Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fragile Easily Broken

"Fragile Easily Broken."

These instructions should be attached to every
feeling caring heart but some people cannot read.
Understanding and a heart full of hurt to happen
to them this is what they need.
Because before you would purposely break the heart of
one you claim to Love pain from heartbreak they should feel.
Then the pain that they caused the person who cares for them
when they're feeling down and broken is real.
Fragile easily broken those who break hearts either
have none or there's an unclean spirit controlling them.
You see the opposite of Love is hate and this is the spirit
so many have it's the spirit of the devil for it's in him.
They don't feel nothing but a female's behind or in a
female's case she feels the protruding part.
You see there are devils out here who pretend very
well but don't have any caring for you in their heart.
Love is about self sacrificing selfless acts of Love when
you deny self and place them first in your life.
Love will make you commit yourself to making that
person happy being devoted to making them your wife.
Love will do what it does and it's an action word that
will spring into action to do what is right.
When you Love the person that you care about it's truly
a blessing in your life and your heart's delight.
Fragile and easily broken this is only for those with real
feelings and emotions that they aren't afraid to display.
Not for those whose heart has long since died and with
the emotions of others all they do is play.
They say don't hate the player but the game well the Most
High is going to end them both because what they do is wrong.
You see life is about sowing and reaping and you never know
how it's going to return but it is coming before too long.
Fragile easily broken more than their hearts their spirit
for a time is destroyed and they're emotionally messed up too.
You see when you play with someone's emotions you never
know the end results of what they may go and grow through.
A heart is fragile and easily broken just as delicate as
the part that many males try and beat up below.
Feelings are attached to that part of the body it's called
a heart and it contains emotions in case you didn't know.

shelly david wright, poet

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