Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To The One I Love on This Special Day

"To The One I Love on this Special Day."

To the one I Love on this special day as we stand
here face to face.
I see the smiles of the Angels in Heaven and of
those gathered in this place.
Tears of Joy I see fall from your eyes as I look
into the eyes of the Masterpiece of the Most High.
With a smile as Beautiful as any Rembrandt or
DaVinci as bright as the Sun in the sky.
To the one I Love with my whole heart who makes
breathing a pleasure now that you're in my life.
I know I am very special and thought about by Yah
because He put a part of Himself in my wife.
His heart beats within her and with that precious
heart is an eternity of unconditional Love.
Your birth certificate is a false document because
you weren't born like us you were sent from above.
Many think they know what a treasure is but there
is nothing of greater value than to have you.
I vow with all my heart to forever be thankful and
to know I'm blessed to have a wonderful prayer come true.
To the one I Love on this special day as I stand here
feeling what I thought would be impossible to feel.
A genuine Love that when I see your face I feel good
all over and it seems that time truly stands still.
Your voice is my continued Love song and our life
from this moment on will be a Love Story I will write.
Endless poems will flow from my heart because of you
and the sweetest words ever heard by ears I will recite.
I truly am in Love with you every fiber in my being tells
me this and I on this day really want you deep inside to know.
That everyday that I wake up to your Beautiful face with
hair all over your head I will let my appreciation show.
On this day as I stand before the one I Love I feel the tears
fall as I read this Beautiful piece to you from my heart.
But nothing that I've ever written or will ever write could
compare to my Heaven sent work of Yah's creative art.
When I kiss you at the end of this ceremony I know your
sweet moist lips will take my breath and certainly me away.
As I'm marrying the greatest gift ever to come from Heaven
the one I Love on this wonderful and Beautiful special day.

I felt this now where is she?
shelly david wright, poet
Kim Shawn Watkins Birthday.

Words Filled with Emotions

"Words Filled with Emotions."

Words filled with emotions are what I write to you
to be seen by your eyes and read by your heart words so real.
A Love that flows and since the beginning of time before
breath was formed and hearts began to feel.
Words that are filled with emotion and sincerity when
I think of you I'm inspired to write.
Words that my hands type out but within me through the
depth of Love that I feel my heart recites.
Words that will say that the next second without you
in my life is an eternity of misery.
Where you are is where there is Beauty and it is a
place called Heaven and it's where I want to be.
These word that I write I know you can feel because
when I look into your eyes I can see the Love too.
When you open your mouth I heard what Angels
can only say coming from you.
You are what is so special about living and everyday
the Sun rises is a day I want to be so near.
As I type out this poem that races from my heart I
truly wish that you were here.
So I can taste the sweetness of your lips upon mine as
we embrace and all that is known as time stands still.
The birds that were flying over head come by to look
at us on the window sill.
The words I write are filled with emotions and with
all sensitivity that they through my heart flow out.
Words that convey that life wouldn't be worth the time
to be born if you I had to live without.
The words I write are filled with emotions coming
from a Beautiful place within.
A place that is filled with a Love and a heart that has
not felt this kind of passion and wonders where it's been.
Imagine when these words become real feelings that
with my lips and hands and all of me I can convey.
The emotional will manifest into the physical and we
will become one from night til it turns into day.
The words that you're reading are filled with emotion
that you're feeling with each word that your heart reads.
Words that are touching you and stimulating your mind
words that penetrate you deep and plants its Love seeds.

I felt this one too, Kisa you did this.
shelly david wright, poet

More to Love More to Hold

"More to Love More to Hold."

I'm about to expose a secret that the Thick Sisters are
hiding but they don't think that I know.
You see they say the best things come in small
packages unless your name is Rosa I don't think so.
The best things come full sized because you then
have more to Love and more to hold.
When you have a sweet affectionate, Loving Thick Sister
throw your money away because you have Gold.
You see the model industry has it all wrong there's
a plus to being plus size and Thick is really Hot.
Those things have nothing a strong wind can take
them away and curves they haven't got.
Nor anything that you can hold on to they don't
have nothing to hold their pants up too.
I'm not surprised that their clothes don't sag but I'm
sure they have their Barbie clothes that they can get into.
When the world was made Yah made it round and
that was the inspiration for a Thick Sister to be.
Brick house wasn't about some skinny little thing but
about the Sisters with back that our eyes Love to see.
They are more to hold and more to Love they are full
sized to hold their big hearts that they have inside.
Thick delicious in an assortment of shades and sizes
with a shade and curves that you just can't hide.
Now let it be said I Love the smaller Sisters as well who
are shaped right and have curves and back galore.
But a Thick Sister when she walks down the street the
Brothers on the rigs can see that walk way Offshore.
Tornadoes are formed when a Thick Sister twists she's
one who stops traffic and causes accidents to take place.
From her nice thick legs to her full round hips to her
round rear that stands out more than her pretty face.
More to Love and more to hold like I said when I was a
child I drew stick women now I see what it really is all about.
Real women have curves and some shake when they walk
and they cause old men to gasp and Viagra they shout.
More to Love and More to hold is what you get when you
have a Sister who has everything in abundance including back.
Let's look at it this way for softness and comfort what is better
a Smart Car (small) or a full sized Cadillac.

Thickness is better
shelly david wright, poet

This Was Always Meant

"This was Always Meant."

We were set on a blind date by some friends who
thought we'd be good for each other to meet.
She was someone with the most prettiest eyes and
she wore a dress and she had nice legs to awesomely sweet.
When she opened her mouth it was like a melody a sound
that Angels made a sweet song that only my ears could hear.
What I heard were words that came out here mouth
words of wisdom that settled in my ear.
We talked for a long time and found we had so much in
common she writes and sings and Loves romance too.
This moment was like something out of a dream but to
be even more precise like a prayer that has come true.
That moment turned into hours and days and nights
texting and long conversations that lasted through the night.
I felt in my heart what we had was meant to be and
I was going to ask her one day to become my heart's delight.
We started becoming a couple and we would do things
together and so much I learned from listening as she spoke.
She was also very affectionate and Loves to cuddle up
then would tickle me and in my side she would poke.
With each conversation we'd end it in a prayer and with
each meeting our foreheads would touch and we'd pray then.
Thanking our Father for bringing us together and hoping
that it would be His will that we see each other again.
You see we were building a solid foundation placing Yah
as our foundation and the center of our lives as well.
You see no matter what would come up we'd go to Him
in prayer and claim the victory as He will prevail.
Finally one night we were talking about marriage and
how it would be to see each other everyday becoming one.
So I made up my mind that I would ask her to marry
me because I see now that I had her heart won.
Well one day I had asked to meet her in the park to go
walking because this feeling inside I could no longer fight.
When she came up to the tree I embraced her and
kissed her and asked if she would become Mrs. Wright.
She said Yes as this moment was always meant to happen
for Yah created it way back in eternity.
The blind date was just Him introducing us through others
but what followed in our lives was always meant to be.

The End
shelly david wright, poet

Thunder and Lightning

"Thunder and Lightning."

