Saturday, July 9, 2011

In Need of Love and Attention

"In Need of Love and Attention."

When you see the Sisters expose themselves they're in
need of Love and Attention right away.
You see many have had their hearts torn out and stepped
on by a male who had it on his mind he only wanted to lay.
I know there is a spirit of Whorishness out here but
none of them set out to be used and abandoned by a male.
They were searching for Love and attention and when
they looked in the wrong direction they failed.
At Super Sunday there were some Sisters who were
exposing much more to get the attention drawn to them.
Many times what they get is a demon who has plans
and she only gets screwed and screwed over by him.
Our Sisters are our daughters who need guidance not
just ridiculed by the devilish outfits that they wear.
What they really need is Love and attention from home
first they need to be shown the right way from one who cares.
We're quick to point out what's wrong yet with no solutions
and I know this is deeper than many will ever believe.
We aren't whores but a chosen people who have allowed
the Fallen one shatan to possess us and deceive.
We're not beyond help and not beyond Love you can make
a whore a House wife when Yah turns her completely around.
We need to encourage those who will listen to us with Love
and pray for those who need help instead of putting them down.
In need of Love and attention is what our people both male
and female really need we as a whole need some spiritual healing.
Because we need Yah in our lives especially the Sisters
who have so much of their behinds they're revealing.
What is being said about them is less than flattering and
appealing and it's really sad not seductive what we see.
You see they are lost and are sickened through possession
that have them bound and held captive spiritually.
In need of Love and attention and they're screaming out
to be Loved not sexed yet they settle for the attention they get.
Yet many are now in conditions for settling and their hearts
are filled with bitterness and regret.
In need of Love and attention is what's missing having a real
relationship with the Most High would fulfill them so.
They need to have real role models instead of those set up by
shatan in the music industry they need to see and know.
In need of Love and attention this country as a whole is sick
and dying from a lack of Love and it's killing many everyday.
When you see youth who you know are lost who are crying for
true Love and attention we need to pray they get it right away.

shelly david wright, poet

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