Friday, July 1, 2011

Pretty on the Outside Beautiful Within

"Pretty on the Outside Beautiful Within."

If I had to describe the woman of my dreams I would
have to go to Scripture and look at Esther, Sarah, and Ruth too.
These were extraordinary Sisters who were touched by
Yah and were examples that many should pursue.
They were pretty on the outside but Beautiful within
all with a Loving spirit and a heart of gold.
These Sisters spoke with wisdom and Love and they were
treasures for the heart of their man to hold.
This is what I'd Love to be blessed with a daughter of Zion
who the Most High will send as a treasure into my life.
Someone who will have the spirit of an Esther or a Ruth
who will make me a great husband when she becomes my wife.
Pretty on the outside I don't want a trophy that many
show off but don't have nothing of value within.
Someone who like their father shatan who was created
perfect in Beauty but a heart filled with sin.
Love is something you feel as is Beauty because true
Beauty is captured not by eyes alone but by the heart.
When someone is Beautiful enough for you to feel they
truly are an exquisite masterpiece work of art.
Pretty on the outside but Beautiful within someone
sweet to look at but we know that this flesh will deteriorate.
With age comes a few pounds and shapes begin to change
if you're sold on looks alone this change you won't appreciate.
Pretty on the outside but someone Beautiful within is one
to be cherished as a gift from the Most High.
Someone who when you see them makes your heart skip
a beat but when they speak this you cannot deny.
Pretty on the outside and Beautiful within is a
combination that is truly one to treasure.
When you are given one who has the Love of Yah
in them what you have is beyond all measure.
Sarah, Ruth, and Esther and there are more who Yah
chose who are Beautiful beyond eyes to see.
Esther won a Beauty pageant but she was more Beautiful
where it really counts and that's spiritually.
I know that my sweet combination is coming as Yah is
preparing me for Miss Wonderful sent from above.
Someone who will be pretty on the outside but Beautiful
with Yah's spirit within someone who I will truly Love.

shelly david wright, poet

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