It's thundering and lightning and I'm under the
covers snuggled up with the one I Love.
As the storm intensifies and the lights go out
and the rains come pouring from above.
It's a rainy night but we're not in Georgia but in
our bed and the sounds of the rain and thunder we hear.
This is the perfect moment for two bodies at rest
to get so near.
Momma used to say get quiet when the lightning was
striking and we are but we're going to make it sweet.
Because in between the sounds of thunder we
hurry to make our lips meet.
Thunder and lightning used to be frightening but now
we're much older and we use the time to get close.
When you have two hearts filled with Love you'll
want to share that Love in a larger dose.
Thunder and lightning and the lights are still out and
we're both still under the covers too.
The greatest thing in the world is to feel her lying next
to me and feeling good all over I do.
It's thundering and lightening and I have my hands full
of the sweetest softest person that I shall ever behold.
I have been blessed abundantly with a treasure from
Heaven that's worth much more than gold.
Thunder and lightning on a rainy night and we're out
of the rain but not out of each other's embrace.
Here we are under the covers wearing each other
as we're looking into each other’s face.
Thunder and lightning it's a rainy night on a Sunday
in the month of July.
We're romantically linked heart to heart as the rain
continues to fall from the sky.
When you're with that special someone the weather
doesn't matter at all.
Because when the moment is right for romance you
will answer quite loudly when Love makes a call.
Thunder and lightning and the rain is falling and
we're under the covers on this stormy night.
Enjoying every moment of passion and romance an
intimate gathering that feels just right.

shelly david wright, poet

Fragile Easily Broken

"Fragile Easily Broken."

These instructions should be attached to every
feeling caring heart but some people cannot read.
Understanding and a heart full of hurt to happen
to them this is what they need.
Because before you would purposely break the heart of
one you claim to Love pain from heartbreak they should feel.
Then the pain that they caused the person who cares for them
when they're feeling down and broken is real.
Fragile easily broken those who break hearts either
have none or there's an unclean spirit controlling them.
You see the opposite of Love is hate and this is the spirit
so many have it's the spirit of the devil for it's in him.
They don't feel nothing but a female's behind or in a
female's case she feels the protruding part.
You see there are devils out here who pretend very
well but don't have any caring for you in their heart.
Love is about self sacrificing selfless acts of Love when
you deny self and place them first in your life.
Love will make you commit yourself to making that
person happy being devoted to making them your wife.
Love will do what it does and it's an action word that
will spring into action to do what is right.
When you Love the person that you care about it's truly
a blessing in your life and your heart's delight.
Fragile and easily broken this is only for those with real
feelings and emotions that they aren't afraid to display.
Not for those whose heart has long since died and with
the emotions of others all they do is play.
They say don't hate the player but the game well the Most
High is going to end them both because what they do is wrong.
You see life is about sowing and reaping and you never know
how it's going to return but it is coming before too long.
Fragile easily broken more than their hearts their spirit
for a time is destroyed and they're emotionally messed up too.
You see when you play with someone's emotions you never
know the end results of what they may go and grow through.
A heart is fragile and easily broken just as delicate as
the part that many males try and beat up below.
Feelings are attached to that part of the body it's called
a heart and it contains emotions in case you didn't know.

shelly david wright, poet

Voluptuously Beautiful

"Voluptuously Beautiful."

She's not a size 0 but a thick Sister and there's a true
fullness about her too.
From her full lips to her thick full hips she is truly
voluptuously Beautiful a full sized masterpiece for true.
She is thick all over and well proportioned she is
an attractive Sister from head to toe.
The standard of Beauty where you have to be a
smaller size when you look at her you know it has to go.
She's full figured and a Joy to look at from her pretty
face with that smile that sports a glow.
This is a lady who is comfortable with all that she
has for you to Love she's a Beautiful woman this she knows.
One size doesn't fit all when it comes to what a person
is attracted to the thicker Sisters they call healthy anyway.
Rather than someone who you can barely see you can
give me a sweet thick Sister any day.
They say Beauty is in the eye of the beholder well what
I see is striking in her voluptuous full size.
When she walks across the room or wherever I see her
she commands full attention of my eyes.
I truly Love to see a thick Sister who is proud of her
size and who wears things to bring her fullness out.
Because being full figured isn't supposed to be a reason
to hide a real woman has curves shape is what it's about.
Voluptuous and Beautiful is what she is and there are
many more like her who we see walking the street.
These are full figured Queens the true royalty of Love
who make being a thick Sister so sweet.
Fat is Fabulous and Thick to me it doesn't describe a woman
with curves and Big is Beautiful Intelligent Gorgeous also.
When a woman is full figured and has that walk you see
just how wonderfully Yah has made them and they let it show.
Curves are real and shapes are the design of the Creator
and He made her thick so grand to see.
Like I said skin and bones is what some people call a Super
model but that's a twisted standard of Beauty to me.
Voluptuously Beautiful she is to me and I'm sure there are
many who see Sisters like this and truly admire them.
How blessed we are as men to enjoy these sweet Beautiful
Sisters that Yah has created we should abundantly thank Him.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, July 18, 2011

Soft Sweet and Sensitive

"Soft Sweet and Sensitive."

Soft, sweet, and sensitive is what I want the woman
to be like whom the Most High gives to me.
Someone who is understanding who has His spirit
and a deep Love for her Heavenly Father inwardly.
Someone who is Loving, and passionate who has a raging
fire burning that would make the Sun seem dim.
A Soft, sweet, and sensitive woman who is like a
Gem of the Most High who was sent by Him.
Too many take stock in the outer appearance of a
person and they chose their mates with their eyes.
When they don't get what they thought they had
and it all goes to Hell it's no big surprise.
Our eyes deceive us the cover doesn't tell you what the
book is all about to know the contents you must read it.
To really get to know a person you must put the time in
and be attentive bottom line you must commit.
Relationships are built on everything but the foundation
of the Most High.
When you're blessed with someone you need to make
each other happy and yourself you must deny.
If the relationship isn't centered around Yah where He's
your head then you two will eventually fall apart.
Because His spirit is the glue that will bond the two and
the main ingredient is to have His Love in your heart.
Prayer is essential to a lasting relationship for prayer
is communicating with Yah our needs for one another.
We must pray for our mates our relationships as we are
to do for our family and friends your Sisters and Brothers.
We are flesh and blood creatures who are led spiritually
and Scriptures say that Yah will not dwell in an unclean temple.
So if you aren't right or the person who you have in your
life isn't it won't work it's just that simple.
Do not become unequally yoked with someone who does not
share the same standards and values as you.
Because light and darkness cannot mix and you can't change
someone if they don't want you to.
Soft, sweet, and sensitive is the kind of person who I'd Love to
meet someone who is very affectionate and funny too.
The desires of your heart are the desires that the Most
High wants also and He will abundantly bless you.

Another Rainy Day Poem,
shelly david wright, poet

When She Said Yes to Me

"When She said Yes to Me."

