Monday, July 11, 2011

In Human Form

"In Human Form."

First of all our eyes do lie and deceive us because
what we see isn't always what we think we see.
Many who we think are human are so much more
when they have an unclean spirit inwardly.
When you think of the wrong that humans/people
who claim to Love each other do.
Then you will see the point that I'm making because
I know when you gave your heart a wrong was done to you.
Over the weekend I heard some inhuman drama of what
those who are married have done to each other.
Then they brought someone else into their marriage
and had a child for another.
You see it's of an unclean spirit to cheat and to betray
a trust those who can't Love or know Love will cheat.
Love is a responsible act where the Most High is the center
of your life when you have Love things are more sweet.
Along with Love is understanding and compassion where you
treat people the way that Love within allows you to.
Yet those who are unclean within are self centered and are
hateful and drama they will send you through.
If I told you I Loved you and in the next breath cursed you
out you'd say there was something wrong with me.
This behavior is of an unclean spirit their actions speak louder
than words they are abusive to others emotionally.
Divorce and break ups are occurring everyday along with
so much death/murder and destruction too.
Unnecessary heartaches and insanity because they're not
right they will send you through and you know it's true.
In human form are those who come into your life and with
them you commit yourself to an evil Soul tie.
You become bound in a stronghold relationship where
only through prayer you can get out as inwardly you die.
When these demon spirits bound you they drain you and soon
you're too weak to fight them or fight back.
This too what looks innocent on the outside is nothing more
than a work of shatan a spiritual attack.
In human form are the demon spirits that we have around us
and in many homes they are causing frustration and heartbreak.
But through it all Yah is there to help you go and grow through
it because He knows how much from these demons you can take.

shelly david wright, poet

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