random but
intentional you're Yah's and satan knows it.
There are many who are conscious and their actions
they're repenting of and their whoring they've quit.
Hiding In Vaginas is An Intended Death Sentence
it's not just the HIV/AIDS but whoring is wrong.
Sisters on every penis is An Invitation to Die Soon
because when you're whoring it won't be too long.

When you sin you die spiritually first
shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Than Your Heart Gets Broken

"More than Your Heart gets Broken."

When you break up with someone and children
are involved they feel the break up too.
When you introduce your children to that special
person I would hope they are right for you.
Because more than your feelings are involved
they have feelings and may just like you Love them.
So if things ever turn sour on you and you want to end
your relationship those kids may still be attached to him.
I know many of you won't introduce your children to
someone unless you're sure they're Mr. or Mrs. Right.
The one you've waited for after the last break up the
one you feel will be your heart's delight.
You want to be sure you have a winner and not another
loser like those others who came through in your past.
Someone who talked the talk but couldn't walk the walk
and once again disappointment was there when it didn't last.
More than your heart gets broken when you have a break up
and this goes for the Brothers with children also.
You'd like for your child or children to feel comfortable
with them too like this friend of mine Charles who I know.
He's praying to remarry and asking the Most High to
send him a wife to also be a Mother to his son.
He'd like someone who will Love them both you Love
the cow you must Love the calf that's how that's done.
There are many children who have gone through many
break ups along with their parent who are hurting still.
When you hurt a child you've devastated them to a
degree for them a break up is a bitter pill.
There are more single parents out here who want that
someone special to come in their life.
Someone who they trust bringing their kids around
someone who'll make them a family by making her a wife.
Our children mirror the things we do they learn from us
their eyes are watching so be careful what you do.
Because if you're playing games with someone's heart
you just don't know what their hearts will go through.
More than your heart gets broken you could make it
a family thing when your hurt the children feel.
Just know when you have a break up not only are you
upset but the pain they have in their hearts is real.

inspired by my other Teacher Fe Fee
shelly david wright, poet

Number 2 in the Nation

"Number 2 in the Nation."

We're the home of Jazz, Red Beans and Rice, the
undefeated Saints, and we're number 2 in the nation too.
This morning on the News it was stated as we're having
a World AIDS conference New Orleans is number two.
We have a high HIV/AIDS rate and it's increasing
because although they Love to no one really gives a screw.
Didn't want to use the other word that really fits but
many are literally screwing their lives away it's true.
We're murdering each other with guns and sex satan will do
whatever he can by any means necessary to take you out.
You see your whoring isn't as casual as you may think it's a sin
against Yah read 1st Corinthians 5 to see what I'm talking about.
I hadn't always been celibate but without Love sex is nothing in fact
when you Love you make Love and are responsible with your mate.
You see it is Yah that's keeping me from destroying myself through
the flesh so in His spirit I have the patience and the strength to wait.
You need to realize although it's a high but like Crack or any
drug satan can make sex very addictive also.
Biology wasn't just taught by your Teachers satan was around
when Yah created man so about your body he knows.
AIDS many believe was laboratory made with the help of
satan remember he hates mankind he wants to destroy you.
So when you place yourself out of the will of Yah you give
satan full access to you and when he has it you're through.
People are dying everyday behind sex it's nice to share but
sleeping from person to person or sharing needles it's cool.
Stop being an instrument in the hands of satan when you're
out here whoring all you're doing is being his fool.
The problem is in a world where satan is god many are
void of Love this emotion in many hearts and lives don't exist.
Love doesn't whip a woman's ass it never cheats or abuses
but the spirit of satan does that many find hard to resist.
We're #2 in the nation and Baton Rouge is #3 go Tigers but
there's a Lion called AIDS that's destroying many.
While you're out there getting yours satan is getting his
and he's taking many lives and I do mean plenty.
New Orleans is # 2 in the nation with HIV/AIDS now
that's a positive of being celibate and waiting for my wife.
I don't gamble of any kind so you know I'm not about to
play Russian Roulette behind sex with my life.

inspired by the Morning News
shelly david wright, poet

When We Look into Each Other's Eyes

"When We look into Each other's Eyes."