When she said yes we began to write vows that would
say just how we felt to one another.
How much we've become emotionally attached
and how we'd never want to live without the other.
We placed the thoughts of our hearts in the process
and prayed through each step we would take.
Having the Most High as our head in this relationship
we looked to Him in all the decisions we would make.
When she said yes it was the time that we both
waited for to come true as Yah had planned it to be.
Everything is done according to His schedule when
you trust in Him the fullness of blessings you will see.
I'm going to marry one of His chosen the one who was
sent just as she is marrying one of His own.
He that finds a wife finds a great thing because those
whom Yah sends He prepares from His throne.
When she said yes she was ready for the journey that
would make into the unity of one.
Just like the original example set before us when Scripture
says when you see the Father you see the Son.
She will be bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh but it goes
even deeper but of the same spirit of Yah as well.
Through Him there isn't anything we can't do together and
when the storms come we have the strength to prevail.
When she said yes I was overjoyed because she is a living
breathing blessing sent from our Father above.
When I look into her eyes I see my reflection but even
more I see the woman who will share my life the one I Love.
When she said yes I heard the word in my ears but they
touched my heart and it was a Beautiful word to me.
She touched my heart as I touched hers when I asked
her to be mine I touched her so deep emotionally.
When she said yes this was the Most High answering me
and she heard my voice but the question was posed by Him.
You see when you're in the spirit of the Most High
His spirit is in both of them.
When she said yes we both heard the fulfillment of our
prayers that were heard by the Most High that came true.
The next Beautiful words that we will say to each other
is on the day we Wed we will say I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

Why Do You Continue to Settle

"Why Do You Continue to Settle."

Why do you continue to settle just to get your heart
broken and your privacy violated as well.
Why would you want someone who doesn't Love you
to have you intimately yet send you later through Hell.
Why do you continue to settle for less is it self esteem
issues it's not always about your looks but your heart.
You see Yah doesn't care how attractive or unattractive
you may think you are what's inside is the important part.
Beautiful has little to do with your looks but the heart
your personality is what counts if Yah's spirit is in you.
He is going to make what's on the outside appealing He
will draw the right one in your life too.
Why do you continue to settle for less when you
are the sweetest creations of the Most High.
You are all wonderfully created in His image this truth
you cannot deny.
Why settle for being abused and abandoned left with
children that this male doesn't take care of.
Bottom line when someone wants you in bed without
a commitment it won't be about true Love.
Same thing for the Brothers who settle for less and get
just that sex isn't the cure all that ends all for real.
It is insane to pick a mate because of the way she is built
or if she arouses you with sex appeal.
Wake up the devil is in the match making business and many
of you are settling for the choices that he's placed in your life.
Marriages and relationships that are doomed from the start
shatan cannot make a whore a husband nor a wife.
But he will bring them into your life to bring you through
drama and leave you crying with deep regret.
Settling for anything else than what the Most High wants
in your life is foolishness an episode you'll wish to forget.
We all want someone to treat us right and make us feel
Loved, special, treasured, cherished, and appreciated.
This can only come through a blessing of the Most High
so why settle for less when a while you've already waited.
Why do you continue to settle when the results are the
same no matter who you pick it's a bad choice you make.
When you trust and wait on Yah for all your needs there
isn't a chance to find true Love and romance you take.

shelly david wright, poet

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Let's Talk About it

"Let's Talk About it."

Communication is the key because a closed mouth
cannot be fed not only with food but knowledge too.
Stress for many is reaching a all time high so many
are overwhelmed they don't know what to do.
A kind word of encouragement goes a long way
pray with someone this will help them as well as you.
We are all fighting a war spiritually and we all
could use some wisdom as we go and grow through.
The incident the other day where the Sister went off
because the spirit of depression took a hold on her heart.
When we get caught up and the things we treasure are
taken this could be devastating and tear our world apart.
We need a trust worthy community of believers we can
talk to let's talk about the things that are troubling us.
Having someone who we can reach at a moment's notice
is key in these last days and truly is a must.
We all may not go to the extremes of what the Sister did
but you never know what heights those spirits will take us to.
When you are possessed by spirits their work is to kill, steal,
and destroy through depression this is what they do.
Demon spirit possession is real we see on the News how
males kill other males everyday.
They are spiritually possessed and doing the work of their
master shatan when each other they slay.
What's troubling you let's talk about it, it's time to stop the
self centered mindset and help one another.
When they're in need of someone to talk about it we can
and should listen to the concerns of our Sister or Brother.
Who knows how Yah could use you to make a difference
instead of talking about someone talk to them.
You could be used to deliver a word they need to hear
from Yah and you will be blessed by Him.
The reality is it doesn't matter how much prosperity
preaching you hear things are really coming apart.
People are suffering and the homeless numbers are
increasing the beginning of sorrow is about to start.
One of the best ways to serve Yah is to serve each other
and be a minister to them in their time of need.
Talk to them testify to them go for a walk listen to their
concerns and pull out the Scriptures and together you read.

We are headed for very serious times,
shelly david wright, poet

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Only Dogs Chase the Cat

"Only Dogs Chase the Cat."

Only Dogs chase the Cat, males who see females
as nothing more than a hole to slide into.
Yet there are females who play along with these games
who want the attention and who are just as whorish too.
They have the same unclean spirit that makes sex
worth dying for and with diseases many really do.
The hurt and the heartaches from the fallout is what
so many are now dying through.
Only Dogs chase the Cat and there are some females
who like to be chased by males an ego trip.
They like the attention because their self worth is low and
they want to die when from their chest their heart get's ripped.
I hate games that play with a heart I have feelings
and I don't want them stepped on.
You see after these males have seen and conquered the challenge
of having them just like their presence in their lives is gone.
It's time to grow up and get some understanding along with
some self respect and stop playing the games that hurt.
Because when you've been with a female and all through
her privacy she really gets treated like dirt.
Only Dogs chase Cats and the Cats that get chased become
so broken and bitter just a complete mess.
Then they become the devils who screwed them over and
they screw over someone else a vicious circle no less.
To my Sisters and Brothers what you're doing in hurting
one another isn't good sex isn't that important at all.
When you look at the disease, the unwanted and abandoned
children and families you need to rethink making a Booty Call.
Life is about sowing and reaping and if you choose to screw your
life away what you will reap will be you being screwed also.
Shatan is screwing you when you think you're playing Dog and
Cat to the Lake of Fire for unrepented sin you'd better know.
I'm thankful to Yah that this isn't my mindset my Sisters
are wounded deeply when you break an attachment with them.
You see when you have sex it's more than physical but spiritual
you form a bond a Soul tie with him.
Only Dogs chase Cats and these Dogs are Hell Hounds who have
but one thing on their mind from their satanic master.
That is to make you a party to their sins against the Most High
and into your life bring much misery and disaster.

shelly david wright, poet

I Only Wanted the Sex not the Wife

"I Only Wanted the Sex not the Wife."

