Sunday, October 17, 2010

To Love and Protect Not Abuse and Reject

"To Love and Protect Not Abuse and Reject."

We are to Love and protect our Queens and not
abuse and reject them as many of you do.
Let's be real how can you say you Love them
when the Love of the Most High isn't in you.
You must know Him to know Love because the
one many of you serve doesn't know Love at all.
What you have is a sexual encounter you really
have nothing more than a Booty call.
Now add total disrespect and insensitivity and
you get pregnant for someone like him.
This story is real and there are many females
who are living it and I mean plenty of them.
They're really unwanted, unloved, and not cared
about just a body for someone to completely use.
They're not trying to protect these females that need
protection from them for their lives they could lose.
To Love and protect not abuse and reject is the mindset
that many should have because is they're weaker ones.
Yet many still treat them like sex things when many only
want to be Loved and appreciated to have their hearts won.
A real woman who is a Queen wants to be respected and
when you do so she will give her all when she truly knows.
That she is Loved and appreciated and treated like she
is special and from her heart you will feel her Love flows.
The shatan mindset of males is to show no feelings and
to be hard that's the way they feel real men should be.
With that kind of thinking it's no wonder we are in
a world that's filled so much insanity.
There's nothing more wonderful than Love and when
you can display it you have a Beautiful thing.
When two who are in Love are on the same page
there's so much happiness true Love can bring.
Sad is shatan's daughters who say if a man shows
feelings it's a sign of weakness that they show.
They will take full advantage of someone who shows
caring and when they use him up he has to go.
To Love and protect and not abuse and reject is
what we should through the spirit of Yah be about.
Because the wickedness we see that they call
relationships is something we can do without.

shelly david wright, poet

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