Thursday, July 7, 2011

Deceived Like Eve

"Deceived Like Eve."

Just like shatan went in the garden and caught Eve
alone and told her what she wanted to hear.
The daughters today are being deceived by demons in
like fashion as lies are being whispered in their ear.
It was the woman that shatan launched his attack
against and still the women are being attacked today.
Spiritual warfare is being waged against the Sisters by
unconscious males who like children games is what they play.
Before I go any further let it be said that the same spirit is
found in the unconscious females too.
Just like the males with the whorish self centered spirit
a lot of deceiving and heartbreaking females also do.
What you see clearly is self hatred among the sexes as you
hear drama about males and drama about females also.
We are going to continue to hear and experience this insanity
because the truth about Love they simply do not know.
Sex has nothing to do with Love in fact animals mate so having
sex is nothing special not anymore.
With self hate and an unclean spirit anyone could be a tool
in shatan's hands a whore.
Deceived like Eve who was seduced into believing the story
that she heard and bought into it.
But the cost of listening to shatan was too great for her to
pay and like many today heartbreak is punishment.
Same thing just a different time but the drama against
women is all too real when you look at the abuse they endure.
They are attacked physically, emotionally, verbally, they're
mistreated and not truly Loved for sure.
Let me state this also that there are children of the Most High
who walked in that world who now feel His Love in them.
They know the hurt and pain that many are growing through
and facing they know because they were rescued by Him.
They are the ones who are there to give a word of
encouragement who understand for real.
Just like those they share a Love with they too were in
darkness so they know just how they used to feel.
Deceived like Eve and the Brothers are in the same
condition because just like the Sisters they lost their way.
But there is hope as the spirit of Yah clears out the unclean
spirit in many and lives are being changed day by day.

shelly david wright, poet

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