Saturday, July 16, 2011

Let's Talk About it

"Let's Talk About it."

Communication is the key because a closed mouth
cannot be fed not only with food but knowledge too.
Stress for many is reaching a all time high so many
are overwhelmed they don't know what to do.
A kind word of encouragement goes a long way
pray with someone this will help them as well as you.
We are all fighting a war spiritually and we all
could use some wisdom as we go and grow through.
The incident the other day where the Sister went off
because the spirit of depression took a hold on her heart.
When we get caught up and the things we treasure are
taken this could be devastating and tear our world apart.
We need a trust worthy community of believers we can
talk to let's talk about the things that are troubling us.
Having someone who we can reach at a moment's notice
is key in these last days and truly is a must.
We all may not go to the extremes of what the Sister did
but you never know what heights those spirits will take us to.
When you are possessed by spirits their work is to kill, steal,
and destroy through depression this is what they do.
Demon spirit possession is real we see on the News how
males kill other males everyday.
They are spiritually possessed and doing the work of their
master shatan when each other they slay.
What's troubling you let's talk about it, it's time to stop the
self centered mindset and help one another.
When they're in need of someone to talk about it we can
and should listen to the concerns of our Sister or Brother.
Who knows how Yah could use you to make a difference
instead of talking about someone talk to them.
You could be used to deliver a word they need to hear
from Yah and you will be blessed by Him.
The reality is it doesn't matter how much prosperity
preaching you hear things are really coming apart.
People are suffering and the homeless numbers are
increasing the beginning of sorrow is about to start.
One of the best ways to serve Yah is to serve each other
and be a minister to them in their time of need.
Talk to them testify to them go for a walk listen to their
concerns and pull out the Scriptures and together you read.

We are headed for very serious times,
shelly david wright, poet

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