Friday, July 1, 2011

Not Impossible to Do

"Not Impossible to Do."

Scriptures say that husbands should Love their wives
as the Messiah Loves His own this is not impossible to do.
Not when you're obedient to Him for He is going
to work it all out through you.
We are Temples, vessels that are spiritually directed
to do His will and bring esteem to Him also.
We can Love our wives with such intensity
that her smile would rival the Sun's glow.
Wives you can be submissive to the husband but not
with your spirit alone but with that of the Most High.
When you both are under Yah as your head your husband's
wishes you won't deny.
It's not impossible to have a Loving marriage free of the
drama that you have in the world because you're out of it.
When you walk according to the spirit of Yah you're more
at peace for with His will in your life you will submit.
Love, honesty, devotion, dedication become character
traits also morals, standards, virtues, and values too.
When you're called to be Set Apart by the Most High
what He wants in your life will come through.
These poems I'm given to write are to encourage, edify,
and enlighten to the Love of He who instructs me.
My hope is to capture the heart of the one who will come
into my life to share a Love that will last an eternity.
I will Love her as Yah's spirit allows me to unconditionally
with my whole heart filled with so much of His Love.
I pray I will be found worthy to receive a precious gift
of Love with His spirit with fire and desire unheard of.
The stronghold we must overcome is self and daily it must
die shatan must move out so in us Yah can live.
Then and only then can we Love unquenchably and to
our spouses our lives and hearts we can give.
It is not impossible to Love our spouses as He requested
and for our spouse to Love us in the very same way.
He would not have said it if it were impossible but it's a
Love and a journey that you make day by day.
To you who are reading this know that there's nothing too
hard for Yah the impossible is made possible through Him.
Just don't settle be selective of the things of Yah be patient
and those desires in your life He will fulfill all of them.

shelly david wright, poet

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