Monday, July 18, 2011

Soft Sweet and Sensitive

"Soft Sweet and Sensitive."

Soft, sweet, and sensitive is what I want the woman
to be like whom the Most High gives to me.
Someone who is understanding who has His spirit
and a deep Love for her Heavenly Father inwardly.
Someone who is Loving, and passionate who has a raging
fire burning that would make the Sun seem dim.
A Soft, sweet, and sensitive woman who is like a
Gem of the Most High who was sent by Him.
Too many take stock in the outer appearance of a
person and they chose their mates with their eyes.
When they don't get what they thought they had
and it all goes to Hell it's no big surprise.
Our eyes deceive us the cover doesn't tell you what the
book is all about to know the contents you must read it.
To really get to know a person you must put the time in
and be attentive bottom line you must commit.
Relationships are built on everything but the foundation
of the Most High.
When you're blessed with someone you need to make
each other happy and yourself you must deny.
If the relationship isn't centered around Yah where He's
your head then you two will eventually fall apart.
Because His spirit is the glue that will bond the two and
the main ingredient is to have His Love in your heart.
Prayer is essential to a lasting relationship for prayer
is communicating with Yah our needs for one another.
We must pray for our mates our relationships as we are
to do for our family and friends your Sisters and Brothers.
We are flesh and blood creatures who are led spiritually
and Scriptures say that Yah will not dwell in an unclean temple.
So if you aren't right or the person who you have in your
life isn't it won't work it's just that simple.
Do not become unequally yoked with someone who does not
share the same standards and values as you.
Because light and darkness cannot mix and you can't change
someone if they don't want you to.
Soft, sweet, and sensitive is the kind of person who I'd Love to
meet someone who is very affectionate and funny too.
The desires of your heart are the desires that the Most
High wants also and He will abundantly bless you.

Another Rainy Day Poem,
shelly david wright, poet

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