Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Only Dogs Chase the Cat

"Only Dogs Chase the Cat."

Only Dogs chase the Cat, males who see females
as nothing more than a hole to slide into.
Yet there are females who play along with these games
who want the attention and who are just as whorish too.
They have the same unclean spirit that makes sex
worth dying for and with diseases many really do.
The hurt and the heartaches from the fallout is what
so many are now dying through.
Only Dogs chase the Cat and there are some females
who like to be chased by males an ego trip.
They like the attention because their self worth is low and
they want to die when from their chest their heart get's ripped.
I hate games that play with a heart I have feelings
and I don't want them stepped on.
You see after these males have seen and conquered the challenge
of having them just like their presence in their lives is gone.
It's time to grow up and get some understanding along with
some self respect and stop playing the games that hurt.
Because when you've been with a female and all through
her privacy she really gets treated like dirt.
Only Dogs chase Cats and the Cats that get chased become
so broken and bitter just a complete mess.
Then they become the devils who screwed them over and
they screw over someone else a vicious circle no less.
To my Sisters and Brothers what you're doing in hurting
one another isn't good sex isn't that important at all.
When you look at the disease, the unwanted and abandoned
children and families you need to rethink making a Booty Call.
Life is about sowing and reaping and if you choose to screw your
life away what you will reap will be you being screwed also.
Shatan is screwing you when you think you're playing Dog and
Cat to the Lake of Fire for unrepented sin you'd better know.
I'm thankful to Yah that this isn't my mindset my Sisters
are wounded deeply when you break an attachment with them.
You see when you have sex it's more than physical but spiritual
you form a bond a Soul tie with him.
Only Dogs chase Cats and these Dogs are Hell Hounds who have
but one thing on their mind from their satanic master.
That is to make you a party to their sins against the Most High
and into your life bring much misery and disaster.

shelly david wright, poet

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