Sunday, October 10, 2010

If it's a Dream

"If it's a Dream."

If what I'm experiencing is a dream well let me
die in my sleep so I can have it for an eternity.
Because the most Beautiful part about breathing
is having you in my life so intimately.
The Love that you've given me is more than I've
ever felt in my life before.
Everyday is a blessing when I see your face because
with every second I find myself Loving you more.
If this is a dream I don't want it to end never
wake me because I've never felt this way.
Life in it's cruel state of being is made Beautiful
when I get to see you everyday.
You're the reason that Yah created Love and Beauty
was spoken into being along with your name.
When I first looked into your eyes and felt your
heart I knew my life would never be the same.
I'm falling so deeply in Love with you and
I'm ready to devote my whole life to you.
This is the end of my yearning for I've found
my life's treasure and my world too.
Let's bring this dream to another level by
sharing a Love in the deepness of matrimony.
Please let me have this dream for a lifetime
I hope you feel the way I do by marrying me.
If it's a dream I don't want to ever wake up
let me keep my eyes closed and never see.
Because I want to be here in this dream where
I'm with the one I will Love forever endlessly.
My heart and my life I give to you my all is
what I give to the one I hopelessly Love.
When I touch you for the first time in the most
intimate way we'll be Making Love in a cloud above.
If this is a dream I'm glad that you're in it and that
we're together because this is how I want to spend my life.
I want to live every moment given by Yah making
you happy in every way possible for being my wife.
If this is a dream then Yah gave it to me and
I know He's going to make it become a reality.
Where I'm with the one He's given me from His
heart a formed piece of true poetry.

shelly david wright,poet

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