This too is the mindset of many and you can't
make a whore a husband this should be said.
Because soon as you turn your head he's out
here sneaking around getting in someone else’s bed.
When many think whore they think women but that's
not so shatan simply does not discriminate.
He will take a couple who is not good for each other
and marry them then will sit back and wait.
Along with human nature and the spirits they have
in them he will watch as through their flesh the sparks fly.
Your flesh is attached to shatan and when you have him
in you the Lust of the flesh you will not deny.
Many started the relationship in the physical never
feeling the Love of the emotional too.
They saw something they just had to have so they went
after it and that person they had to pursue.
Many females are just a challenge to a male that's all
something they'll see if they can hit and nothing more.
Just fresh meat something new that they just want to
try a piece that they never had before.
I heard a Brother say that he ain't turning nothing down
but his collar these are the times we're living in.
Others will tell you they don't want a relationship just the
sex before your feelings begin.
I only wanted the sex not to be committed to you I only
wanted to hit it and not say I Do.
Why can't we just be Screw Buddies and leave it at
that I'm not about marriage I'll never be true.
Many who have been married aren't looking to go that
way but they'll take the sex if you're willing and able.
They ain't looking to be tied down they just want to
lay you down I'm just putting the cards on the table.
Let's be real the word Love is just a word to those
who can't conceive that such an emotion or thing exist.
Sex is the one thing they crave through the spirit of
Lust being devoted and committed is last on the list.
I only wanted the sex not the wife as you can clearly
see the skyrocketing rate of divorce.
Unattached and self centered feelings have many who
only wanted to sex them up to take that course.

shelly david wright, poet

Honey Dipped and Delicious

"Honey Dipped and Delicious."

They're honey dipped and delicious the thick Sisters
with shapes and curves and voluptuously built.
Beautiful Sisters who when they walk demand
your attention Sisters like "Miss Thickness" Jeri Hilt.
When I was a child I used to draw stick women
but now I see art and the world so much differently.
Females who are starving themselves to be skinny
is really sick and a spiritual form of insanity.
There are other cultures literally dying to have the
round behinds and the sweet thick lips of a Sister too.
While I hear some Chinese females are bleaching their skin
to get lighter and the light ones are trying to look like you.
What they won't say is a Sister is the epitome of Beauty
from her thighs to her eyes from her lips to her hips also.
If our Sisters only knew how royal and regal they are
an even more Beautiful side of self confidence they'd show.
They're the ones who were the first Queens when others
were Barbaric and forced to live in caves.
It was our own doing not the power of anyone or anything
living that reduced us to become Hebrew Slaves.
Honey dipped and delicious juicy thick Sisters with
the roundness like planets of the Universe.
Sisters who before thin was in which really should be
a sin were called simply Beautiful first.
When Yah created Eve the first Sister you can imagine
how Beautiful she was and what about Bathsheba on the roof.
Our Sisters such as Cleopatra were played in movies
by other cultures our women are Beautiful and that's proof.
Honey dipped and delicious kissed by the Sun to become
the different shades of Chocolate Yah created.
Yet in the blindness of Captivity our Beautiful thick
Sisters as a whole are truly under appreciated.
When the time of our captivity is over we'll see the
truth and we'll come home to the real Beauty.
We'll have a Queen fully equipped with all the luxuries
from the sway when she walks to the roundness of her booty.
Honey dipped and delicious I'm a chocolate Lover
I Love sweets I cannot deny.
But the Candy I Love most is the one honey dipped that
are delicious Creations of Beauty by the Most High.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, July 11, 2011

In Human Form

"In Human Form."

First of all our eyes do lie and deceive us because
what we see isn't always what we think we see.
Many who we think are human are so much more
when they have an unclean spirit inwardly.
When you think of the wrong that humans/people
who claim to Love each other do.
Then you will see the point that I'm making because
I know when you gave your heart a wrong was done to you.
Over the weekend I heard some inhuman drama of what
those who are married have done to each other.
Then they brought someone else into their marriage
and had a child for another.
You see it's of an unclean spirit to cheat and to betray
a trust those who can't Love or know Love will cheat.
Love is a responsible act where the Most High is the center
of your life when you have Love things are more sweet.
Along with Love is understanding and compassion where you
treat people the way that Love within allows you to.
Yet those who are unclean within are self centered and are
hateful and drama they will send you through.
If I told you I Loved you and in the next breath cursed you
out you'd say there was something wrong with me.
This behavior is of an unclean spirit their actions speak louder
than words they are abusive to others emotionally.
Divorce and break ups are occurring everyday along with
so much death/murder and destruction too.
Unnecessary heartaches and insanity because they're not
right they will send you through and you know it's true.
In human form are those who come into your life and with
them you commit yourself to an evil Soul tie.
You become bound in a stronghold relationship where
only through prayer you can get out as inwardly you die.
When these demon spirits bound you they drain you and soon
you're too weak to fight them or fight back.
This too what looks innocent on the outside is nothing more
than a work of shatan a spiritual attack.
In human form are the demon spirits that we have around us
and in many homes they are causing frustration and heartbreak.
But through it all Yah is there to help you go and grow through
it because He knows how much from these demons you can take.

shelly david wright, poet

Saturday, July 9, 2011

In Need of Love and Attention

"In Need of Love and Attention."

When you see the Sisters expose themselves they're in
need of Love and Attention right away.
You see many have had their hearts torn out and stepped
on by a male who had it on his mind he only wanted to lay.
I know there is a spirit of Whorishness out here but
none of them set out to be used and abandoned by a male.
They were searching for Love and attention and when
they looked in the wrong direction they failed.
At Super Sunday there were some Sisters who were
exposing much more to get the attention drawn to them.
Many times what they get is a demon who has plans
and she only gets screwed and screwed over by him.
Our Sisters are our daughters who need guidance not
just ridiculed by the devilish outfits that they wear.
What they really need is Love and attention from home
first they need to be shown the right way from one who cares.
We're quick to point out what's wrong yet with no solutions
and I know this is deeper than many will ever believe.
We aren't whores but a chosen people who have allowed
the Fallen one shatan to possess us and deceive.
We're not beyond help and not beyond Love you can make
a whore a House wife when Yah turns her completely around.
We need to encourage those who will listen to us with Love
and pray for those who need help instead of putting them down.
In need of Love and attention is what our people both male
and female really need we as a whole need some spiritual healing.
Because we need Yah in our lives especially the Sisters
who have so much of their behinds they're revealing.
What is being said about them is less than flattering and
appealing and it's really sad not seductive what we see.
You see they are lost and are sickened through possession
that have them bound and held captive spiritually.
In need of Love and attention and they're screaming out
to be Loved not sexed yet they settle for the attention they get.
Yet many are now in conditions for settling and their hearts
are filled with bitterness and regret.
In need of Love and attention is what's missing having a real
relationship with the Most High would fulfill them so.
They need to have real role models instead of those set up by
shatan in the music industry they need to see and know.
In need of Love and attention this country as a whole is sick
and dying from a lack of Love and it's killing many everyday.
When you see youth who you know are lost who are crying for
true Love and attention we need to pray they get it right away.

shelly david wright, poet

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why Give Away Something So Precious

"Why Give Away Something So Precious."

