Tuesday, October 5, 2010

There's No Substitute for Love

"There's No Substitute for Love."

There are many trying to fill a void where they'll
Shop, Gamble, Eat, etc but nothing takes Love's place.
No matter what you do there's no substitute for Love
this is a truth you'll just have to face.
You can have all the sex you want all the drugs you
can take but it's all worthless because it can't compare.
You see Love is without equal nothing will ever be
able to satisfy you the way Love does when you care.
Food is a horrible substitute because many find
themselves over eating and gaining so much weight.
Then they have more problems because now they see a
larger person in the mirror they now hate.
There's no substitute for Love gambling is really
a bad one because when you don't win you lose.
Shopping isn't that great because what you need
you can't buy but to many this isn't News.
You can have all the Money in the world go from
store to store club to club to make it rain.
But no matter how much you have or how much
you spend you cannot hide the pain.
There's no substitute for Love it's impossible for
there ever to be one.
Many need to have that heart to heart to fill
the void that a broken heart left undone.
You see Love is all and all we need everything
else is extra but nothing is more than Love.
Whatever you imagine it won't compare in fact
truthfully there's nothing you can think of.
There's nothing compared to Love and you will
never find a substitute nowhere on earth.
There's no substitute for Love everything is vanity
yes compared to Love's true worth.
You can shop at the finest stores or gamble in
Atlantic City or eat until you burst.
There's no substitute for what you really need in
your life and Love comes first.
There's no substitute for Love and there never will
be for Love is Yah Elohim the Most High.
Love is the answer to all our problems and it's the
only thing that we'll ever need this you cannot deny.

shelly david wright, poet

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