Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You're Just a Target

"You're Just a Target."

I hear there's this female on Facebook young of
course talking about being hated on because of her body.
Stating the other females are jealous I've seen
her she's nice but shatan has her spiritually.
First of all when you dress to advertise you make yourself
a Target for everyone to see what you're displaying.
The clothes are by design designed to show off
the curves so the Doggs will come out playing.
You're just a Target when you wear them and your
Vagina becomes the Bulls eye.
To hit the Target they will do what they feel is
necessary and that includes to straight up lie.
You see you're not just dealing with a horny male
but spiritually you're dealing with a whole lot more.
Shatan who doesn't care how fine you may think you
are all he wants you to do is sin and become his whore.
Because of the additives in the food almost everyone
is fine so what the Hell do they need to be jealous of.
Bottom line is all many of you experience is just
sex anyway a cheap imitation of Love.
Over time as a bunch of males run through you and
Babies you have you may lose that shape anyway.
When you become what you laugh at in others
no one will want to be seen with you no one will stay.
Besides being a Sperm Bank you're a Conduit for
spirits you have demons who you've slept with too.
When you become a Target it's really for the Devil
and his purpose is to straight up mess over you.
When you dress to think you impress to compete
against the other females you're playing yourself also.
You're making yourself a Target for someone to come
after you do this when your body you show.
There are many women who have been emotionally
destroyed behind being Targets for males to target.
They no longer have those figures only memories
of the attention that they used to get.
When you put yourself out here you become a Target
for shatan and he doesn't miss his aim is true.
He has a purpose and that is your destruction your
physical, spiritual, and emotional death he does pursue.

Now you think you're that fine
No one is!!!
shelly david wright, poet

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