You wouldn't give away a million dollars or
a pot of gold now would you.
You wouldn't give away a 2 karat diamond ring
or the winning lottery ticket too.
Well why would you give away something more
precious than all of them together so easily.
Why would you give yourself away to someone who
doesn't Love you but is only using you for free.
Why do you value the things you wear more than
yourself nothing is worth more than you for real.
You need to learn to treasure the Gem the Most High
made you and Love for self you need to feel.
If you're truly Loved this person would pay the price
and make you a permanent part of his life.
The Milk wouldn't be given away there would be no test
drives, no free samples you'd be his wife.
Don't you know that you were made in the image and
the likeness of the Most High you're a daughter of Eve.
I hope you will take this knowledge and it will open your
eyes because the truth of Love you need to receive.
You should be treasured and cherished you should be
respected not dogged out and left for dead.
The deception of sexy is a trap set up by shatan forget
sexy think how Beautiful you are instead.
The average male has a Sister and a Mother and would
not want anyone disrespecting them.
Too many of our Sisters have been abused and abandoned some
are emotionally messed up after giving herself away to him.
I know the messages you hear are for you to be a whore
but this too is a deception of the devil for your destruction also.
The truth is you are more than the temple/ your body you're
more than the clothes you wear this you need to know.
What you are is precious all of you so the place below your
waist is more special and should not be given away.
It's not for sale either getting an outfit, your hair and nails
done or whatever is a tiny price for him to pay.
When you're bought that's prostitution no matter how you
pretty and perfume it up it's still the same.
If they want to get into your privacy they should be willing
to take it to the next level and give you their last name.
I'm writing this as a parent and a Brother to each of you
who will read this and who will share this poetry.
You need to realize how great the Most High has made
you not to be anyone's whore for flesh felt intimacy.

shelly david wright, poet

Deceived Like Eve

"Deceived Like Eve."

Just like shatan went in the garden and caught Eve
alone and told her what she wanted to hear.
The daughters today are being deceived by demons in
like fashion as lies are being whispered in their ear.
It was the woman that shatan launched his attack
against and still the women are being attacked today.
Spiritual warfare is being waged against the Sisters by
unconscious males who like children games is what they play.
Before I go any further let it be said that the same spirit is
found in the unconscious females too.
Just like the males with the whorish self centered spirit
a lot of deceiving and heartbreaking females also do.
What you see clearly is self hatred among the sexes as you
hear drama about males and drama about females also.
We are going to continue to hear and experience this insanity
because the truth about Love they simply do not know.
Sex has nothing to do with Love in fact animals mate so having
sex is nothing special not anymore.
With self hate and an unclean spirit anyone could be a tool
in shatan's hands a whore.
Deceived like Eve who was seduced into believing the story
that she heard and bought into it.
But the cost of listening to shatan was too great for her to
pay and like many today heartbreak is punishment.
Same thing just a different time but the drama against
women is all too real when you look at the abuse they endure.
They are attacked physically, emotionally, verbally, they're
mistreated and not truly Loved for sure.
Let me state this also that there are children of the Most High
who walked in that world who now feel His Love in them.
They know the hurt and pain that many are growing through
and facing they know because they were rescued by Him.
They are the ones who are there to give a word of
encouragement who understand for real.
Just like those they share a Love with they too were in
darkness so they know just how they used to feel.
Deceived like Eve and the Brothers are in the same
condition because just like the Sisters they lost their way.
But there is hope as the spirit of Yah clears out the unclean
spirit in many and lives are being changed day by day.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

An Abundance of Males and Females

"An Abundance of Males and Females."

There is a shortage of real men and women who through
the spirit of the Most High know how to genuinely Love.
These are the sweetest people that are gifts to the heart
some of the most precious people who are blessings from above.
But on the other end there's an abundance of males
and females an army that's under shatan's control.
They have his spirit and are under his direction and
those they're joined to pay an emotional toll.
They pretend and perpetrate like they have true feelings
but they're just out for a purpose and that's to destroy you.
They truly need our prayers because although they walk
around they're blind and very unconscious too.
They're the ones who break hearts and tear apart homes
who share their diseases and unclean spirits also.
The ones who cheat, steal, and are very abusive they're
the ones who at this time the Most High doesn't know.
There are an abundance of males and females and
although many are dying there are more to take their place.
They have high places in the administration of the devil
when you look at television or a rap video and see their face.
They're the ones who have their parents crying who are
caught in the bed with someone other than their spouse.
They're the ones who don't care what drama they cause
they're the unclean spirits who take residence in your house.
Although there's an abundance of males and females the
Most High has His own who are living Set Apart by Him.
Those who were at one time males and females in the world
who were called out of it but it's a shortage of them.
When you compare them to those who are in the world
who true Love or understanding they haven't got.
The ones who show off their asses with utter disrespect of
their elders and stripper wanna be's who drop it like it's hot.
Scriptures say this is shatan's world and it makes sense
that his own would populate it.
That's why you see the insanity of what males and females
do they're like their father and god you must admit.
There's an abundance of males and females and a shortage
of genuine men and women who are precious as gold.
When you have one in your life they are a blessing and a
treasure to cherish and behold.

shelly david wright, poet

To Someone Who Could Not Love You

"To Someone Who could Not Love You."

This is the major cause of many hearts to break
and a hatred for males that so many of you have inside.
When you give your heart and your body to someone
who is incapable of Love you are committing emotional suicide.
These males that you thought you chose were never your
choices but spiritually you were directed to them.
You see shatan is a matchmaker setting you up for
failure and heartbreak when you are directed by him.
Just because you hear the word Love doesn't mean it
is present in the heart of the one that said it to you.
Love is not self serving and it won't be false and verbally
abusive and certainly drama it will never send you through.
Many of you gave your heart and your body to someone
who wasn't worthy and they hurt you in the process.
What they left behind after cleaning the bones was a
wounded, broken and soon to be bitter another male's mess.
Because unless your heart is healed you'll rebound into
another relationship with baggage from the last one.
Soon the new demons in you will emerge and act two of
the drama starts in your life and emotionally you're done.
Not everyone at this time is capable of feeling true Love
many hearts are shielded and many are just cold.
Many have had relationships that have turned sour
never having one that was more precious than gold.
The truth is when the value is placed on your vagina
more than your heart then Love is what you may never see.
When sex is the ultimate goal of someone you're just wanted
but only in the sense that's physically.
This goes both ways because shatan has daughters as well
as sons with the unloving whorish spirit in them too.
They'll lie and tell you what they think that you may want
to hear but all they're about is spiritually infesting you.
To someone who could not Love you is who you gave your gold
to when you were drawn to settle now you're hurt.
Remember possession by spirits is real and when you're
attached to one with an unclean spirit you'll be treated like dirt.
We've all been deceived in our yearning to be Loved by
people who pretended but were incapable of being real.
Ice water must flow through their veins because a genuine Love
in their hearts is something that they don't feel.

shelly david wright, poet

Not Good Enough to Marry

"Not Good Enough to Marry."

