Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Sounds of Love

"The Sounds of Love."

There are no sweeter sounds than the sounds of
Love as we moan and groan into unspeakable pleasure.
From skin to skin and heart to heart with lips
that meet in a deep passionate kiss beyond all measure.
The sounds of Love from the moisture or the sweat
our bodies will produce a sweet melody.
The sounds that we will hear as we enjoy the moments
are the most precious of all in intimacy.
The sounds of Love the heart beats and the breaths
we take as our bodies produce more sweat.
Working together with the goal of pleasing the other
and to the ultimate ending that we'll never forget.
The sounds of Love and that of Lovemaking that
we'd rather hear than any other sound.
These are the sweetest sounds ever known to the ears
when two are in Love, intensely their hearts pound.
The sounds of Love starts with words that will
introduce the two into a realm of sheer delight.
Two who will pamper and please each other not
just for Lovemaking but practice this every night.
True Love isn't just felt in the bedroom but every
room in and out of the house, Love to your spouse you show.
There isn't a time when they don't need to hear you say
that you Love them in actions and deed let them know.
The sounds of Love can be heard in the music
I enjoy music that arouses the way of true romance.
It's not about extravagance but the simple things it's
about making her feel Loved that will get her out her pants.
The sounds of Love are what my ears long to hear they're
the sounds she'll make when you caress her soft skin.
She'll release sounds not just from her being aroused but when
she Loves you it will be from her heart within.
When you Love you will hear the sounds of Love not taking
a moment for granted but enjoying each and every one.
When you Love you are hearing the sounds of pleasure
you're giving and receiving it's Lovemaking that's done.
The sounds of Love are those heard from the beginning to
the end until you reach your destination and you breathe heavily.
These are the sounds that come from two bodies that expressed
a Love that they feel both physically and emotionally.

shelly david wright, poet

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