Friday, October 8, 2010

A Prisoner of Your Own Making

"A Prisoner of Your Own Making."

Nicole you're a Prisoner in a Prison of your
own making because you choose to stay inside.
What has happened to make you become a prisoner
of your own making and from the world hide.
Was it shatan through males that you cared for and
trusted who only wanted your body and that's all.
Did they not know that a heart was attached one
that gave in but was eventually hurt by the booty call.
Hiding behind four walls in a prison where food is
your comfort and your friend.
Is a horrible way to exist food is not a comfort but
your destruction that relationship needs to end.
You can't find Love from behind 4 walls you need
to take the plunge but not without Yah directing you.
Or you'll fall into the same traps and snares that so
many are constantly falling into.
You need to break out of that prison and get your
body a new life before it shuts down from the weight.
I hear you're a very pretty woman so you need to
break away from that stronghold it's not too late.
The table and the kitchen isn't a comfort don't fool
yourself into being content with sitting on your behind.
You have a fight to win and the self esteem issues are
nothing but shatan waging a war inside your mind.
In the house over weight and over eating is where
he wants you slowly killing yourself can't you see.
From those males he put into your life they were
there for one purpose and that was to cause misery.
You're not the only one who shatan has imprisoned
there are many who he's trying to destroy also.
There are males and females who are messed up who
are prisoners of their own making you need to know.
You need to get out with Janice one Sunday and walk
get out the house and away from that table for real.
Your children need you they don't need to see their Mother
constantly commit suicide because the food will kill.
You're a prisoner of your own making in a prison you
made and now it's time to break free.
I'm out there every Sunday with camera in hand
Nicole you need to get out here if you want to see me.

Inspired by Nicole but for many more
shelly david wright, poet

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