We can shack up and live together but my
last name you're not good enough to carry.
I will stay with you until one of us gets tired
your stuff is good but not good enough to marry.
Who buys the Cow anyway when the Milk is given
away you don't have self worth giving it for free.
Before I had you someone else did so why do you
think I'm going to be the one you ain't marrying me.
Not good enough to marry is really the unheard
answer that those who settle will never hear.
But actions speak louder than any words that
can be yelled out in someone's ear.
A piece of man is better than no man is what I
heard and someone foolish had to believe that to be true.
What you need to know is a male will make you his
toilet his sperm bank and will mess all over you.
If he hates himself what makes you think you'll be
Loved just because he says so.
The males in this generation are abusive to females
because quite simply Love they do not know.
Now there's a difference between a man and a male
but it's always the males that these females will choose.
So when they finally go off and the Shinola hits the
fan the male she got with will make the News.
The reality is our males and females are blind to the
Love that's out here and Love is strength not weakness.
Love is about doing the Right thing and never thinking
or plotting wrong Love is about true happiness.
Not good enough to marry is what many females are
who simply give in to their flesh and don't say No.
Because no matter how good you may think you are
to a male they will still call you a Ho.
There's a whorish spirit that possesses many that
makes the Between your Legs Crack addictive too.
To get it many will do whatever is necessary all the
games will be played there's nothing they won't do.
Except marry the one they're addicted to and if they
do believe it won't be a lasting one.
Because the mindset of some males who had to
leave their mother is to hit and run.

shelly david wright, poet

Sunday, July 3, 2011

To Know a True Love

"To Know a True Love."

The Beautiful part of being Celibate and having Yah's
spirit is when you Love it's from the heart as it’s meant to be.
What you feel isn't about the physical but the emotional
and it's based on what you feel spiritually.
What you experience is much more on a sensitive level
where understanding and being appreciative takes place.
When you aren't provoked by Lust you're more concerned
about the person that you have in your face.
Sincerity is also in play as your heart is real and what you
feel is tuned in to how they feel it's not about you.
Their feelings and thoughts matter because making them
happy and content is what's in your heart to do.
To know a true Love and have it within you is the
Beauty they see come out in your words and thought process.
Their needs and concerns whatever is on their minds
you make it your concern to address.
Love to many is just a word that they believe they've
felt at one time or another.
Love is more than what you feel it's what you Do not for
yourself but for the other.
You Love yourself through Loving them and you're ordered
to Love them as the Messiah Loves His Own.
A Love that doesn't Curse you out or make a fist and hit
you a Love that's never abusive as few have ever known.
The Beautiful part of being celibate and with Yah is to
experience what you've never felt in your life before.
When we were lost and in darkness in the world sex was
all that we had it was Lust and nothing more.
Lust is unfaithful, irresponsible, self centered, wicked, and
Lust will bring home excuses along with spirits and disease.
Lust has destroyed many relationships and marriages and
right now many have something that has them on their knees.
Love will be faithful, devoted, loyal, in other words you
won't mess around because shatan doesn't live here anymore.
The one you have you see as a blessing as you have waited
on a promise from Yah and a good thing for you He had in store.
A true Love is what many have never experienced because
so many hearts are broken and really are in need of it so.
When I'm introduced to my Queen all the years I've waited
will be well worth it and a true Love we both will know.

shelly david wright, poet

Sincere and Affectionate

"Sincere and Affectionate."

Someone sincere and affectionate who shows how
she feels about you with a sensitive touch.
Where words can't convey the feelings her hands
and every part of her body says she Loves you so much.
Someone who is truly hands on and her actions truly
speak louder than words will ever be able to.
Because when someone is sincere and affectionate she will
make sounds come out like a melody when she touches you.
A simple hug or a hand hold maybe she'll lay her head
on your chest the kind to be up under you so.
When you're blessed with someone who can't keep their
hands off of you true Love and affection you'll know.
I've heard it said by males that they don't like to have
a woman up under them.
What they don't realize is that this is the way an affectionate
woman is she Loves her man and likes to please him.
I've heard some females say they don't like a man under
them well I guess this type isn't affectionate as some.
Then you never know what caused them to feel this way
and what spirit these feelings are coming from.
Someone who would greet you with a hug and a kiss
along with kind words are what I'd like to receive.
A passionate affectionate woman with an inferno
of desire that would blow my mind to believe.
When affection is from the heart it's just a display of
the feelings she wants to physically express.
When you have a gift of the Most High who is sincere, Loving,
and affectionate you're blessed I'll confess.
For someone to do this is truly something you should appreciate
and reciprocate these feelings and emotions in return.
It takes a strength to show emotions it's not a weakness
it's an act of Love to show someone this much concern.
Hugs are like medicine that fill the heart and when you show
affection it's a Beautiful thing that I truly Love to see.
When you have a couple walking hand in hand smiling
it's a heart to heart connection of pure sensitivity.
Sincere and affectionate well call me I'm waiting
because this is what a heart needs to feel.
To have someone who is genuine in what they do is truly
a gift from Yah because this wonderful person is real.

shelly david wright, poet

Shiny on the Outside Rotten Within

"Shiny on the Outside Rotten Within."

This morning not more than 10 minutes ago I purchased
an Apple that was pretty and shiny but rotten within.
It left a nasty taste in my mouth but it inspired me to
write this poem so to the heart of the issue let's begin.
Just like the Apple so are people who look good on the
outside but who are rotten spiritually to the core.
Just like their father shatan who was created perfect in
Beauty but as Beautiful as he was even rotten so much more.
Many even leave you with a bad taste because of their
attitudes and the way they feel so high above you.
Shatan wanted to be above the Most High this is the same
spirit that these people have in them too.
Their looks like shatan have obviously gone to their heads
but looks are temporary as everyday this flesh rots away.
Too many have heard the admiration of the other Angels
and they were lifted up in spirit from what others say.
I thought I picked a good Apple by the appearance but
don't we do this when we choose a mate.
We look on the outside to see how good they look yet within where
we can't see they could be as rotten as my Apple I almost ate.
I threw the Apple away and counted it as a loss as this is also
happening in many relations that are falling apart.
You see you could have a nice shiny appearance like my
Apple did but could but rotten with no Love in your heart.
You see I chose a bad Apple but I'm leaving the selecting
of my wife and lifetime companion to the Most High.
I picked a bad Apple so you know I can't choose a mate from
just looking because I know our eyes do lie.
We see what we enjoy in the flesh feeding it to a degree
yet when it comes to what we need we don't really know.
So to the one who created me in prayer I take my request
to Him who formed the Heavens and Earth I shall go.
He won't pick a rotten Apple for me but it will be good
from the outside to the inside and sweet to the taste as well.
You see when He does a good work in your life we are to
testify of His goodness to others this we should tell.
Not everything that looks good is good for within they
may contain a demon or a disease and then you truly lose.
I chose a rotten Apple that looked good to my eyes so in a
mate I'm not even trying I'll let the Most High choose.

Still want an Apple
shelly david wright, poet

Friday, July 1, 2011

Love is about Doing

"Love is about Doing."

