Friday, July 1, 2011



We are living in a selfish society where people aren't
considerate of each other because it's all about them.
They truly have their father's spirit those who have
this mindset are the children of shatan they belong to him.
You only hear from them when they need something
and they want things to go their way.
They are truly inconsiderate of your feelings too and
when you are down or up they don't have nothing nice to say.
Yet they need you to be there for them but go through
something and your problem they don't want to hear.
They'll say you're stressing them out and they don't want
to be bothered or pray about it my dear.
I'm making an effort to get the toxic people out of my life
because these are agents of the adversary.
They are wolves who come in sheep's clothing posing as
friends but are dangerous as snakes inwardly.
People are actors and the world is their stage and the
performance of their life is making you believe.
That they're your friends and they have your best in mind
but what's best for you they cannot conceive.
When you're selfish and self centered you can't see past
your nose when it's all about you.
But Yah has a plan to bring the high and mighty back down
to earth they will become humble before He's through.
Being considerate of others requires having a heart and
that's one thing the cold and heartless haven't got.
They don't know how Beautiful Love can be but they sure
know sex and how to drop it like it's Hot.
They're in need of prayer because even though many say
they're Christians the Most High they don't know.
You wouldn't use people as stepping stones if your heart was
right but a Loving, caring, concerned side you would show.
Consider what another person is going through and be
patient I know this with my Cotton Ball I need to do.
Because she is one who is a Sister and a friend forever
who I'm blessed to have met and who is my life too.
Consideration is just something that we should have but
it takes having Love and that comes with dying to self also.
People who think the world revolves around them the ones
who shatan truly has them messed up really need to go.

shelly david wright, poet

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