When she looks into my eyes I see the sparkle
and the glow and the happiness I bring.
When I look into her eyes I see the Love that
she has for me because I'm her everything.
Everything she is to me because when she looks
into my eyes she sees the Love I have for her too.
She sees the hope the prayers answered and the
happiness that I've found my dream come true.
When we look into each other's eyes we smile and what
we feel inside is too Beautiful to describe in words alone.
All the dictionaries and the scholars in the world
couldn't convey what few in this life have ever known.
We see a brilliance, a light, our future we see each other
in a very special way also.
When I look into her eyes when she looks into my eyes
the Sun dims behind our heartfelt glow.
When someone Loves you there is no greater thing
that could happen there's nothing that can compare.
To have someone who thinks about you through
their heart because with all of it they really care.
Satan with all his power can't deny what is meant
to be when Love is in a heart.
There is nothing that he can do or the demons
can do to ever pull two in Love apart.
Love is the ultimate power it is Beauty too deep
to comprehend unless you're in it totally.
When two in Love look at each other the spirit
of everything Beautiful is what they see.
The words I Love You don't have to be spoken
because in each other's eyes it's there emotionally.
Feelings that only a heart can hold with thoughts
that touch Heaven and all that's spiritually.
It's a Beautiful thing to see when a woman looks
into the eyes of someone she truly Loves.
There's nothing greater that I would Love to see
for myself that I could ever imagine or think of.
When I look into her eyes I see the Love of my
Heavenly Father and the blessing He has for me.
When she looks into my eyes she sees her heart's
desires of what she feels for me passionately.

inspired by a couple I saw from the Street car
shelly david wright, poet

What Yah Has Joined Together

"What Yah has Joined Together."

Mattithyahu (Matthew) 19:6 Therefore, what
Elohim has joined together let man not separate.
The key here is what Elohim Yah has joined not
you, your spouse, or satan let me elaborate.
Outside of Yah calling us we join ourselves with satan's
help and his marriages are based on what you can provide.
Be it sex, material goods or finances the truth is they're
based on Lust and worldly possessions a fact you can't hide.
The relationships are about what can you do for me
and how much do you have to give.
And you wonder why the divorce rates are climbing
outside of Yah you only exist but never live.
Love's a convenient word when you're after something that
someone else has and after you get it you don't feel that way.
This is truly the spirit of satan no matter how big of a
Christian you claim to be you're just a whore who likes to play.
Whom Yah has joined together two who He chose unto
Himself before the foundation of the earth.
Those whom He fore knew in the past of eternity
when man was a thought before Adam's birth.
Two who He would marry Himself before they meet
face to face in a season that only He chose.
Two who would meet fall in Love with His Love
and spirit where one would see his blessing and propose.
Satan has his marriages that are failing miserably
because they are meant to they're just a mockery.
But those whom Yah has joined are bonded with
a glue of Love that is truly formed spiritually.
There are no trust issues they're made one in the
flesh and in the spirit too.
Together they stand as one and Yah is their head tail
center, foundation for whatever satan may test them through.
What Yah has joined together no man or woman can ever
separate because the marriages of Yah are without fail.
There's no infidelity because He is dwelling in them and
with His spirit they shall overcome satan and prevail.
From the beginning when Yah joins you before you
recite vows you've already been made one.
Eve came out of Adam and became two but one again
in flesh and spirit this is what Yah has done.

shelly david wright, poet

When a Woman Loves You

"When a Woman Loves You."

When a woman Loves you there isn't
anything that she won't do.
Because when she knows she is Loved
in return I promise she'll be good to you.
But when she is used and made a fool of she'll
hurt but you will be hurt by her also.
Because the good thing you just messed up
you'll never get again I want you to know.
There are too many hurt and bitter women who
gave their hearts to males who weren't worthy at all.
Males instead of men who lied to get next to her just
to get her to make the booty call.
When you hurt a woman we all pay because there's
trust issues and they look at all of us the same.
We're looked at as Dogs who want them only for one
thing and many males do and that's a shame.
Males will want to kill someone if they mistreated their
Mothers, sisters or daughters but someone else's they'll screw.
When we see a woman who turns her head rather than look
your way you must consider what a male has put them through.
Sure it was a bad choice on their part and many continue to
make those bad choices with satan's help of course.
Until you're called by Yah you'll continue to choose wrong
relationships will fail and marriages end in divorce.
When a woman Loves you she'll give her all not holding
back and she'll lay down her life for you through pregnancy.
When she Loves you all she wants to do is make you happy
because when you make her happy she'll Love you continually.
When a woman Loves you it's a Beautiful thing
and when you Love them it's a Beautiful thing for them.
Because when you Love a woman you have Yah within
and you're a man not a male because your spirit is from Him.
Being in Love is to be in the presence of Yah
because it's His Love that you feel.
A Love that you will always feel from Yah
that is true, deep, and real.
When a woman Loves you and you Love her
you're both special and Yah is in the midst of your Love.
For the woman who Loves and you Love her Yah has joined you in
the beginning to experience a pleasure only a few know of.