Love has become nothing more than an easy word
to say but it's an action word about doing.
When you Love someone it's all about what's in their
best interest and only their best you should be pursuing.
There are many who use the word like a Pimp uses a
Prostitute to get out of it what they can.
But Love is more than many will ever conceive in fact
it was Love that devised the whole creation plan.
When you Love you give not have your hand out seeking
for it's better to give through Love than receive.
Those who Love will give because you can't give without Love
this mindset is beyond many to conceive.
Love has nothing to do with sex and heartbreaking Love
doesn't break hearts it heals them where sex was used to deceive.
Someone with an unclean spirit of lust told a lie to
invade the privacy that this person totally believed.
Today trust is an issue and because of the hard work of a
few demons now trust is something you can't even buy.
Until they are healed and their hearts are unthawed
everything they hear will be considered a lie.
Love is doing and it takes sacrifice making yourself
an offering as the Messiah did for His own long ago.
When we Love we must deny self for the sake of another
and when we do the true Love of Yah will show.
The most Beautiful part of being celibate and waiting
is that everything you do has to be about Love entirely.
You see you have no agenda in mind of sex because that
spirit of lust is gone you want true and deep intimacy.
When you Love you are the Temple of the Most High and
through you His will is carried out things will get done.
When you Love the lives of those you Love are touched
and the hearts of many along the way are won.
Love is about doing without expecting anything in return
but appreciation and hopefully Love too.
Love is a responsible act of honor, dedication, loyalty,
devotion, the standard, and values of Yah should be in you.
Love is about doing and I hope you can feel the Love as the
words of the poetry are read by your eyes for your heart to feel.
A Love that is genuine and Beautiful that is full of
action because the Love of the Most High is real.

Shalom, with much Love
shelly david wright,poet

Pretty on the Outside Beautiful Within

"Pretty on the Outside Beautiful Within."

If I had to describe the woman of my dreams I would
have to go to Scripture and look at Esther, Sarah, and Ruth too.
These were extraordinary Sisters who were touched by
Yah and were examples that many should pursue.
They were pretty on the outside but Beautiful within
all with a Loving spirit and a heart of gold.
These Sisters spoke with wisdom and Love and they were
treasures for the heart of their man to hold.
This is what I'd Love to be blessed with a daughter of Zion
who the Most High will send as a treasure into my life.
Someone who will have the spirit of an Esther or a Ruth
who will make me a great husband when she becomes my wife.
Pretty on the outside I don't want a trophy that many
show off but don't have nothing of value within.
Someone who like their father shatan who was created
perfect in Beauty but a heart filled with sin.
Love is something you feel as is Beauty because true
Beauty is captured not by eyes alone but by the heart.
When someone is Beautiful enough for you to feel they
truly are an exquisite masterpiece work of art.
Pretty on the outside but Beautiful within someone
sweet to look at but we know that this flesh will deteriorate.
With age comes a few pounds and shapes begin to change
if you're sold on looks alone this change you won't appreciate.
Pretty on the outside but someone Beautiful within is one
to be cherished as a gift from the Most High.
Someone who when you see them makes your heart skip
a beat but when they speak this you cannot deny.
Pretty on the outside and Beautiful within is a
combination that is truly one to treasure.
When you are given one who has the Love of Yah
in them what you have is beyond all measure.
Sarah, Ruth, and Esther and there are more who Yah
chose who are Beautiful beyond eyes to see.
Esther won a Beauty pageant but she was more Beautiful
where it really counts and that's spiritually.
I know that my sweet combination is coming as Yah is
preparing me for Miss Wonderful sent from above.
Someone who will be pretty on the outside but Beautiful
with Yah's spirit within someone who I will truly Love.

shelly david wright, poet

What Ever Happened to Shame

"What Ever Happened to Shame."

A painful feeling brought about by a strong sense
of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness or disgrace.
Well what you see out here this definition out of the
Webster's dictionary they may as well erase.
There is no truer statement than there's no shame in
my game but with what I see there really should be.
Just because it comes in your size doesn't mean you
should wear it especially if you don't have the body.
I know we all are never going to live up to the false
standard of Beauty because their standards are wrong.
People who did not fit their standards were considered
unattractive and were made to feel they didn't belong.
Well what I see on television could not compare to some
of the Sisters that I see just walking the street.
You see Beauty isn't what you see but what you feel
when eyes and hearts meet.
What ever happened to shame and dignity because too
many are doing things and wearing things they should not.
The clothes are designed to show off a figure they're form
fitting and they look bad if a different shape they've got.
Everyone can't wear a bikini and many who put them
on have no shame at all when they come to the pool.
Wearing what doesn't flatter your body should be for
many the golden rule.
I'm not trying to single out any one because no matter
the size of the body it's the heart that counts.
Because there are many who are classified as fine have
unclean spirits/attitudes in them in large amounts.
You see they have let their shape and their looks go to
their heads and this is a mindset that isn't good.
All brought on by males who will tell them what they Love
to hear to invade their privacy if they could.
The sweetest people I know aren't in a size 12 they're full
figured voluptuous Sisters who wear what flatters them.
They're trying to expose what should be left to the imagination
to see them out here like your chances are slim.
What happened to shame, well when your spirit is not of
the Most High you will wear anything.
Clothes that choke your body and expose more than
should be seen yet no shame to them their actions bring.

shelly david wright, poet

Someone to Treat Me Right

"Someone to Treat Me Right."

These are the sentiments of Ahubiyah and a lot
more Sisters who have been done by Brothers so wrong.
They just want to be Loved and appreciated someone
to treat them right and many have waited for so long.
In the beginning shatan attacked Eve and the war has
been on against her descendants through demons too.
Those males not men with shatan's spirit who come in
smooth as silk but like a serpent there to seduce you.
You see once the soul tie is made through sex the truth
comes out and they're not what they pretended to be.
This is the same way it happened in the Garden he told her
what she wanted to hear and now misery her daughters see.
Someone to treat me right after many have been so mistreated
lied to and cheated on abused and abandoned also.
You would expect for a Sister not to be trusting especially
if it seems too good to be true apprehension she'll show.
This is Essence week and there are lots of Sisters walking
alone and I'm sure there are predators who are in wait.
Males who can't conceive Love or appreciate the Beauty
of conversation who only want them just to mate.
Someone to treat me right is what I want as a man so I
know the Sisters need to have this in their life.
She doesn't want to be a sperm bank but she wants more
a real woman doesn't want to be a whore but a wife.
She wants to be treated like a lady like a man would and
should treat and respect his own Mother as well.
Too many of our Sisters are scared and badly broken from
someone with an unclean spirit that sent them through Hell.
You wouldn't Dog out your Mother so why dog out a Sister
treat her with the same respect and Love that you do for them.
They have a need to be cared for and Loved but many
now believe the chances of them getting a good man is slim.
To my Sisters Yah is your hope and know this, all that you've
gone and grown through is preparing you for the one.
That will only appreciate one who was broken and made whole
because he'll have the greatest treasure under the Sun.
Someone to treat me right is what many are saying and are
praying for they know it's time for change and want the chance.
For a life filled with Joy and happiness with someone who will
Love them and theirs with endless nights of romance.

