Friday, July 1, 2011

Love is about Doing

"Love is about Doing."

Love has become nothing more than an easy word
to say but it's an action word about doing.
When you Love someone it's all about what's in their
best interest and only their best you should be pursuing.
There are many who use the word like a Pimp uses a
Prostitute to get out of it what they can.
But Love is more than many will ever conceive in fact
it was Love that devised the whole creation plan.
When you Love you give not have your hand out seeking
for it's better to give through Love than receive.
Those who Love will give because you can't give without Love
this mindset is beyond many to conceive.
Love has nothing to do with sex and heartbreaking Love
doesn't break hearts it heals them where sex was used to deceive.
Someone with an unclean spirit of lust told a lie to
invade the privacy that this person totally believed.
Today trust is an issue and because of the hard work of a
few demons now trust is something you can't even buy.
Until they are healed and their hearts are unthawed
everything they hear will be considered a lie.
Love is doing and it takes sacrifice making yourself
an offering as the Messiah did for His own long ago.
When we Love we must deny self for the sake of another
and when we do the true Love of Yah will show.
The most Beautiful part of being celibate and waiting
is that everything you do has to be about Love entirely.
You see you have no agenda in mind of sex because that
spirit of lust is gone you want true and deep intimacy.
When you Love you are the Temple of the Most High and
through you His will is carried out things will get done.
When you Love the lives of those you Love are touched
and the hearts of many along the way are won.
Love is about doing without expecting anything in return
but appreciation and hopefully Love too.
Love is a responsible act of honor, dedication, loyalty,
devotion, the standard, and values of Yah should be in you.
Love is about doing and I hope you can feel the Love as the
words of the poetry are read by your eyes for your heart to feel.
A Love that is genuine and Beautiful that is full of
action because the Love of the Most High is real.

Shalom, with much Love
shelly david wright,poet

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