Friday, October 22, 2010

Beautiful in Every Shade

"Beautiful in Every Shade."

There's no one who can compare to a Hebrew
woman they're Beautiful in every shade.
They are indeed the epitome of Beauty that
the Most High in His brilliance has made.
In different heights and sizes from Plus Love
Ladies to those who are slim and petite.
When they have His essence and His spirit
they're much more than Honey sweet.
They're Beautiful in every shade from
dark satin to Caramel even to a Red bone.
They are a feast for the eyes someone to
delight in with their variety of skin tones.
But beyond the outer appearance the Sisters
are far more than their looks could be.
Their Beauty is of their spirit because Yah
dwells within them inwardly.
They're Beautiful in fact the most Beautiful
women in creation that others envy you.
They Love your dark skin your full lips the
sway when you move your hips your curves too.
You are the original woman you're children of
the first Sister who was a Beautiful creation also.
You don't need to be tricked by shatan into looking
like someone else this you need to know.
From your hair in it's natural form there's nothing
wrong it's the way your Father created it you see.
You after the first woman was made in the image
of the Most High and not just spiritually.
His physical appearance and from the dirt that
is Black you became.
You are the true Queens and Princesses to be
on earth to think less of yourself is a shame.
From your natural curves to the sweetness
that make you so unique you are a prize.
You are the creation that came first and
no one is above you, it's all lies.
Beautiful in every shade you are and
for me a dream that has come true.
You're a Beauty that is poetry in
motion a Masterpiece like the
world has never knew.

shelly david wright, poet

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