Saturday, October 2, 2010



Inconceivable is the Beautiful woman that I see
standing before me adorned in a Wedding dress.
Inconceivable is the Beautiful woman that my
heart feels and her inner Beauty is no less.
Inconceivable is what Yah has done for us reuniting
2 from the beginning of eternity.
Now standing at the Altar in His presence
a day that it seemed in my flesh I would never see.
Inconceivable is how we met and fell in Love
when I had given up and there she came.
Like a breeze on an early Spring morning
I knew then that you should carry my last name.
Our time spent on the phone and together made
us bond and a Beautiful couple to all we became.
Since that day the Most High sent you into my life
nothing about living has ever been the same.
Inconceivable is the Love that I feel for this woman
that I will marry and be with all of my life.
Inconceivable is the promise and prayers of a
Miracle when on this day in the flesh she'll be my wife.
I say in the flesh because in spirit we were always
meant as before life began as we know it we were one.
It was only by design that when we were reintroduced
we had each others hearts won.
Inconceivable is the thought that I'm standing here on
a day that I really thought would never be.
With a woman I cannot believe is mine to Love and
behold a woman that compliments and completes me.
My vows will be words from my heart you will hear
my voice but Yah will be saying them.
The same when she opens her mouth from her heart
what flows out is the Beauty that will come from Him.
Inconceivable is this day of all the days that I've lived
one I will cherish as I will treasure my wife everyday.
I will thank Yah every moment with every breath
for her every minute of every second that I pray.
Inconceivable as I kiss my Bride and later on as we
consummate our marriage in an expression of true Love.
Inconceivable is this Beautiful woman that I see standing
before me a Wonderful creation sent from above.

shelly david wright, poet

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