Thursday, October 14, 2010

Keep Your Treasure Buried

"Keep Your Treasure Buried."

You should keep your treasure buried deep in your
underwear it's worth to many is beyond measure.
Many will scheme, Plot, lie, cheat, whatever they
can do to get into your treasure.
You need to realize your self worth and starting
with your treasure it's all they really want from you.
You've seen how many have been treated after their
treasure was taken and the Hell that they went through.
It's the most important part of your body not your face
not your ass or your shape but what lies between.
When they get an erection they'll say anything to get
you on your back or however you know what I mean.
The world makes sex look innocent and it's a casual act
it's something that people who care about each other do.
All these messages are designed to get you to give up
your treasure your treasure is what these demons pursue.
Demons I say because sex is a spiritual act that will
bring on a Soul tie it's a Sacred Act of consummation.
You actually marry spiritually everyone you have
sex with and spirits access you through penetration.
Why do you think they change on you once they've
had you your treasure has been taken you're worthless.
Once they get you to the mindset of believing their
deception you're toast when you get undressed.
Same thing goes for the Brothers shatan really uses
you and you don't know the cost you'll have to pay.
You think you're having fun now but who says that
you'll live to repent when it's with shatan you play.
Yah created Love and Marriage and Lovemaking as
the wedding gift He wants you to enjoy your life.
But He only wants you to enjoy Lovemaking with the
one He's given that Husband or that Wife.
When you lean to your own understanding you're truly
being led by spirits who are leading your mind astray.
They are taking as many lives with them in the Lake
of Fire and there will be Billions Burning on Judgment day.
Keep your treasure buried or reap the heartbreaks and
the drama, demons, and disease that follow your sin.
You need to know your treasure is valuable it's priceless
unless they're ready for lifetime commitment it ain't going in.

shelly david wright, poet

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