Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why Give Away Something So Precious

"Why Give Away Something So Precious."

You wouldn't give away a million dollars or
a pot of gold now would you.
You wouldn't give away a 2 karat diamond ring
or the winning lottery ticket too.
Well why would you give away something more
precious than all of them together so easily.
Why would you give yourself away to someone who
doesn't Love you but is only using you for free.
Why do you value the things you wear more than
yourself nothing is worth more than you for real.
You need to learn to treasure the Gem the Most High
made you and Love for self you need to feel.
If you're truly Loved this person would pay the price
and make you a permanent part of his life.
The Milk wouldn't be given away there would be no test
drives, no free samples you'd be his wife.
Don't you know that you were made in the image and
the likeness of the Most High you're a daughter of Eve.
I hope you will take this knowledge and it will open your
eyes because the truth of Love you need to receive.
You should be treasured and cherished you should be
respected not dogged out and left for dead.
The deception of sexy is a trap set up by shatan forget
sexy think how Beautiful you are instead.
The average male has a Sister and a Mother and would
not want anyone disrespecting them.
Too many of our Sisters have been abused and abandoned some
are emotionally messed up after giving herself away to him.
I know the messages you hear are for you to be a whore
but this too is a deception of the devil for your destruction also.
The truth is you are more than the temple/ your body you're
more than the clothes you wear this you need to know.
What you are is precious all of you so the place below your
waist is more special and should not be given away.
It's not for sale either getting an outfit, your hair and nails
done or whatever is a tiny price for him to pay.
When you're bought that's prostitution no matter how you
pretty and perfume it up it's still the same.
If they want to get into your privacy they should be willing
to take it to the next level and give you their last name.
I'm writing this as a parent and a Brother to each of you
who will read this and who will share this poetry.
You need to realize how great the Most High has made
you not to be anyone's whore for flesh felt intimacy.

shelly david wright, poet

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