You deserve someone to treat you right.
shelly david wright, poet

Not Impossible to Do

"Not Impossible to Do."

Scriptures say that husbands should Love their wives
as the Messiah Loves His own this is not impossible to do.
Not when you're obedient to Him for He is going
to work it all out through you.
We are Temples, vessels that are spiritually directed
to do His will and bring esteem to Him also.
We can Love our wives with such intensity
that her smile would rival the Sun's glow.
Wives you can be submissive to the husband but not
with your spirit alone but with that of the Most High.
When you both are under Yah as your head your husband's
wishes you won't deny.
It's not impossible to have a Loving marriage free of the
drama that you have in the world because you're out of it.
When you walk according to the spirit of Yah you're more
at peace for with His will in your life you will submit.
Love, honesty, devotion, dedication become character
traits also morals, standards, virtues, and values too.
When you're called to be Set Apart by the Most High
what He wants in your life will come through.
These poems I'm given to write are to encourage, edify,
and enlighten to the Love of He who instructs me.
My hope is to capture the heart of the one who will come
into my life to share a Love that will last an eternity.
I will Love her as Yah's spirit allows me to unconditionally
with my whole heart filled with so much of His Love.
I pray I will be found worthy to receive a precious gift
of Love with His spirit with fire and desire unheard of.
The stronghold we must overcome is self and daily it must
die shatan must move out so in us Yah can live.
Then and only then can we Love unquenchably and to
our spouses our lives and hearts we can give.
It is not impossible to Love our spouses as He requested
and for our spouse to Love us in the very same way.
He would not have said it if it were impossible but it's a
Love and a journey that you make day by day.
To you who are reading this know that there's nothing too
hard for Yah the impossible is made possible through Him.
Just don't settle be selective of the things of Yah be patient
and those desires in your life He will fulfill all of them.

shelly david wright, poet

Words for Your Eyes to See but For Your Heart to Hear

"Words for Your Eyes to See but For Your Heart to Hear."

The words I write are for your eyes to see but for
your heart to hear Beautiful words of Love.
Words of truth laced with honey, words to uplift
and edify some of the sweetest words I can think of.
Words that will make you think and make you smile
words that will make you think I'm talking to you.
Words that will have you wondering if I really know
what you're going and growing through.
These words are written for your eyes to see but your
heart is the one to read them so emotionally.
These words leap off the screen into your heart where
they're felt and it's where you want them to be.
Words that will encourage you to go on and believe
that it will be alright that the Most High has got your back.
Here you will find among the hundreds of poems I write
the right ones when the adversary attacks.
These words I write are seen with your eyes but felt with
your heart as the spirit speaks to your heart through them.
A heart that has been battered and abused that needs
to feel alive and in Love again when things seem grim.
These words your eyes are seeing are words that when
felt within your heart and spirit become so much more.
Words that form the lines of poetry that with your
heart you feel and are touched as never before.
With your eyes you will read these words and with your
heart they may bring many of you to tears.
Bringing back memories and the tears are a release of
the hurt that you have felt for years.
Healing hearts poetry is what these words your eyes see
are meant to do when your heart is in need.
These words are food for the soul to encourage you in
times you need a word these words are a planted seed.
Words are for your eyes to see but for your heart to hear are
written because the Most High knew these you'd receive.
Words that will speak to your heart to mend it words that
make you whole it's like what you see is too good to believe.
With these words that your eyes see but your heart feels I
share with you out of Love and a need to feel Love also.
Words that you will read and share with those who really
need to hear it words that are in your heart and will grow.

shelly david wright, poet

You're Going After the Wrong Part

"You're Going After the Wrong Part."

Instead of looking to get between a woman's legs
you need to find your way into a woman's heart.
You who are trying to feed your flesh are going
after the wrong part.
There's a saying when you Play Pussy You get screwed
and you can screw her life up as well.
When you are only after getting between her legs to
invade her privacy you can send her through Hell.
You see a female may be satisfied with getting a Wet
ass and her hair and her fingernails done.
But a woman is on another level she requires your
Love respect and attention to get her heart won.
Bottom line through the spirit of disobedience there
are whores male and female who are out here.
They're the ones who tell you they're looking for sex
without the commitment they want that made clear.
Yet they don't realize that when you lay with someone
if you have feelings you begin to bond with them.
Many of you wonder why females have attitudes after she
gave up her privacy she was later abandoned by him.
A man knows the most important part of a woman isn't
found below her waist but it's her heart where feelings begin.
He knows he has to come correct and must earn her trust
because she was hurt in her past she won't easily let him in.
You're going after the wrong part, it's what's up front that
counts but not between her legs is the place you should go.
If that's all she wants then the two of you belong together
because just like you she's nothing but a Ho.
We need to do things not our way not shatan's way but
Yah's way and He says not to whore or pay a price.
Sure Yah will forgive you but you still have to reap the
seeds you've sown and I hear HIV ain't nothing nice.
Your body is either the Temple of Yah or shatan their
spirits direct the steps of those who they possess.
That's why we need to know that sex is more than what
it seems it's more spiritual than physical I'll confess.
You're going after the wrong part it's her heart that
needs the attention she needs to feel you emotionally.
When she feels confident to fully place her trust in you
then she will give all of herself to you physically.

But You Better say I Do
shelly david wright, poet



We are living in a selfish society where people aren't
considerate of each other because it's all about them.
They truly have their father's spirit those who have
this mindset are the children of shatan they belong to him.
You only hear from them when they need something
and they want things to go their way.
They are truly inconsiderate of your feelings too and
when you are down or up they don't have nothing nice to say.
Yet they need you to be there for them but go through
something and your problem they don't want to hear.
They'll say you're stressing them out and they don't want
to be bothered or pray about it my dear.
I'm making an effort to get the toxic people out of my life
because these are agents of the adversary.
They are wolves who come in sheep's clothing posing as
friends but are dangerous as snakes inwardly.
People are actors and the world is their stage and the
performance of their life is making you believe.
That they're your friends and they have your best in mind
but what's best for you they cannot conceive.
When you're selfish and self centered you can't see past
your nose when it's all about you.
But Yah has a plan to bring the high and mighty back down
to earth they will become humble before He's through.
Being considerate of others requires having a heart and
that's one thing the cold and heartless haven't got.
They don't know how Beautiful Love can be but they sure
know sex and how to drop it like it's Hot.
They're in need of prayer because even though many say
they're Christians the Most High they don't know.
You wouldn't use people as stepping stones if your heart was
right but a Loving, caring, concerned side you would show.
Consider what another person is going through and be
patient I know this with my Cotton Ball I need to do.
Because she is one who is a Sister and a friend forever
who I'm blessed to have met and who is my life too.
Consideration is just something that we should have but
it takes having Love and that comes with dying to self also.
People who think the world revolves around them the ones
who shatan truly has them messed up really need to go.

shelly david wright, poet