Thursday, October 28, 2010

True Companionship

"True Companionship."

This is a prayer more than a poem that I pray
will be answered soon by the Most High.
There are many who don't want to go through
life alone and I'm one I cannot deny.
True companionship is what many yearn for
someone who is their better half in life.
Someone to talk with walk with spend precious
moments with I'm talking about a wife.
They say Dog is man's best friend but Yah created
the woman for the man as Scriptures say.
I want my true companion the bone of my bone
before a Dog I'd take a wife from Yah any day.
I had a conversation this morning with Alice who
mentioned she'd like the very same.
Someone she could share her life with someone
who would step up and give her their last name.
Yah said it's not good for the man to be alone and
He gave Adam His better half right from his side.
He was given a wife a companion a helpmeet to
help meet his needs someone in whom he could confide.
True companionship may be something the whorish
aren't interested in because they're just playing around.
But there's a cost associated to everything in life and
the cost of their foolishness may just put them in the ground.
There are people who have enough spirits in them that
they're not really human anymore.
You may think this sounds strange or you might think it's
funny but have you ever read the Scriptures before.
Fallen Angels had sex with women who produced Giants
because of sin Yah had to wash away mankind in the flood.
There were men, women, and children, it could have been
millions destroyed when Yah's wrath shed much blood.
I want to do it Yah's way and not lean to the flesh or my
own understanding outside of His wisdom and will.
I want what He gave to Adam that's true companionship
I want a Love that's genuine and real.
True companionship is what's needed in many lives those
who realize they want to have someone special for them.
I know that this is a prayer more than a poem and the desires
of my heart was put there in the spirit from Him.

Shelly David Wright, Poet

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