Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This Was Always Meant

"This was Always Meant."

We were set on a blind date by some friends who
thought we'd be good for each other to meet.
She was someone with the most prettiest eyes and
she wore a dress and she had nice legs to awesomely sweet.
When she opened her mouth it was like a melody a sound
that Angels made a sweet song that only my ears could hear.
What I heard were words that came out here mouth
words of wisdom that settled in my ear.
We talked for a long time and found we had so much in
common she writes and sings and Loves romance too.
This moment was like something out of a dream but to
be even more precise like a prayer that has come true.
That moment turned into hours and days and nights
texting and long conversations that lasted through the night.
I felt in my heart what we had was meant to be and
I was going to ask her one day to become my heart's delight.
We started becoming a couple and we would do things
together and so much I learned from listening as she spoke.
She was also very affectionate and Loves to cuddle up
then would tickle me and in my side she would poke.
With each conversation we'd end it in a prayer and with
each meeting our foreheads would touch and we'd pray then.
Thanking our Father for bringing us together and hoping
that it would be His will that we see each other again.
You see we were building a solid foundation placing Yah
as our foundation and the center of our lives as well.
You see no matter what would come up we'd go to Him
in prayer and claim the victory as He will prevail.
Finally one night we were talking about marriage and
how it would be to see each other everyday becoming one.
So I made up my mind that I would ask her to marry
me because I see now that I had her heart won.
Well one day I had asked to meet her in the park to go
walking because this feeling inside I could no longer fight.
When she came up to the tree I embraced her and
kissed her and asked if she would become Mrs. Wright.
She said Yes as this moment was always meant to happen
for Yah created it way back in eternity.
The blind date was just Him introducing us through others
but what followed in our lives was always meant to be.

The End
shelly david wright, poet

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