Sunday, May 9, 2010

Not the Paper But the Commitment

"Not the Paper But the Commitment."

Marriage is more than the license it's far more
than the piece of paper that's of no worth.
It is a union where the two whom Yah has joined
are made one before the foundation of the earth.
Many have that piece of paper and they've taken
that license and made it one to commit adultery.
The value of their marriage is as valuable as the
paper the license is printed on worthless entirely.
If marriage isn't in your heart and in your spirit
a ceremony or a piece of paper will mean nothing.
Because into many lives there is so much drama where
the spirits they have are wicked and only hurt they bring.
Many have rings on their fingers and it's just a piece
of jewelry there is no meaning or commitment behind it.
Many in shatan's world go after those who are married
they want someone who is committed they'll admit.
They may not be committed to their spouses but they're
surely committed to their father shatan who they obey.
What Yah created and blessed to make it set apart the
adversary mocked it and made it a game many play.
The head of marriage is Yah and it should be built on
a foundation of His Love that He's placed within you.
If this isn't the main ingredients then it will fail as many
are falling and failing everyday so many marriages do.
Shatan marries his who are unconscious of who they are
and these disasters bring out the worst in them.
These are the marriages the world sees and say that's why
they don't want to get married a horrible example from him.
Marriage is Love and devotion, commitment and caring all
these and more should be within before you meet that special one.
You must be chosen and be spiritually Yah's before the mindset
of marriage can be in your heart and their heart can be won.
Not the paper but the commitment that wants to make
you treasure and cherish someone above yourself for life.
You should be willing to place their needs above yours
and know that you must deny self for your wife.
More valuable than the license that the state gives you
is the marriage that Yah has blessed you with from above.
Before the meeting, the dating, and the engagement there
should be a mindset to commit and a heart filled with Love.

shelly david wright, poet

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