Sunday, October 17, 2010

You're Coming Up Short

"You're Coming up Short."

When you settle for less you come up short
and you get less than what you deserve emotionally.
Scriptures say don't be unequally yoked but some
will take anything just to say they have somebody.
You come up short when you settle for someone who
you know doesn't fit you like you need.
Don't settle out of desperation for the first thing to
come along take your time this advice please heed.
Far too many relationships have ended where the
one who settled got the bad end of the deal.
They were messed over thinking they can change
a Leopard's spots not their heart needs to heal.
You need to know you can't change what Yah hasn't
they're that way because they want to be.
You need to hope that the Most High changes you
out of that mindset that leads to insanity.
You come up short when you settle for less you know
you need to realize it's about sex to plenty.
Love is something they can only say with ease but it's
an emotion that is not felt by too many.
You need to be selective and not settle and selective
in the spirit of Yah so He can direct you.
Most choose a person based on what they have or
how they look but shatan has that kind of mate too.
Coming up short is what many do in their choices
in mates when they cannot really afford to choose.
Because the outside doesn't tell you what lurks on
the inside and with a bad choice you'll lose.
I'm going to wait on Yah because I know He knows
without a doubt who is the right one for me.
I'll be the one who will lose out if I choose based on
looks when their heart is the part I cannot see.
Don't settle just to have someone and be not unequally
yoked with someone who does not believe.
Sure they'll have many who talk the talk but a lot of
them are there just so they can deceive.
Don't come up short with someone who keeps you depressed
who doesn't care about you who has no sensitivity.
You need to ask Yah to send your mate someone like
yourself who Loves and is filled with sincerity.

shelly david wright, poet'

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