shelly david wright, poet

You've Hurt Me

"You've Hurt Me."

What kind of person would set out to hurt another
this is evil and vindictive and a cost they must pay.
You see those who hurt are of the devil and they
shall surely reap of that foolishness one day.
Because the world is truly void of Love hurt
abounds so that's all those who claim to Love do.
They hurt each other and many don't realize it
because outside of Love they'll truly destroy you.
Love gets a bad rap because many use the word and
think it's Love when they feel something emotionally.
But the fruit of Love will show in their lives they'd
treat you with Love in deed and word as it's suppose to be.
Many upon meeting you will tell you that they'll never
hurt you and betray you but can't make that promise at all.
Because outside of Yah the relationships of the world are
built on Lust and failure and through satan they must fall.
Hurt is what this world is filled with and many are so
miserable they'd rather be alone than to ever be hurt again.
They remember the sleepless night crying the things that
were done the wounds that never healed all of the pain.
You hurt me when I gave you my heart and you only
wanted the things that were offered but not my heart.
When you lied and ran off with my best friend the two
of you tore my world and my heart apart.
This story and more like it are common in a world
without Love no matter how many times it's used.
Because the end results are people who are just
emotionally lifeless from being so abused.
To be in Love is a blessing from Yah not nothing that
naturally occurs everyday I'll say.
Because the mindset of those who've been hurt is to
get you first so a game with your heart they'll play.
Many will die never knowing Love or the splendor of it and
many have died at the hands of someone claiming to Love them.
Those who are hurting need to be healed because they're
dying inside daily and their days are dark, gloomy and dim.
You hurt me but Yah has healed me and now I know His Love
and I share with the spouse that He's given unto me.
We are one because we have His spirit the hurt and
old us has died for we now see things better spiritually.

shelly david wright, poet

Not Our Will but Yours

"Not Our will but Yours."

To my Brothers and Sisters who are in prayer
asking for a healing and their breakthrough.
Know that there is nothing good that Yah will
withhold when He has set His Love on you.
This is a testimony from someone very special
to me that she shared with me just the other night.
She tried to hold on to things that she wanted for her life
but by losing them all she realized for her they weren't right.
Where she lost her problematic vehicle she was given a
better one and where her job ended Yah gave her a ministry.
She's a writer and she's using the gifts that Yah has given
her to minister to others in word to help financially.
Yah has our best in mind and there's no failure and
there's not a good thing from our lives that He shall deny.
Don't place your trust in jobs, money or in man but
in these times nearing the end only in the Most High.
Sometimes we step out and will go after something
be it a position that we saw or heard about.
Know that if we don't get it it's not a sign of rejection
Yah knows our needs and He'll never let us go without.
Not our will but yours Yah He knows better than us
what we truly need.
You look at the birds as stated in Scripture they do
not go hungry so you know His own He shall feed.
Mystery Babylon is falling everyday don't let the
illusion of prosperity fool you it's going down.
Poverty and hunger is now and growing more
each day because of the greedy I've found.
Yah will take care of His own the righteous have
never been forsaken or his seed begging bread.
Just remember that Yah keeps all His promises
and never fails His own in hard times we shall be fed.
Not our will but yours I recently submitted an online
application it came back but mine was one that wasn't chose.
There are many times we hear no in the flesh but Yah has
something better for us and what's best only He knows.
Not our will but yours Yah there are times coming where our
only hope will be to lean on Yah when things completely fall apart.
We need to realize now that these things are temporary
and this age is ending we need to have the Love of Yah in our hearts.

Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart plans his way,
but Yah directs his steps
inspired by the Belly dancer
shelly david wright, poet