Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not Good Enough to Marry

"Not Good Enough to Marry."

We can shack up and live together but my
last name you're not good enough to carry.
I will stay with you until one of us gets tired
your stuff is good but not good enough to marry.
Who buys the Cow anyway when the Milk is given
away you don't have self worth giving it for free.
Before I had you someone else did so why do you
think I'm going to be the one you ain't marrying me.
Not good enough to marry is really the unheard
answer that those who settle will never hear.
But actions speak louder than any words that
can be yelled out in someone's ear.
A piece of man is better than no man is what I
heard and someone foolish had to believe that to be true.
What you need to know is a male will make you his
toilet his sperm bank and will mess all over you.
If he hates himself what makes you think you'll be
Loved just because he says so.
The males in this generation are abusive to females
because quite simply Love they do not know.
Now there's a difference between a man and a male
but it's always the males that these females will choose.
So when they finally go off and the Shinola hits the
fan the male she got with will make the News.
The reality is our males and females are blind to the
Love that's out here and Love is strength not weakness.
Love is about doing the Right thing and never thinking
or plotting wrong Love is about true happiness.
Not good enough to marry is what many females are
who simply give in to their flesh and don't say No.
Because no matter how good you may think you are
to a male they will still call you a Ho.
There's a whorish spirit that possesses many that
makes the Between your Legs Crack addictive too.
To get it many will do whatever is necessary all the
games will be played there's nothing they won't do.
Except marry the one they're addicted to and if they
do believe it won't be a lasting one.
Because the mindset of some males who had to
leave their mother is to hit and run.

shelly david wright, poet

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